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Spiritual/Metaphysical/Religious RP Request

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Apr 23, 2009
Hello there. :] I have another specific craving in mind...I want to do a roleplay revolving around the spiritual, the metaphysical, and the religious. I have divided my plots into two catagories...

Supernatural – Metaphysical, Can perform miracles, cast spells/curses, above the laws of nature and the cosmos
Note: Characters will not be allowed to be omniscient, omnipotent, or omnipresent. Characters will have enhanced abilities, but can't do anything and everything they want. This prevents God-modding and boring plots.

Realistic – Non-metaphysical, Cannot perform miracles, cannot cast spells/curses, must work within the laws of nature and the cosmos


The plots below deal with some sort of deity coming down from heaven to earth, wether is be an avatar, demon, angel, demi-god, ect. Any religion, mythology, or even an originally created being can be used.

The Secluded Spirit​

A person is going about his day to day business, when suddenly strange things begin to happen to him/her and realizes their true nature. Not wanting to be subjected to testing by the government, or being chased after by millions of people and the paparazzi, he takes a simple life in a small town, trying to live a normal life.

The God Delusion

A mentally unstable person has recently been hospitalized in the psychiatric ward after killing a man. He/she states that the man was evil and claims that it was his/her duty to punish his deeds since he/she was a God. The psychiatrist deduces that the patient has lost touch with reality and suffers from hallucinations and delusions. The psychiatrist diagnoses the patient with schizophrenia and begins therapy to rehibilitate the man. Imagine the psychiatrists surprise when he/she demonstrates metaphysical abilities.

The Lost One

Hancock-esque, in this roleplay, the character is already aware of their abilities, however, they are lost and do not use their powers for the greater good. A spiritual person puts all their faith in the character, and with their belief and determintion, helps the lost one become the avatar this world needs.


The Next Great Messenger (Or how to create your own religion)

A man/woman begins a great spiritual journey, searching various synagogues, sanctuaries, mosques, and temples for enlightenment and salvation. Through personal revelation from God, he/she realizes that he/she is the next great messenger sent down to preach spiritual truth and save mankind from their sins. In the beginning it is tough. With no metaphysical abilities, With the advancement in free thinking, and with the many religions in place already, very few warm up to him/her. Many even call him/her crazy...but there are a few who put their trust and faith in him.

The Path of the Bodhisattva

Similar to the roleplay above, but with eastern religious influence. A man/woman visits various temples and sages to find a way to alleviate all the suffering in the world. Eventually he/she goes into seclusion and mediates alone for years. When he/she comes out of it, he finds buddhahood, happiness, and inner peace. He/she goes from place to place, spreading the message of buddhism and wishing peace upon the world. His/her words warm the hearts of those who hear it and a following begins.

Temptation of the Saint

A compassionate priest/nun of the church works the confessional booth and counsels those in need of forgiveness and advice. One person he/she counsels comes quite often and has developed intimate feelings for this holy one. It appears as if lust will be added to the list of sins that must be confessed.

If any of these spark your intrest, gimme a PM ^___^
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