Bullies Use Magic Too (closed for NeatSilence)

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Feb 22, 2010

Lucius had always been the top student at Hogwarts. Both in popularity and in studies. The teachers liked him because he was incredibly gifted, and really quite polite to their face. The other students liked him because he was rich, and always threw the best parties. They excused the fact that he was not nice to the people he did not like, especially since most of them past through his scorn untouched. He reserved his anger for the outcasts, oddballs, and weirdum's that tried to attend his school and hang out with his friends.

Of course this was mostly reserved for the boys. They deserved all of his hate.

The girls depended on entirely how pretty they were. If they were cute, and sort of bookwormish he would first try other things, and if they didn't work he would treat them just like the weirdum's. If they were sexy? He would charm them. That came easily. If they were ugly hag's he would treat them just like the boys. Truly he was a bully, and the worst kind since he excelled at studies and very rarely got caught when he did bully. He was always quick witted, and quick worded. Rarely failing to find some excuse for anything that he did, or was said to have done.

Today was the first day of school, and he was excited to be back.

Standing at the doorway to the dormitory rooms, he smiled at old friends, and glared at old enemies, but really it was the new crop of freshmen that caught his interest. Especially the girls. Ever since coming here he'd been infatuated with girls. Especially the shy, cute ones, that didn't seem to want to admit that they were really pretty. When the blushed, or smiled, or even cried. That gave him all sorts of pleasure.

Spotting a very cute, and very interesting, cute little thing he left his perch, swooping in like an eagle.

"Hello there," He said softly, his hand going to her hip while the other took her bag, "You look a little lost. I'm Lucius."

Lisa never imagined, not even in her bravest dreams, that someday she'll receive a letter from Hogwarts, inviting her to study wizardry. First she even thought it was stupid joke by her older sister who's been calling her witch just for fun, but as it appeared it wasn't one more foolish joke. Who could have ever guessed that Lisa, child from a casual family (They call them muggles in magic world) can be witch for real? Surely, nobody. As well as nobody could lead her to the so-called Diagon Alley, which she couldn't find on city's map for the life of her, and it appeared to be the only one place where she could buy books and uniform that she needed for studying in Hogwarts.

But things seemed to work out as someday while walking down the London streets some stranger invited her to the strange looking cafe, named 'Leaky Cauldron'. Sure, Lisa would eventually run away once she heard such a suggestion from somebody she saw for the first time in her life, but as he told that from there she might get into Diagon Alley, girl gave up and followed the stranger, still ready to call emergency if something went wrong. Yet he didn't lie - she really got into Diagon Alley, and really found everything she needed in there.

Summer, still full of fear and doubts, has passed even faster than always, and school has started so soon as well. Before Lisa found Diagon Alley she was totally sure it was such a stupid joke, but after actually finding all the needed books she understood that letter from Hogwarts was real after all, that's why she didn't turn around and go home once she saw platform number which didn't even exist. Indeed, it took her quite a long time to find it, and if she hasn't noticed some people disappearing after they've bumped into column between 10th and 9th platforms, Lisa would get late to the Hogwarts express.

Lisa's luck seemed to be endless - she found all the hidden things of that mysterious wizards world and actually reached castle, went through sorting (she got into Gryffindor) and now with other freshmen was heading to their bedrooms.

Somebody has stopped her, and Lisa turned around. Her eyes widened as she saw a blond haired guy, obviously few years older than she is, standing in front of her. She didn't even get enough of time to say something, as she felt his hand sliding down to her hip. Lisa felt a heat all over her cheeks and soon they were covered by a bright pink blush. "L....Lisa.." She said, her voice trebling and cracking a bit. Girl nodded a bit, instead of telling him that it was nice to meet him. "And I'm not lost thank you for care, though!" She quickly muttered,with some more confidence in her voice, pushing his hand away. Seriously, what was he thinking? They've just met and he's already touching her like this!
Still holding her bag, Lucius walked backwards with a smile plastered upon his face, and his eyes fixed on the cute girls pretty eyes. He knew that they liked his smile, the females that is, and this would be no exception. "Upsidium, gravitium," With a flick of his wrist he continued to walk backwards, but only now both he and the new girl were walking upon the ceiling of the hallway instead of the floor. He gave a grin, "It's a pleasure to meet you Lisa. Welcome to Hogwarts! You must be new... I haven't seen you, or met you before, and I'm sure I would have remembered you... You've got too cute of a face to forget."

