World of Domination [Himeko x Gashnaw]


Mar 10, 2010
In front of My computer
How could this have happened. Deathwing was the only being to release them, Terramorphing the land to allow the Worgens to rejoin their allies, known as the alliance. Unfortunately that also wiped them out. The Horde quickly making progress in dwindling the numbers of alliance members to just a few dozen handfuls Scattered across the remainder of Azeroth.

Alexandra was one of the few Worgens left. They were hit hard and quick. The blood elves wasted no time at all raiding their strongholds, and with the help of Orcs, Taurens, trolls and the Undead, Along with corrupted or charmed Worgens, they fell quickly.

All Alexandra dreamed of these days wee sleep. There were people after her, she always heard them in the forest, closing in. Getting closer each day and each day she slowly got increasing exhausted. She just needed sleep. Just a few minutes would be enough, unfortunately she knew that those few minutes would be too long. The only way to hide was to blend in, and luckily another mud pool was up ahead. The best way to hide was to blend in with the forest surroundings, and usually her Strawberry blonde fur stood out. These days, it had become a very dark brown, due to common dives in a mud bath in order to hide. though a simple bath would change that quickly. Still she needed sleep. and as soon as she felt safe, she closed her eyes, quickly falling into a deep slumber, maybe she would be lucky and they would pass her. After all she was the one that had the extraordinary senses.
Himeko had been tracking a Worgen down for so long now. Her mistress, Lady Sylvanas had ordered her to find and capture the lone Worgen, which is what she would do. With Deathwing being back it in many ways gave the Horde the upper hand in this, the Worgen had became one with the Alliance, yes, however Gilneas was part of Silverpine Forest, which was Horde territory.

Lady Sylvanas despised the creatures and the Alliance for they never left her and her kind alone. They always tried to claim the land as theirs, when before they were known as the Forsaken, Lordaron was their home. And it was still their home even in undeath. Himeko was one of Sylvanas's greatest Dark Rangers she had, Himeko was one of the ones who had served Sylvanas when she had once been alive. She had worked her way up the ranks to becoming one of Sylvanas's top generals, which was an honor beyond anything.

She had done a great job in keeping herself concealed from the Worgen and watched as she had hid herself in the mud. She knew the beast was tired and knew she was hiding in the mud to get some rest, which didn't bother her one bit. She would let the beast get into a nice deep slumber so she could capture her. She had planed to make this special Worgen who had kept her on her feet for some time now, her personal slave. She knew she'd have to break this beast in and was prepared to do so.

Once she felt the beast was in deep slumber, she shot a wyrvren arrow at the Worgen, just to make sure she stayed asleep, hell even putting her into a deeper slumber. Jumping down from the tree she quickly grabbed the beast and bound her with chains Worgens couldn't break. She motioned to one of the Deathstalkers that had been with her to get one of the bats and he nodded. It wasn't too long before he came back with one and she smirked. "Thank you Jerade, I shall be taking this slave to the special prisons." She replied curtly as she got the Worgen on the bat and flew off with the beast. Once they reached the special prison Lady Sylvanas had prepared for her she took the Worgen and chained her to the walls of the prison. Now all she had to do was wait for the beast to wake up, then she'd have her fun.
Alexandra took quite a while to wake up, even the after the Wyvern arrow's poison wore off she still slept. Obviously days without sleep would wear one out and Alexandra, being on the weaker side of the great war, had only a limited amount of time before she could surrender. And Now the limited amount of time was at an end, though she was stubborn and was not about to forfeit without some struggle.

Stirring back to consciousness the first thing she noticed was the feeling of caked on mud, her entire body had not been washed in days and it had become very uncomfortable, along with her fur matted from sweat and other junk. The second thing that came to her mind was the fact that she was awake and no longer tired, which quickly brought her to the fact that she was no longer in the forest, but instead chained up in what looked to be a dungeon of some sort.

Mentally cursing she looked around, the canine qualities quickly getting a glimpse of the surroundings, trying to see if there was anyone else around. There had to be someone around, she could smell them, but they were out of her line of sight.
"who's there?" She asked angrily not at all pleased with this situation.
Himeko had watched the sleeping Worgen for hours, waiting for her to awake. She knew she would have to wash the beast off, but she'd do that after she had awoken. She sat in a chair that was like her throne in the darkest side of the dungeon, watching with her red eyes glowing impatiently. Her ears twitched when she heard movement from the Worgen and smirked. She just sat back and watched the beast slowly wake and take into her surroundings.

