Kursoaki Residence


Jan 21, 2011
The day started like any other day. Every family member of the Kurosaki residence had breakfast, the father causing yet another uproar with the elder brother, Karin trying to control her patience even when everything are quite the routine every single day, while Yuzu simply humbly laughing at the commotion.

As mentioned, everything was so routine that every one acted quite automatic.

After breakfast, everyone except Yuzu left the house for the other has plans for the day. Left behind on her own, Yuzu resumes her duty as the maternal figure of the household who does most of the household chores.

Since it was summer vacation, this event takes place all the time. And besides the sudden visit to Uruhara's shop, everything was routine.

Evening came and dinner passed by swiftly.

With everyone stationed in their usual places in the house, Yuzu decided it was time for her to take a bath. She spent roughly 30 minutes or so in there, bathing and rinsing which surprised her since she hardly spends more than 10 minutes while bathing. Something must be wrong with her, or something. At least no one was impatient enough to bang on the bathroom door for her to hurry up. A small consolation, but worthwhile.

With that done, she began to dress up. However, for some unknown reason, Yuzu had forgotten to bring her sleep clothing besides her panties. Odd, that never happened before. She never forgets to bring her entire night clothing when she takes a bath. Something must be wrong with her. But she can't pin it down exactly what.

She merely shrugged it off, pushed that thought aside for now, placed the towel around her neck with both ends draped over her breasts, left the bathroom and made her way back to her shared room with Karin.

"Hey, Karin, something feels wrong with me," Yuzu said as she entered their room. "Just like now..." she added as she took notice of the manner of her speech not to mention she omitted the -chan suffix. She always calls her sister with a -chan, hardly without it. Something is really wrong with her tonight.

But before she could say anything more, she felt a sudden stirring within her. Specially around her belly and groin. As fast as it happened, another thing happened that totally shocked the living lights out of Yuzu.

In a blink of an eye, as the phrase goes, the front of her panties suddenly bulged excessively until a huge and thick cock tore it apart. From the size of it, it would seem it's around 12-14 inches long. Besides that, it was throbbing, twitching and drooling precum.

Yuzu stood there, stunned and motionless...
Even at 14 years old Karin grumbled as she exmained herself in the mirror, lifting her shirt up to see her bra containing her barely there chest. She was sure that by now she'd have develeped something. Sure the rest of her body was well developed...long legs, curvy hips, a perfect figure....except for her chest anyway. "Damnit....even Yuzu's gotten bigger than me..." The girl grumbled and tugged her shirt back down as she walked over to her bed, flopping down to lay on her back, waiting for Yuzu to be done in the shower. "Once she's done I guess I'll go for one" She sighed and blew some hair out of her face, thinking back over the day.

They had done something a little different....gone to see that weird store owner....he'd been having some kind of sale or something on some 'special candy' as he called it....with Karin herself, Yuzu and even their older brother Ichigo helping themselves to plenty of free samples. Karin normally wasn't one to eat candy but...well....it was summer vacation and you were only a teenager once right? Why not indulge herself now and again?

"Hm?" Karin glanced up as Yuzu entered the room, then rolled her eyes as her twin sister walked in wearing nothing but a towel and her underwear. "Geez Yuzu, you're normally embarassed to be naked when you're by yourself. What's with the sudden lack of modesty?" The girl chuckled, then raised an eyebrow at the strange way Yuzu was speaking, then saw something....unusual...happen. "Huh...? Yuzu....?" Karin blinked again, still laying on her back and gasping as she saw a bulge in Yuzu's panties first, like something was growing out of her, then the sound of fabric ripping as a cock burst out of Yuzu's panties, throbbing between her legs.

