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Ever want someone to soflty rob you of your will, your resistance...

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Jun 8, 2010
I'm a male,
I'm heterosexual.
I like all kinds of RP experiences. I really enjoy hypnosis and mind control, and magic/advanced technology. I also like to play dominant, though not aggressively so, males. Shifting form is of interest to me, though controlled by me (sort of like a druid in the older versions of D&D, if that means anything to you).

I do like a good mix of sexual encounters and story, and a picture or two does help me visualize the things being described, both from my RP partner and for my own use.

With regard to sex, well, position is certainly interesting, as are different types of sex (oral, vaginal, anal, breast, etc.)

For settings, both fantasy, modern, historical, and science fiction are things I enjoy. On the lookout for different types of female partners, by the way, though the type is negotiable (magic girls, demonesses, genies, wizardesses, burly-but-cute fighter girls (with girl parts!), vulnerable but tough female warriors, technogeek girls, damsels in distress, female spies--you get the idea).

Let me know if you are interested.
Gah. I'm having computer issues. No posting for the time being. Sorry to all that are RPing with me...
Diana said:
That's bad. I was just about to pm, pm me when you'll be back.

Hey there. Thanks for the interest. I'm cutting my losses here and retreating back to just a couple of sites, including Elliquiy. Are you there?

Again, thanks!
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