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lemondrop's requests [[Craving Harry Potter, Plot Added]]

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Mar 16, 2011
This IS a duplicated thread, whose twin will soon be found in the Male Request forum. A lot of the roles here can be switched – PM for now if a male note isn't there, because I'm willing to double or switch on almost any role.

Hello there, and welcome to my request thread. If you’re looking, you’re obviously here to see what I’m about so I won’t waste your time with personals you can PM me for if you’re curious. Whatever your preference.

Rabbit Hole, may be subject to change.

I don’t think I’m a hard person to roleplay with (post stalk me if you’re that curious), but I do have a few standards I like to abide by.

 I like to have a roleplay with substance, which equals a plot, and I love for these things to be a team effort. That doesn’t mean I don’t my little smut-fests (Sex sells.), it just means I usually like something with a plot better.
 I’ve never played F x F, but I’m willing to try it.
 I roleplay in third person, past tense. (E.g. “You haven’t seen the entire world,” she mumbled.)
 I’m not picky about how you write, but I like a nice paragraph, at least. Some things are hard to be wordy with. I can get a little longwinded, but I usually match what I’ve been given in a response.
 On that note, I expect you to type in entire words. Not “U” for “you” or “R” for “are”.
 I’m open to a lot of things – just about anything, come to think of it, which is why I don’t have much specifically listed as a “No” in this thread.
 Don’t be afraid to talk to me out of character in PMs, I’m always open to new ideas, or here for conversation. I’m a pretty friendly person.
 Don’t say you want to start a roleplay with me, and then leave three or four posts in without explanation. If you suddenly lose interest, tell me, I’m not going to try to devour your flesh. It’s like hanging up the phone without saying ‘bye’, which does make me want to go zombie.
 I’m not big on anime or manga. If it’s not listed here, then it’s likely I’m not going to know what in the world you’re talking about if you bring it up. Or if I do, I’m not comfortable enough to roleplay through it.
 I’m incredibly picky about canon characters – so if you want to sign yourself up for one, please be able to stick to that character’s original personality. If plot development allows they can become more affectionate, less snarky, etc. but if you’re playing Severus Snape, don’t automatically turn him into a loving fluffball, because he’s not. He’s a sardonic asshole and that’s what we love him for.
 As stated above, this thread has a duplicate. If you’re a girl looking at my thread and you want to double up, I’d be delighted to (whether it’s M x M or M x F) – a lot of the time, I like to play a male even more than I do a female.

Note: Capitalization: The difference between "I helped my Uncle Jack off a horse." and "I helped my uncle jack off a horse."

Punctuation: The difference between "Let's eat, Grandma!" and "Let's eat Grandma!"

See the difference here? Save lives, use correct grammar.

(These are in order of craving – one heart does NOT mean I’m unwilling, it just means it’s not my main craving, or it’s something I’ve never tried before or have little experience with. I wouldn’t list something that I didn’t want to RP, even if it’s got no hearts next to it. Lack of hearts more than likely denotes that I have no particular plot in mind. Present hearts, however, don’t necessarily mean I’ve got a plan in place. I’m probably just more in love with the pairing.)
- Let’s give it a spin
♥ ♥ - Willing and Ready
♥ ♥ ♥ - More than happy to oblige
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - Love you forever

This one is me
This one is you
This one means I’ll do either

-Generics, Past Present and Future

We’ll start here since the list isn’t that extensive. This isn’t all I’m interested in, it’s just all that crossed my mind, and may be added to later. If you have a generic pairing, feel free to ask me – this is probably the most open section here!

Assassin x Victim/Someone in the way of the Victim
Teacher x Student
Friend x Friend
Artist x Muse
Murderer x Investigator/Family Member of Victim
Kidnapper x Kidnapped
Vampire x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werecat x Werecat
Pirate x Pirate
Pirate x Captive
Father x Daughter
Brother x Sister
Cousin x Cousin
Uncle x Niece
Father x Babysitter
Pharaoh x Slave
Julius Ceasar x Cleopatra
Marc Antony x Cleopatra
Roommate x Roommate
Musician x Reporter

Superhero Spinoffs (Legit, knockoffs, or made-up, also plot-driven.) ♥♥
Something gang/mafia based. Obviously plot-driven. ♥♥♥♥​

-Series Based

Harry Potter – I’m ALWAYS in the mood for something Harry Potter.