"Y-Y-Yuzu.....?" Before Karin could say or do anything though, she gasped, suddenly falling back to a laying position, grasping at her bedsheets. "NNGH!" Karin suddenly felt a tightness in her chest. For a moment she almost panicked she might've been having a heart attack from the shock of what she had just seen, but then her shirt started to swell up. "NYA!" Karin arched her back and groaned as her bra was starting to stretch, her chest continuing to slowly inflare beneath. "Oooooh!" There was a snap as her bra gave way, allowing the inflation to accelerate. Before long, Karin's shirt started to rip open, a pair of DD breasts spilling out of the shirt. "Nnnnnngh....oh god...what....what happened....?" Karin's new breasts were huge, firm and gravity defyingly perky.
Yuzu's current stature failed to collapse even when Karin's -transformation- took place for her attention was focused onto her overgrown cock that appeared between her legs. Her mind raced hoping to find the answer to this -peculiar- unusuality of hers. When nothing came, though she has a slight notion on how could this possibly happened but is not all that confident on that assumption, she reached out to her cock with her left hand. Using the index finger of that hand, she gently poked at the shaft a couple of times. Confirming that she's not dreaming, she then poked her cockhead. Exactly right after she poked it, she let out a soft hiss.

Definitely not a dream. This is definitely real.

Seeing just how attentioned her cock was, for some reason yet again, she felt compelled to wrap her left hand around the shaft and slowly stroke it. At first there wasn't much sensation for it seem and felt that she's just massaging a sore arm or leg, like she used to. But after a while, a soft moan escaped her lips. Surprised by her moan, her stroking hand seemed to had a life of its own and began to increase the pace of her stroking.

And it didn't take long before she procure her right hand also to do the very same thing as her left hand. Since her cock was by far the largest she had ever thought she would had seen, using both hands seemed the most logical choice in stroking it. Not to mention that it would take a great amount of effort to really enjoy the sensation of masturbation.

There, there it is again. A mindset not her own for she was hardly like that. But whatever the cause of this shifting mindset, Yuzu was slowly starting to enjoy it. Not to mention that the sensation she's getting from just stroking her cock was starting to overwhelm her.

As her hands busied themselves in stroking her cock, she slowly draws back her attention to her twin sister who was on the bed when she first came in. Since she hardly paid any attention to what had happened to Karin when her transformation took place, she was completely taken by surprise by the sheer size of Karin's breasts. The size of them, could possibly be bigger than their brother's friend Inoue's. The size, shape, perkyness, how it somehow defy gravity, many thoughts came rushing through Yuzu's mind .. many of them dirty thoughts. And as those thoughts came to bare in her mind, her hands suddenly increased the speed of their stroking so much so that just mere seconds after seeing Karin and her breasts she erupted vast quantity of hot thick semen all over the general direction of Karin.

Most of it landed squarely on Karin showering her with her semen while some of it just sprayed over Karin's bed. It's quite an achievement since Karin's bed was the furthest from the door where Yuzu was currently standing close to. Also, the eruption of her semen seem to last for a minute or two while her hands never stopped from stroking her cock fast and hard. When it was over, Yuzu took a couple of deep breaths to get her wind back and after that, her breathing came back normal.

Not a hint or trace that she's exhausted.

"Wow ... that was ... amazing," Yuzu contemplated as she looked down to her cock which was still rock solid and eager for more.
"Wh-what.....Yuzu what's going on?!" Karin was slowly sitting up, though the extra weight in her chest made it a somewhat more difficult action than before. She could only watch in shock as her twin sister started to stroke at her new cock, first with one hand, then with the other, though there was still plenty of cock left untouched....Yuzu's hands would never be enough to grasp all 14 inches after all. "Oh god Yuzu....what're you doing....?" Karin wanted to scream, wanted to get up and do something to stop all of this but...she found herself mesmerised...unable to look away from her twin sister working the new, wonderous organ that had sprouted from within her body. The sight was almost hypnotic, the sound of Yuzu's moaning was.....incredible. Karin had never heard her sister like that before....she knew it was wrong but....god her sister sounded so so sexy....