With a wink, he turned and began walking down the hallway, then he stopped when he noticed she wasn't following him.

"Come along! I'll take you to the freshman floors. They're just up ahead. Trust me, it's much more fun to walk up on the ceiling then down on the floor with all those muggles and pretenders. They've no idea what true wizardry can do. Like me! Perhaps... If you'd like... I'll show you sometime. Now, do come along!"

Reaching out, he took her hand and gave it a pull. When she got closer, he kissed it, and gave her another wink as he walked her through the halls and down the up stairs, all the way to her room, finally once arriving he did let the gravity go back the way it was. Muttering the words, "Downidium gravitium."

They landed quite closer though, with their lips a few inches apart, just as he had planned.

"Sorry." He muttered, before backing away and handing her bag over.

"So Lisa... Will I see you in the dining hall, later on?"
Lisa's eyes has widened even more as he didn't seem to plan on giving up on her just because of her pushing his hand away. Though no matter how sweetly he was smiling, it didn't impress her at all. Lucius seemed to be way too fake, like he's acting this nicely to her only because it might get him some use - Lisa didn't even doubt that it's how it really was, but his purpose was still unknown to her. Though she didn't even want to know it. First impression he did wasn't so nice, even though most of girls would just melt away because of such a gesture, and Lisa just felt that getting to know him any closer might be such a big stupid mistake. Lucius was definitely kind of guy she would rather avoid than stick with him.

Suddenly she felt something weird going on, the same feeling as when you're weak after not eating for a long time. Closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead Lisa hoped this unpleasant feeling will go away soon, and as it vanished she has opened her eyes.

What she saw scared and excited her in the same time - they were actually standing on the ceiling! Lisa was afraid to move, though watching like Lucius walked calmly that it seemed he's doing it everyday, Lisa followed him. She had no other choice but move, otherwise she would left behind and would have no ideas how to go back down, and this fact was scaring Lisa even more than taking a first step. Which appeared to be not scary at all and felt like a normal walking...

"Thank you.." She muttered still looking around, not being able to believe it wasn't a dream. But it all.. It was just too good to be truth. But his quote about 'muggles and pretenders' proved her it wasn't a dream after all.. Now Lisa really wanted to get rid of him, and would definitely do it if she wasn't afraid to fall down. Slowly she's been starting to dislike Lucius more and more, no matter how hard he tried to charm her by his manners and arrogance.

Lisa shivered at feeling how he took her by the hand, how he kissed it and how they landed, just as suddenly as they got to the ceiling - the same unpleasant feeling of weakness. Everything seemed to happen as in slowed down movie - scene after scene. For some reasons her disgust towards blond haired guy has increased even more, maybe because now he was invading her personal space even more than Lisa ever allowed anybody?

Thanks god he stepped away - Lisa would simply push him away from herself, no matter how impolite it would be. He deserved it. Getting her bag back girl nodded slightly instead of saying 'thanks', and after receiving his question thought for a minute.

"Sure you will... But as I understood it seems to be a really bad thing to be a muggle-born in your book... Sorry to tell you, but I'm actually one of them - there's no magicians in my family."

Lisa truly hoped that it will make him stay away from her - oh, she almost prayed that after that Lucius would find her disgusting just as much as he was to her. For some unknown reasons Lisa wanted him to hate her, never talk or even look at her, just act that they've never met.

(sorry, sorry, sorry! I know this post sucks, I'm having a massive writer's block now..!)
Lucius only smirked in response. Of course she was muggle-born, why else would he be pretending to be so nice to her? It was only so that she would say these sorts of things, and open herself up to a world full of pain and hurt once he really decided to turn on the charm. Instead of saying anything mean now, he simply shrugged his shoulders and gave her a hopeful smile.

"Well, now there is a magician, you!"

That at least made her blush and stopped her from looking at him in such a hostile way, perhaps she thought he was trying to be nice? No, probably not. Lucius knew the darkness in him was a little too strong to really hide, but he was going to try his hardest with her. That would really give him an advantage when he decided to have his fun with this precious little morsel. Stepping out of her room, he threw a wave and a goodbye over his shoulder casually.