Lucius Malfoy x Narcissa (Black) Malfoy ♥♥♥♥
Severus Snape x Lily Evans (Potter) ♥♥♥♥
Severus Snape x Narcissa Black (Malfoy) ♥♥♥

Harry Potter x Hermione Granger ♥♥♥♥
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger ♥♥♥♥
Draco Malfoy x Ginny Weasley ♥♥♥♥

(Young) Tom Riddle x Anyone/OC ♥♥♥♥


Gambit x Rogue ♥♥♥♥
Gambit x ___(OC/Anyone Else) ♥♥♥
Wolverine x Storm ♥♥
Wolverine x ___(OC/Anyone Else) ♥♥♥
Nightcrawler x Storm ♥
Nightcrawler x ___(OC/Anyone Else) ♥
Young Xavier x ___(OC/Anyone Else)♥♥♥♥

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Leo x Karai ♥♥
Leo x _____ ♥♥
Donatello x _____ ♥♥
Raphael x _____ ♥♥
“_____” Available For --- OC


Rishid x Isis
Kaiba x _____ (OC/Anyone)
-May be open to others if interested, just ask. This is a series I know pretty well.-

Miscellaneous Books

Mr. Darcy x Elizabeth Bennett
-I can play Mr. Bingley for Jane if you’re a female looking to double.​

Plots (Perfectly open to your ideas, input and preferences here. These aren’t strict.)

Anne Bonny

An exploration of the tale of Anne Bonny and her life as a pirate and mistress to pirate “Calico Jack” (Captain John Rackham), beginning with their meeting at Nassau and her run from her husband to a life of piracy. This would be both sex and plot driven, and needs a literate partner who is comfortable with abiding by their role (which might mean research if you’re not familiar with the character, so you’d have to be damn interested to ask me about it).

Cover of the Rolling Stone

He and his band have fallen into the lap of stardom. Their gigs are piling up, the checks are rolling in, their agent’s phone is ringing off the hook, and they’ve been booked for a tour that’s going to take them on the road for six months. The only one who doesn’t seem happy is her, because she doesn’t want to lose him on his ascent to fame. (Pre-existing relationship, or pre-existing friendship. Obviously plot driven with room for smut.)

Unbreakable  Craving.
Severus x Narcissa, Lucius x Narcissa

Her husband has been sentenced to Azkaban, her home is under the constant risk of raid and inspection by the Ministry of Magic, and Narcissa Malfoy’s life is crumbling over her head with every crack stricken in the pillars of its existence. Matters are only made worse when, in retaliation of her husband’s recent failure, the Dark Lord not only has her only son take the Dark Mark, but cages him into the task of annihilating Albus Dumbledore with little faith that he will succeed. In desperation, Narcissa turns to the only man whom she can imagine can or will help her – Severus Snape. She asks only for the protection of her son, at any price. Severus’ price, however, is steep for a woman so devoted to her husband and namesake. Unfortunately for Narcissa, beggars cannot be choosers.

Whenever Lucius returns from his stint in Wizarding prison, Narcissa plans to put a quick end to her affair, as it was meant to be a temporary deal. With Dumbledore out of the way, her son no longer obligated to the Dark Lord’s most pressing demands, and her husband returned, there is no need for their intimate relations to continue. Severus seems to have other plans. Despite the risk, Narcissa concedes – but what’s to happen if, or when, Lucius finds out? (Plenty of smut.)
RE: Craving Harry Potter, Past and Present

Back for good from a long absence, and popping up a shameless bump.
RE: Craving Harry Potter, Past and Present

lemondrop_gag said:
This IS a duplicated thread, whose twin will soon be found in the Male Request forum. A lot of the roles here can be switched – PM for now if a male note isn't there, because I'm willing to double or switch on almost any role.

Hello there, and welcome to my request thread. If you’re looking, you’re obviously here to see what I’m about so I won’t waste your time with personals you can PM me for if you’re curious. Whatever your preference.

Rabbit Hole, may be subject to change.

I don’t think I’m a hard person to roleplay with (post stalk me if you’re that curious), but I do have a few standards I like to abide by.

 I like to have a roleplay with substance, which equals a plot, and I love for these things to be a team effort. That doesn’t mean I don’t my little smut-fests (Sex sells.), it just means I usually like something with a plot better.
 I’ve never played F x F, but I’m willing to try it.
 I roleplay in third person, past tense. (E.g. “You haven’t seen the entire world,” she mumbled.)
 I’m not picky about how you write, but I like a nice paragraph, at least. Some things are hard to be wordy with. I can get a little longwinded, but I usually match what I’ve been given in a response.
 On that note, I expect you to type in entire words. Not “U” for “you” or “R” for “are”.
 I’m open to a lot of things – just about anything, come to think of it, which is why I don’t have much specifically listed as a “No” in this thread.
 Don’t be afraid to talk to me out of character in PMs, I’m always open to new ideas, or here for conversation. I’m a pretty friendly person.
 Don’t say you want to start a roleplay with me, and then leave three or four posts in without explanation. If you suddenly lose interest, tell me, I’m not going to try to devour your flesh. It’s like hanging up the phone without saying ‘bye’, which does make me want to go zombie.
 I’m not big on anime or manga. If it’s not listed here, then it’s likely I’m not going to know what in the world you’re talking about if you bring it up. Or if I do, I’m not comfortable enough to roleplay through it.
 I’m incredibly picky about canon characters – so if you want to sign yourself up for one, please be able to stick to that character’s original personality. If plot development allows they can become more affectionate, less snarky, etc. but if you’re playing Severus Snape, don’t automatically turn him into a loving fluffball, because he’s not. He’s a sardonic asshole and that’s what we love him for.
 As stated above, this thread has a duplicate. If you’re a girl looking at my thread and you want to double up, I’d be delighted to (whether it’s M x M or M x F) – a lot of the time, I like to play a male even more than I do a female.