The Worgen looked confused and angry. 'Mmmm... I'm going to have fun breaking this one in...' She thought as she curled her purple lips back and wrapped the fine, sturdy whip around her hand. Hearing her ask who was there was her que to make herself known now. "I see you're awake dear." She called out as she got up and walked over to the beast. Her eyes wondered over the beast and smirked, she placed a hand on her hip, showing off her slim figure. "Hmmm... We're going to have to wash you off if I'm to have my way with you." She cooed as she walked over and turned a knob, releasing water from above the Worgen. She had this place fixed to her liking, she knew the beast would be filthy and knew she'd have to clean her off without having the beast attack her. The water gushed out and covered the Worgen, washing away all the caked mud and grime, cleaning her off well.

When the beast was cleaned off she turned the water off and walked back over to her. "There we go, all better." She chuckled at the drenched Worgen who was now at her mercy. She eyed the beast up and down, looking at her features and smirked. Her breasts were of perfect size and her fur was such a lovely color, she was starting to like her new pet. "Mmmm... I'm so glad Lady Sylvanas let me have my way... I'm going to enjoy breaking you into the perfect slave of the Horde." She said laughing as she started to remove her armor, reviling her large round breasts. Her figure was perfect in every aspect and her darkish skin was nothing like the others of her kind, her skin tone was the same as her mistress which is what made her unique. After she had removed the top of her armor she grinned and stared at the Worgen. "Now... Shall we get started?" She asked as she watched and waited to see what the beast would do now.
Alexandra Snarled angrily at who would soon be her Mistress. She was in no position to fight back but it wasn't like she wouldn't. Struggling at the chains thrust as much as her body forward trying to get the being in front of her to back off. Most species remaining on Azeroth did not gnat to face off against a worgen, especially those who had one as pissed off as Alex in front of them. IN fact the only creatures Alex had met that ever held their ground against her were Nerubians, Tauren and the Death knights of Arthas, who was now missing.

"Let me go you damn corpse" Alexandra snarled again trying to make herself look fearsome, the the chains bounding her did little to help. It was easy to tell that it was taking all of Alexandra's energy to even attempt to fight back. With lack of sleep came lack of food, but at least the rabbit she had found earlier was enough to keep her going but not enough to completely rejuvenate her energy.
Hearing the angry snarls made her laugh, this beast didn't scare her and she was going to be the one to put fear into the Worgen. She looked at the beast and smirked again. "Looks like you really need to know your place now beast. I will not let you go you mangy mutt, oh no. You belong to me now. You will never be free ever again, you will be my slave forever." She chuckled as she started to undo her pants, a large bulge was forming as she started to remove them.