"Good luck with school! Let me know if you need any help!"

Then he was gone around the corner, and if she tried to see which way he went down the hall Lisa wouldn't see that either. Because Lucius had walked right into the nearest mirror with the word: Teleportius magikus! Then he was staring out of one of the many mirrors in Lisa's very own room. Waiting for her to get changed into her new uniform. He just had to make sure, first, that she was just as pretty under her clothes as she seemed to be. The moment he was sure of that, would be the moment he'd start to have some fun with her... Well, he actually already had. Because the moment he could see her panties he had whispered the words, Lightius Touchius Tenderius Breathius. The barely breathed words would create a light, pleasurable, almost unnoticeable touch to her panties and the front of her crotch.

Just enough to get her aroused, but not enough for her to figure out why.

Lucius only wanted to see if she knew about sex, and things it entailed. It was all... Innocent fun... For now.
Lisa blinked surprised, as she was sure that once he heard about her being muggle-born, Lucius will back away and leave her alone... Maybe will even begin to bully her. 'Yet better than acting like he's my boyfriend!' she thought, watching him to walk away. With a small sigh, red haired girl stared at the place where she saw his blond hair for the last time, and then, after turning on her heel, she headed to the Gryffindor's tower.

Climbing up massive and big stairs, Lisa had enough of time to think about what has happened, though it still seemed like some kind of fantastic dream... Somehow reminding her some fantasy books that she did read when she was younger. School of magic, charming but yet evil and seemingly devious young man, trying to seduce her... It all sounded so unreal, so twisted and... Like an obvious trap. Something about all this was making young student of Hogwarts to feel worried, really worried... Though headmaster's speech about school of wizardry was inspiring, since he said it was one of the most secure places in the world... Lisa wasn't convinced yet.

She has finally entered common rooms of Gryffindors - luckily there were some people next to the portrait, so she was told this week's password. Lisa headed to the girl's dormitory which was already empty. With a little sigh she took out her school unifor from the old looking suitcase, and began changing clothes.

First she got rid of her sweater, revealing her pale and pointy shoulders, as well as slim, but sort of short, waist. She dropped sweater on her bed, eventually pulling down tight jeans, which were thrown on the bed as well. With a slight sigh redhead grabbed her uniform's skirt, but then, suddenly, her eyes widened.

Lisa let off her skirt, letting it to fall on the floor. All of sudden she felt an urge that she couldn't explain. Biting on her bottom lip, girl shook head a bit, trying to make all the thoughts that began occurring her mind to go away, but the arousal seemed to be only growing. Her breathing became heavier, nipples hidden by her bra hardened, and Lisa could swear she felt a wet spot appearing on her panties.

Desperately trying to fight her desire, she leaned down to take her skirt, but couldn't handle even that. Girl fell on her knees and grabbed on the corned of her bed, as her other hand went between her legs. Closing her eyes, Lisa pressed fingers against her sensitive area through the panties, and feeling the massive wetness began rubbing it. A soft moan has escaped her lips, and she clenched on the sheet of her bed, still staying on her knees, caressing herself.
Lucius reacted with surprise. His eyebrows went up, both in the mirror and on his forehead. Then he frowned, wondering if he had used too strong of a spell, but in the end decided it didn't matter. Lisa was giving him just the show he wanted, and he felt his cock growing within his trousers. With a sudden grin, an inspiration came to him as he caught sight of her comb inside of her suitcase, with a flick of his wand he sent the item tumbling so that it landed directly in front of Lisa. It's long handle would be ideal for any young girl to... Use... To pleasure ones self. Though he knew that he was provoking her curiosity, he couldn't help but try, and if she suspected something she would never actually find out what was happening. Less, of course, if she was a much better magician than he suspected.

As it was, he had no fear of her detecting him, and even decided it would be worth doing his own... Exploration.

Grabbing his cock inside of his trousers, he fed it through the fly and began to squeeze and stroke it slowly. Just as Lisa picked up the hand of her comb and looked at it curiously, still she was obviously tingling, as he other hand was still between her legs. "Oh yes lil one," He hissed to himself, "You know exactly what to do wit that."
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