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LFF/ league of legends smut

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May 17, 2010
US, Delaware
Just a quick LoL type roleplay PM for details. Rape, force, or gangbangs a must have.

Basically, I am looking for a roleplayer to take on the role of some of LoL's more luscious champions:

  • Miss Fortune
  • Ashe
  • Akali
  • Caitlyn
  • Lux
  • Leblanc
  • Katarina
  • Or Kayle

Send me a pm for details. Not looking for anything incredibly artsy as per title, just quick and dirty smut. :heart:

Some ideas:

  • You are being chased through the jungle by Warick, the blood hunter champion. Somehow, he corners you as you are left stranded without the help of your allies or reinforcements. A sinister intent is in the werewolf's heart, chasing down yet another big-breasted cock slut.
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