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Couple looking for Loving Female Pet

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Sep 14, 2010
Who we are: The Mistress and I are a pair of relatively dominant souls who enjoy roleplay over IM. Our needs demand that we have some fun, subby characters to play with, but chivalry demands that I be the one to write those characters for Mistress to play with -- which is slightly less than fully satisfying for me.

We are both regularly employed, meaning that we only have the weekends available. I live in the United States, she is in Britain, but we operate on British time (11am - Midnight GMT, 3am - 4pm PST, 6am - 7pm EST). We are usually available and together both Saturday and Sunday, but always at least one of those if not both. We don't spend all of that time roleplaying -- spending some watching movies, anime, and TV shows together -- but when we do, the sessions are generally 3-4 hours long. If we had a third person, we would perform our sessions while she was available, so you do not need to worry that you will miss our RP timeslot (and of course, you are invited to spend the rest of the day with us as well).

Our Roleplay: In a small single-city kingdom, a secret coven of witches thrives, plotting ways (between bouts of licentious ceremonies) to wrest control of the city from the king as a first step towards greater world domination. The coven's heir apparent, Milli, has just graduated from her lessons and has been assigned a task to blackmail the kingdom's monarchy by slipping a potion to the princess that will cause her to grow a penis, making her ineligible for marriage until an antidote is supplied.

Milli's classmate, Rodrick, was supposed to aid the young witch in this small act of terrorism, but instead has come up with his own plan, and now acts to hinder Milli's progress as he lays the groundwork for his own plot against the kingdom. As part of this, he has kidnapped Milli's beloved, subby pet, Bunny, and is likely doing all sorts of naughty things to her as we speak.

Bunny is, true to her nickname, a shy and submissive girl with a vaguely feral disposition. She loves Milli and willingly services the young witch whenever she wishes. Long unbeknownst to Milli, but Rodrick long ago seduced Milli's favorite and has kept their affair secret from the witch until recently, which is what made Milli abandon her pet long enough for Rodrick to kidnap her.

Should you join our story, you would likely take the place of Bunny. Though it's also fairly likely that we would start a new story where the Mistress and I are in cahoots instead of at odds, so that we wouldn't run into too many situations where only two players had anything to do. If we do come up with a new story, your interests and ideas would be taken into consideration.

Who We are Looking For: We are looking for someone who is dependably available on weekends, as our roleplays are not single-session one-offs. We have an ongoing storyline, and it is difficult to advance a story if someone is missing. Do not write to us if you cannot be available almost every Saturday and Sunday for 3-4 hours. We are hoping for someone who is very sweet, emotionally stable, well written, and who enjoys everything from loving caresses to spanks, bondage, and hard sex. Our posts are generally at least 3-6 lines and both of us are happy with anything from there to "wall of text", so long as you can write speedily (i.e. 2-5 minute response time).

We use MSN as our IM of choice for multi-way communication. If you seem loveable enough for us to take on, we might figure out YIM -- which I believe also supports 3-way communication.

How to Apply: PM me through the forums if you are interested in joining us. You must include a writing sample if you wish to be considered. Should your writing interest me, I will likely try a one-off IM session to verify that you can be just as eloquent in real time. Only then will you be introduced to the Mistress and accepted as our pet.
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