Once her pants were removed it reviled a large cock, it was starting to throb and pulse as she watched the beast, grinning. "I know how much your kind prides themselves on how powerful and... Superior you think you are compared to the rest of us... But I shall make an example of you... You have been by far the hardest one to get and you've been a major pain in my ass." She said curtly as she got closer to the Worgen, pressing her member against her thigh, knowing the beast couldn't do anything to stop her now.
Alexandra Snarled again Snapping at Himeko as soon as she was close but unfortunately just out of range of the muzzle.
"You damn bitch" Alexandra Yelled and then tensed up when she felt the member pressed against her thigh. She may have been a race proud of their strength and Honor. But the idea of being raped was just not what she called pleasurable
"Make an example of me?" She said with weak laugh. "Your brain must be missing, You think I will be your slave?" Her voice showed actual fear as she was well aware that the losing side of the two factions was being wiped out and obviously if Alexandra refused to submit, she will simply be disposed of. "Really, what were you planning on doing to make me submit?" But the cock pressed against her leg was already an answer, breaking her would b quite easy. Plus it didn't help that she was still a virgin.
"Now now, no need to so hasty my pet, you'll get to have your fun soon enough." She chuckled as she reached up to grab the Worgens breasts, pinching the nipples gently and smirked as she reached down with her other hand and began to play with her clit, wanting to get this beast all worked up and begging for her. Worgens were easy to manipulate like this, specially the females. "Shhh... Shhh... I'll make you feel soooo much better.... Or I could really make it hurt... You decide my pretty little puppy." She cooed as she moved her finger over the creatures clit a little faster and pinched a little harder while pressing her cock a little closer to her womanhood. "I think you and I both know how I'll be able to make you submit to me..." She leaned in and nipped the Worgens ear, knowing she wouldn't be able to move her hear to bite her.
Alex struggled against Himeko panting heavily and taking sharp breaths. She was starting to feel her body burn as Himeko explored it. She knew full well that it would only be a matter of time before she would break down, and with the female in front of her molesting her body, she knew that eventually she would be crying in ecstasy. She would crave the touches which she was certain Himeko would deny until she submitted. Every second of this pleasure was tortuous knowing what it would lead to.
"get your hands off me" he growled though there was a small hint in her tone that she actually enjoyed it. No matter how much she would deny it, one paying attention would know full well that Alex was already loosing the battle denying what the body wanted.
Himeko loved how the Worgen struggled against her and was panting heavily, she knew all too well the beast wouldn't last much longer in her defiant state. "Mmmmm.... Your body is calling out to me love..." She cooed as pinched the delegate nipples that was super sensitive due to her teasing. She licked and nibbled the soft and tender ear as she rubbed her cock against her pussy, yet not going inside of her. "Say you want me... Say you'll be my loyal pet and serve me... Serve the Horde..." She whispered as she pinched the nipple a bit harder, grinning sadistically. She loved hearing the beast lie in protest, it was really turning her on. The one thing the beast didn't know was that Himeko was the only one of her kind that could reproduce by impregnating the one she had sex with. Sylvanas had told her this a long time ago and knew what to do, the beast would know her place soon enough and she would make sure to that. "You keep telling me no... Yet your body is telling me differently..." She smirked as she pressed the throbbing member to the entrance of her pussy that was starting to get wet from her juices.
Feeling the cock against her cunt she tensed up again. There was no way she could stand much longer, yet the idea of serving her or even the horde for that matter was just as unbearable.
"No I'll" she began trying so hard to deny the cravings her body gave off. The spasms of her muscles trying to enjoy the feeling even though the brain denied the pleasure. The confusion of the brain and body causing her stomach to feel queasy.
"I'll" She hung her head in defeat as the next words left her "I'll submit." Her pussy was still dripping wet as her body was still aching to feel that thick member inside her. "I'll submit" she repeated almost as to reassure herself she said it.
Felling the Worgens tight cunt tense up told her she had won. Smirking she sped up just a little as the beast started speaking, hearing her words carefully she grinned when she told her she submitted. "Good dog, you know your place well already... And now to have some fun with you." She wouldn't give her her cock just yet, oh no, she wanted to hear her beg and plead to have her thrust it into her. However she knew it wouldn't be too long before she did. She took her finger off her clit as she slid a finger inside of her dripping pussy and pulled her ear into her mouth, suckling and nibbling on it. Oh how she was going to enjoy this, she had a witness outside that heard the Worgen submit and now the beast would be branded as a traitor to the Alliance and a dog of the Horde, a fitting way to have everything go the way she planned it would.
The Worgen sulked slightly as Himeko continued to harass her. Sucking on her ear, fingering her pussy. The treatment was somewhat enjoyable but at the same time, knowing she had just betrayed her own faction due to pleasure, it was horrifying. She betrayed the alliance while being raped. She figured if she was submissive enough to betray her own alliance she may as well be submissive enough to be treated as the bitch she deserved to be. Thus she allowed the torture, not even welching but just taking everything Himeko did. Even with the urge to cry there she didn't shed a tear. No emotion showed other than a pure hatred, but this time it was not to the horde but of herself for being so weak.
She took advantage of the Worgen's weakness and lowered the chains from the wall to chain her properly to the ground. "Given to your position now you realize you no longer are allowed to fight me, right?" She said as she put the beast on all fours and continued to torment and tease her body, pressing her cock near the entrance yet never entering, rubbing it up and down so that it touched her clit. "You know you want this inside of you... You know you want me to fill you up with my seed... Tell me you want it... Tell me you want my seed..." She cooed as she licked the Worgens ear again and smirked.
Alex tried her best to ignore the torment of her soon to be mistress. Unfortunately the message still got through and unfortunately she did want Himeko's cock inside her. It took her a few minutes of mental preparation but she finally manged to speak.