(These are in order of craving – one heart does NOT mean I’m unwilling, it just means it’s not my main craving, or it’s something I’ve never tried before or have little experience with. I wouldn’t list something that I didn’t want to RP, even if it’s got no hearts next to it. Lack of hearts more than likely denotes that I have no particular plot in mind. Present hearts, however, don’t necessarily mean I’ve got a plan in place. I’m probably just more in love with the pairing.)
- Let’s give it a spin
♥ ♥ - Willing and Ready
♥ ♥ ♥ - More than happy to oblige
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - Love you forever

This one is me (No, I didn’t forget the coding – it’s plain.)
This one is you
This one means I’ll do either


We’ll start here since the list isn’t that extensive. This isn’t all I’m interested in, it’s just all that crossed my mind, and may be added to later. If you have a generic pairing, feel free to ask me – this is probably the most open section here!

Assassin x Victim/Someone in the way of the Victim
Teacher x Student
Friend x Friend
Artist x Muse
Murderer x Investigator/Family Member of Victim ♥♥♥♥
Kidnapper x Kidnapped
Vampire x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werecat x Werecat

Superhero Spinoffs (Legit, knockoffs, or made-up, also plot-driven.) ♥♥
Something gang/mafia based. Obviously plot-driven. ♥♥♥♥

-Series Based

Harry Potter – I’m ALWAYS in the mood for something Harry Potter.

Severus Snape x Lily Evans (Potter) ♥♥♥♥
Lucius Malfoy x Narcissa (Black) Malfoy ♥♥♥♥
Severus Snape x Narcissa Black (Malfoy) ♥♥♥

Harry Potter x Hermione Granger ♥♥♥♥
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger ♥♥♥♥
Draco Malfoy x Ginny Weasley ♥♥♥♥

(Young) Tom Riddle x Anyone/OC ♥♥♥♥

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Leo x Karai ♥♥
Leo x _____ ♥♥
Donatello x _____ ♥♥
Raphael x _____ ♥♥
“_____” Available For --- OC


Rishid x Isis
Kaiba x _____ (OC/Anyone)
-May be open to others if interested, just ask. This is a series I know pretty well.-


Gambit x Rogue ♥♥♥♥
Gambit x ___(OC/Anyone Else) ♥♥♥
Wolverine x Storm ♥♥
Wolverine x ___(OC/Anyone Else) ♥♥♥
Nightcrawler x Storm ♥
Nightcrawler x ___(OC/Anyone Else) ♥

Miscellaneous Books

Mr. Darcy x Elizabeth Bennett
-I can play Mr. Bingley for Jane if you’re a female looking to double.​

Plots (Perfectly open to your ideas, input and preferences here. These aren’t strict.)

Cover of the Rolling Stone

He and his band have fallen into the lap of stardom. Their gigs are piling up, the checks are rolling in, their agent’s phone is ringing off the hook, and they’ve been booked for a tour that’s going to take them on the road for six months. The only one who doesn’t seem happy is her, because she doesn’t want to lose him on his ascent to fame. (Pre-existing relationship, or pre-existing friendship. Obviously plot driven with room for smut.)

Anne Bonny

An exploration of the tale of Anne Bonny and her life as a pirate and mistress to pirate “Calico Jack” (Captain John Rackham), beginning with their meeting at Nassau and her run from her husband to a life of piracy. This would be both sex and plot driven, and needs a literate partner who is comfortable with abiding by their role (which might mean research if you’re not familiar with the character, so you’d have to be damn interested to ask me about it).

Hi, I'm new and I was just looking around the forums and yours caught my eye. I'd be interested in doing some Harry Potter RPs with you, particularly Draco and Ginny. I used to RP on some HP sites but I stopped for a while due to life getting busy and what not. I wouldn't say I'm an advanced in RPing, I'm more intermediate in skill. Anyways if you're up to it, I'm up for it.
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