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Advanced Male RPer seeks like Female Dom/Switch

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Apr 7, 2011
Okay, so here's the thing. I've been RPing online FOREVERS. More than half my life, and I'm in my mid-twenties. I RPed with a wonderful woman, a switch, for almost 10 years. We would be married, 'cept bad things happened to her IRL, and I'll most likely never see her again now.

For the past year I've RPed with another chick, and enjoyed it. But things got complicated between us, and moreover, she ONLY plays subs. She always wants to be roughed up, slapped around, have her hair pulled. It's fun, but it's all we ever do.

I need a break. I'm going through a break-up IRL, dealing with a severe case of unrequitted love, I have to move soon... my life is in a akward place, and I just don't have the energy to throw a girl around, even in virtual space.

I would like to find an advanced female RPer who doesn't have to be the sub all the time. You don't need to be a hardcore dom either, a switch is fine. In fact, it's preferred. But the main point here is I can't find this ANYWHERE within my parameters.

Those are, that I want nothing freaky. Now I'm into incest, ageplay, bestiality, weird stuff. But by freak I mean heavy bondage, bathroom stuff, vore, all that ickiness. And in PARTICULAR, I am NOT into pegging. Men getting it up the butt does not appeal to me, and every single halfway decent female RPer willing to be the dom I've met is obsessed with things like dressing my char up in girls' clothes and ass-fucking him.

Let me be clear. I play girl, gladly. I play men, gladly. But I play them as girls and as men. A tomboy, fine, a girly man, fine. But if I'm a guy, I want to be penetrating a female. If I'm a girl, I want to be penetrated. I like bodies being used the way they were meant, and this is a deal-breaker. If you don't know how to dom a guy without making him a her, I'm not interested.

That being said, I'm very flexible and open on setting. Modern realist, ancient fantasy, sci fi, whatever. I have no real particular thing in mind, I just want to be in an RP where my char is loved and cared for, sexually and non-sexually. I don't want a mistress in thigh-high stilettos with a cat-o-nine-tails. I want a loving mother tending her shy, effeminate son. Or a guardian angel who becomes too close to her ward. Or something like that. Something where I play a char who is loved on.

My Rabbit Hole profile has the same name as my forum name here. Please feel free to look.

I'm on AIM alot, 8 AM - 5 Pm Pacific, Weekdays. Otherwise message here and I'll get back to you.

UPDATE: BTW, I was looking around the forum. I never hooked up for RP via a forum, and see many people here specify method. I might be willing to try alternate forms, but I've always done RP in IM or IRC. I realize IRC is silly for one on one, so IM is how I go, YIM or AIM. I tend to reply pretty quickly, and concentrate totally on my RPs when they're going on. Though I'm also patient if you need 10-20 mins between posts, even in IM. Sometimes I do.

UPDATED UPDATE: I seem IM RP is not as popular here as I would've hoped. Therefor, I shall branch out! Now accepting PM and Thread RP, though I suspect PM would be more agreeable to me. I don't always like to put on a public show.
MercuryKnight777 said:
Okay, so here's the thing. I've been RPing online FOREVERS. More than half my life, and I'm in my mid-twenties. I RPed with a wonderful woman, a switch, for almost 10 years. We would be married, 'cept bad things happened to her IRL, and I'll most likely never see her again now.

For the past year I've RPed with another chick, and enjoyed it. But things got complicated between us, and moreover, she ONLY plays subs. She always wants to be roughed up, slapped around, have her hair pulled. It's fun, but it's all we ever do.

I need a break. I'm going through a break-up IRL, dealing with a severe case of unrequitted love, I have to move soon... my life is in a akward place, and I just don't have the energy to throw a girl around, even in virtual space.

I would like to find an advanced female RPer who doesn't have to be the sub all the time. You don't need to be a hardcore dom either, a switch is fine. In fact, it's preferred. But the main point here is I can't find this ANYWHERE within my parameters.

Those are, that I want nothing freaky. Now I'm into incest, ageplay, bestiality, weird stuff. But by freak I mean heavy bondage, bathroom stuff, vore, all that ickiness. And in PARTICULAR, I am NOT into pegging. Men getting it up the butt does not appeal to me, and every single halfway decent female RPer willing to be the dom I've met is obsessed with things like dressing my char up in girls' clothes and ass-fucking him.

Let me be clear. I play girl, gladly. I play men, gladly. But I play them as girls and as men. A tomboy, fine, a girly man, fine. But if I'm a guy, I want to be penetrating a female. If I'm a girl, I want to be penetrated. I like bodies being used the way they were meant, and this is a deal-breaker. If you don't know how to dom a guy without making him a her, I'm not interested.

