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Ohbasin (1-on-1) (steampunk)

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Mar 10, 2010
In front of My computer
Okay i have my sexual fantasy Roles being filled at the moment (But i can always have more going on)

However I have a craving for a Steampunk RP.

Basically there is a Planet called Ohbasin. This planet is very similar to earth as it can support human life. And the highest evolved species resemble humans in many ways. However unlike earth, there is little to no land mass. In fact the only Land mass in existence is covered by trees producing oxygen for the entire planet. Due to this gasoline, electronics and everything known to us in modern day society does not exist. Instead Ohbasin's highest form of technology is Steampowered.

With the invention of Steam powered engines, Most Cities (Which were built on decks floating on the water) were lifted into the sky with propellers. And as the invention of steam engines grew, so did the uses.

Now About two hundred years later Steam engines are everywhere. There are flying machines that are used for travel, either as transport ships, or even Personal use. Unfortunately there are also things known as Sky pirates, people who hunt down unguarded ships, raid them, and if they need to, will strip the ship of any valuable parts, usually taking the steam engine powering the ship. Along with food and water, and any valuables such as gold, platinum, silver diamonds and the like.

Technological Advancement:
I know steam power is the top but they also have
-Solar Power:
It is the idea of using Solar panels but they only gather heat to continue building steam.
It is the same basis as a flintlock however they do have a bit more advanced versions not needing as much time to reload.
There are certain Oil refineries at water level gathering oil. They are used to grease gears on many machines, and it is also burned in oil lamps.

If you are interested let me know. I was thinking either Playing pirates or possibly having fun in the world itself as citizens.
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