"Mistress" Alex began her mouth feeling dry on the words "Mistress, I want" she was still having trouble submitting even after saying she did "I want you to fill me with your hot cock." she gave a low growl angry with herself, angry at what she was about to say. "Mistress fill me with your seed. Fill my cunt with your hot seed."
She knew the beast wouldn't be able to ignore her torments and knew she would submit to her and knew she would love it. Her ears twitched when she heard the words she had been longing to hear and smirked again as she pressed the member inside of the Worgen slowly at first. "Such a good dog... Such a good little obedient bitch... You're mine now... You know who you belong to and who is your mistress..." She said happily as she grinned when she thrusted her cock deep inside the Worgen and began thrusting in and out of her, pinching her nipples and bitting her ear before suckling it. "Oh gods you feel so damn good!" She moaned as her throbbing cock went deeper and deeper into the beasts body, preparing herself for her orgasm.
Alex Screamed out as Himeko thrust inside her feeling her hymen tear as she was assaulted.
"OH GOD" She screamed as one would think it was her unable to bare the pleasure, but it was actually the feeling of her virginity being taken that made her scream out. She let her tears roll down her face as she tried her best to hold back the cries of pain. She knew the first time was uncomfortable but the idea of being chained down and raped, it just was not helping. Soon though, soon she would enjoy the chains, the whips, soon the small masochist inside Alex would break loose.
"Oh my... Was that... Your virginity I just took? Mmmm... So lovely I got lucky to get a virgin and now my little slut, now even your virginity belongs to me!" She cackled as she started to pound into her, not caring if she was crying, not caring if she had tears rolling down her face. The beast was hers now and she would make a lovely sex slave ever. She could feel her orgasm starting to build up inside of her as she grabbed the beasts hair and pulled her head back some as she released her hot seed deep into her womb. She let her orgasm go through her as her seed pumped deep into the Worgens womb, before it was over she pulled out and moved in front of the beast and pushed her cock into her mouth and finished her orgasm by filling her muzzle up with the rest of her seed. Oh there was plenty more where that came from, that was for sure.
She screamed out as she felt the seed enter her pussy and rush through her body meeting her womb."NO" she cried even though the feeling of Himeko's hot spunk was in truth quite comfortable. It was a little awkward at first but soon the feeling of the sperm countered the pain of her freshly torn hymen.
Then she felt the cock enter her mouth quite forcefully feeling more seed pour down her mouth. The taste was awful quite salty and it made Alex want to vomit.
She struggled to get her mouth free in order to spit out what was in her mouth already which she managed to do for only a second getting to spit out a bit just to have the cock shoved back in her mouth.
"No? Why you told me to do this..." She cackled as she pumped her thick hot seed down the beasts throat and filling her muzzle up. "That's it... Drink it up you filthy animal..." She snarled as she held onto the beasts head more by her hair. The beast had spat out some of the cum when she had pulled out and forced her cock back into her muzzle. "So you think that spitting my cum out of your mouth will save you? Hmmmm..." She paused as she pulled her cock out of her mouth again and stepped back a bit. "Perhaps you want me to fill you up with my seed again inside of your tight cunt..." She laughed as she made her way back behind the beast and pressed her throbbing cock against the entrance. "Or I could just beat you till you accept my cum into your mouth..." She was giving the beast options, something that wouldn't happen often. "You chose now dear."
Alex's head raced. What were her options? She could accept the cock in her mouth, get beaten to a pulp and then accept the cock or feel the cock inside her tight tender cunt for another aggressive round of rape. Each option sounded bad. However she did have a choice.
"I'll suck your dick" Alex sighed tears still streaming down her face. She hated herself for falling asleep. All she had to do was remain awake for another few hours, keep pushing to the alliance encampment. they had enough militia there to hold off small forces such as This woman's group.
"Just please spare my pussy. At least let it heal before assaulting it again" She pleaded. She Knew Himeko would use her cunt again but she hoped she would let her rejuvenate a bit before doing so.
Smirking victorious she walked back in front of the Worgen and positioned herself once again. "Either choice would have been a good one... For me that is." She chuckled as she forcefully grabbed the beasts hair and forced her back onto her cock and began thrusting into her once again. "Oh trust me... Your pussy will be used a lot... I can impregnate you and will... I will FULLY make an example of you. I shall degrade you as far as I can to the point where you will obey me without question, you will just do as you're told." She said harshly as she watched the beast tearing up again and smirked more, knowing she was winning.
Alex gagged slightly as the cock re-entered her mouth. Himeko would have no idea just how much degradation Alex could take, but now knowing what the goal would be, she found it a bit of a challenge. Sure the abuse and rape would break her spirit, but the urge to outdo the woman fucking her face would keep her pushing.
That's when something hit her, while sucking on Himeko's cock she felt her own privates heat up and without any chance to resit her hand went straight for it playing with it.
As Himeko had the Worgen bitch sucking on her cock again she watched as her hand reached down and started masturbating. "Mmmm... I see your pussy is craving my cock now... Interesting..." She said as she looked down at the beast and smirked as the wheels in her head were starting to turn rapidly. "I think I shall have to re-enter your pussy again." She said as she pulled the beast off her cock and made her way behind her and laughed loudly as she leaned down and removed the hand that was playing with the pussy and got herself into position. "In we go." She grinned as she pushed all of her member in one thrust. "Since you seem to long for my cock you shall have it."
The Worgen's eyes widened as she felt Himeko's thick member thrust inside her cunt. It wasn't an extremely painful feeling but she still did not enjoy it. She could have pleaded for Himeko to spare her pussy but she had already figured out that would have done little to no good. It was still tender from earlier and feeling Himeko pound her vigorously was not helping it heal. It was also more intense due to the tenderness of it.
"Please stop, i can't take this!" She cried trying to with stand. Sadly all Himeko would have to do was take a look to see Alex was not only enjoying it no matter how much she denied it but was coming as well.
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