That being said, I'm very flexible and open on setting. Modern realist, ancient fantasy, sci fi, whatever. I have no real particular thing in mind, I just want to be in an RP where my char is loved and cared for, sexually and non-sexually. I don't want a mistress in thigh-high stilettos with a cat-o-nine-tails. I want a loving mother tending her shy, effeminate son. Or a guardian angel who becomes too close to her ward. Or something like that. Something where I play a char who is loved on.

My Rabbit Hole profile has the same name as my forum name here. Please feel free to look.

I'm on AIM alot, 8 AM - 5 Pm Pacific, Weekdays. Otherwise message here and I'll get back to you.

Sorry about your break up. I'd role play with you but I'm married and have limits. But if your desperate for a partner I'd be glad to chat and try to figure out something, I'm mostly on at night late when I'm off work and on my days off tuesday and thursday. I can play both genders, I can play dom and sub but I don't like really using those terms, and I do dark pairings but I normally tend to stay away from hardcore fetishes. Let me know, and good luck otherwise. Hang in there. Over time you heal.
Oh, it's not as bad as it could be. I live with her for the moment (my old roomie assaulted me, emergency move-in) and we're still going to be BEST friends :) We just found some issues that are insurmountable, and she was my first, so even though it really is a pretty friendly break-up and she's still my BFF, it's new to me. So it's rough.

Tues and Thurs work. My 8-5 Weekdays schedule is BECAUSE of her, you see. We're staying together till I move out (soon, finances) so I'm with her when she's not at work. We might play some time. And when I say dom/sub, it's shorthand. I don't necessarily mean one person ordering the other around in everything. I more meant one person taking charge. You know. And hey, though I'm looking for someone to let me be subby for the moment cause it's been a while and I crave it, I'm a switch. I can change who is on top 3 times in one session. And it should all be wrapped up in care and love. It's not necessarily a struggle or power thing. That's what I'm trying to get AWAY from. I'm more literally talking, who is taking the initiative, sexually. Because with my current RP partner, my char has to initiate every session, every position change, every everything, and force it on her. *head desk* I just want a girl who is more proactive and gentle. I hope that gets my intended message across. @_@
I'm quite happy to fill in the role of girl who doesn't wantto be sub all the time. I don't really like the whole slapping around thing and I definitely don't like being some random guys sex toy, so this is perfect for me~ I can be pretty much any 'level' of dom you need.

I'd actually like to do something...without dom/sub labels, just a relationship. I do have a thread up with some ideas and what I rp if you'd like to check that out, but I should warn you that I fancy doing something a bit more romantic at this point xD
hypergondala said:
I'm quite happy to fill in the role of girl who doesn't wantto be sub all the time. I don't really like the whole slapping around thing and I definitely don't like being some random guys sex toy, so this is perfect for me~ I can be pretty much any 'level' of dom you need.

I'd actually like to do something...without dom/sub labels, just a relationship. I do have a thread up with some ideas and what I rp if you'd like to check that out, but I should warn you that I fancy doing something a bit more romantic at this point xD

A lack of labels is just fine. As I said, that's less me being obsessed with d/s and more shorthand for what I mean.

I love romantic. I do it all, from quick dirty scenes of pure raunchy sex to epic, sweeping romances. All I want is a danged change of pace from 'You want her, make her want you' @_x

Once my itch is scratch and I'm allowed to stretch my legs and enjoy variety and being allowed to switch again, I'll probably go right back to throwing a dozen ideas a week at my favorite RP buddies, seeing who wants to do what crazy, kinky thing I cooked up. So, you know, I'm also looking to make friends in general here. I've just got blue typing hand.

I love many of your ideas. I can even do some fandoms. Know Doctor Who inside and out, thanks to my aforementioned 10-year buddy before she was taken. Death Note?! I just watched it through several times (anime version), I never considered th- okay, not true, I've thought many times about how Misa is the perfect sex slave and she is WAAAAASTED on Light. Seriously, dude, ruling the world? Secondary priority to that. He is NOT as smart as he looks.

Rants aside, yes, I would love to chat some time! I'll PM you my contact info, assuming you do IM RPs.
Bump to let any still looking at/following this that I'll be making a general request thread soon and letting this fall away. I've received a FANTASTIC response here, and while I still love and want to do what's listed here, my urge to switch is getting scratched. Besides that, this community is simply WONDERFUL! I'm staying, so keep your eye out for my introduction in that forum and my request thread here.
I feel your pain.

I am 25 and have been Role Playing since I was 12 (back on the good/bad old days of Yahoo ayenee chat!) and I had a similar story to yours. It's hard. Especially when I felt like I couldn't really tell people IRL.

Hang in there. Free bump for you.
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