Look a lack of title (Me X SpecialKay)

KiKi Umara Death

Jan 26, 2009
Kiki rolled over in her bed muttering to herself slightly. Waking up in this hell hole was never joy. Some days she wished she would just die peacefully in her sleep so she would be spared from living another day in this existence. She sat up letting her night gown slide down around her shoulders exposing her pale flesh. Opening her ocean blue eyes she peered around her room. It was dark and she liked it as such. At least it wasn't bright. With the headaches she suffered from every morning that would be murder. Her head was pounding as she rubbed her temples slightly. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and sighed. "Oh my head. Why do I keep waking up like this?"€ She muttered standing and walking over to the windows. She heard the rain pounding against it and decided not to open it.

Good at least it wouldn't be light out all day and there would be no training session. Maybe all she would have to do is grace Lord Orochimaru with her presence and sit there for a while with him. Then maybe just maybe she could go back to her room and spend the rest of the day there. Away from people that's were she liked to be. She hated everyone in here and it showed in her actions. She longed to be with her people in the sand village again but for 3 long years she hadn't been. She had just been a lonely prisoner of the Snake lord.

She sighed as a few servants came in and dress her, to his liking of course, in a good kimono. After they finished they escorted her to his sitting chambers where she approached him, bowed, and then took her seat beside him. She could feel his cool fingers glide through her hair as he cooed a "Good morning" to her. "Good morning Lord Orochimaru." She muttered as he stroked her hair a bit more. She knew right then and there that she'd be stuck there for at least one meeting of his.
Kenji Urahara, woke up tired, andhungry as he rubbed what was left of sleepiness out of his yes, and took a deep breath of air as he got up from the camp he had recently made. He yawned as he reached into his bag pulling out a small bento box constining rice and chicken which he hurriedly scarfed down so he would not be late. Rushing off through the trees his mouth sill stuffed with food, he had a meeting with lord Orochimaru. He made his way to the coordinates of the location to which the meeting was to be held, a small deserted area rocky and abnormal, then he found the slightly darker rock and made his way into the underground complex what appeared to be a series of tunnels.

Kenji the dagger of the sand was his name, he was the main attacking force...and such was known to most in the current generation. He followed the directions to which he had written down hat Orochimaru had said would lead himto the meeting chambers. Walking through the halls he could hear the delayed footsteps of his echo and chuckled, for no particular reason as he made his way through the last series or tunnels, hefound it what looked like a large door would most likely be the entrance.

"Hello there my lord!"Kenji exclaimed as he opened the door, he was in his formal sit, his trusty katanas strapped to his side as he made his way in, sliding to the position opposite of which Orochimaru was sitting, acknowledging the existence of Kiki with a sincere smile and wave. "I believe there is something we have to discuss...questions you have to ask of me."Kenji spoke calm, but firm, as he sat down cross legged.
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