"Y-yuzu I....I think we need to get some help..." Just as Karin was beginning to regain her senses,she watched as Yuzu's cock throbbed and pulsed, then suddenly erupted in a practical fountain of cum. Much of it showered Karin, covering her face and her new breasts, along with what was left of her shirt. Whilst yet more soared right past Karin and splattered all over the wall or bed. The fluid was hot, thick.... "Y-Yuzu....?" Karin slowly lifted a hand, staring at a glob of cum on her finger. "Oh god....it's real...." The black haired twin quickly shook her head and finally managed to get to her feet, rushing over to grab Yuzu's arm, breasts bouncing as she did so, and pull her away from the door, quickly closing it behind them. Ichigo's room was just down the hall, if the door was open he was sure to hear and come looking for them. "Ok Yuzu....we need....we need to figure out what's going on...." Karin fidgeted a little, trying to ignore the burning heat in her body. Watching Yuzu's little show had gotten Karin more aroused than she had ever been able to consider before. Though it was rather hard to hide that fact....the nipples on her new breasts were now sticking out a good 2 inches from her body, rock hard, whilst her pussy was getting far far wetter than Karin could ever have considered, the fluid starting to soak through her clothes.
Yuzu was still mesmerized by what happened that she failed, yet again, to take notice of Karin's words and approach towards her. She was looking down at her cock with an amazed expression on her face, which was caused by many things. One of those things were how her cock was still steel hard and was still throbbing and twitching in her hands. Also, she could feel inside her something ... something primal and male driven. Something that has something to do with her new profound and amazing cock. She was still exploring and searching for the wanting and elusive answer to her confusion when her mind had somehow snapped out of it and looked at Karin.

Karin, who was heavily soaked with semen from head to toe. Karin, with her large wet breasts with two inched nipples fully erect.

Upon seeing her and those things on her, something finally snapped into place. Just like a while ago, it would seem to be connected .. Yuzu's confusion and Karin's 'displacement.'

In a blink of an eye, Yuzu leaned close to Karin and forced her lips onto her twin's kissing her deep and rough. Just as that took place, her hands flew from their perch on her cock and landed onto those huge breasts, groping them firmly. She squeezed, caressed, massaged, and even pulled them to her while her grip on those breasts were firm and strong. And while those things were happening, her cock was bouncing freely onto Karin's body as if patting Karin 'demanding' her attention.
"Yuzu? Yuzu can you hear me...?" Karin leaned in a little as Yuzu didn't seem to be hearing her, seemingly lost in thought. "Come on Yuzu, snap out of-" Karin was cut off mid-sentance as suddenly her twin was kissing her, deep, rough, the other girls tongue practically rammed down her throat. For a moment, Karin could only stand there in shock, eyes wide as she just stared at her sister. Then suddenly she felt Yuzu's hands on her newly enlarged breasts, squeezing them, massaging them. Karin tried to pull away, about to take a step back when Yuzu suddenly grabbed onto Karin's two inch nipples and tugged on them, sending a jolt of pleasure through Karin's body.

The girl let out a muffled moan of pleasure into her twin's mouth, then found herself moving closer instead, starting to return the kiss. Oh god the pleasure was just too much....Karin couldn't fight that kind of pleasure...she had never felt anything like it before. Karin shivered as she moved a little closer, then gasped as she felt Yuzu's cock prodding against her. "Nnnn...."
Finally, Karin had to break the kiss in order to take a breath. "Y-Yuzu....oh god...." Karin looked down slowly, then nervously reached out to grasp Yuzu's cock, squeezing it slightly, feeling it for a moment, before starting to stroke it. "It's....it's so huge....." Karin couldn't help licking her lips as she looked at it, thoughts entering her mind that she never would've considered before...
Yuzu wasn't again paying much attention to what Karin was saying. Apparently, her mental transformation or conditioning seemed to be in full effect. Only guys would do such a thing .. completely ignoring what others were saying to them. But even so, in Yuzu's case, she still heard what her sister said, she just chose not to say anything verbally.

"Stroke it, jerk it off, do it hard," Yuzu finally said when a small moan managed to escaped her lips a couple of seconds later after Karin began stroking her cock. "Use both hands if you must. Set me off, make me cum huge again. I want to see you bathe in my semen. And after that, I'll make you moan like a slut when I start banging your wet horny silly kitty."

Yuzu then cupped one of Karin's DD breasts beneath it and brought it up to her face. She then opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue to tease and flick Karin's erect nipple. It didn't took long before she leaned closer for her to nibble on that same nipple. At first she applied a gentle pressure while slowly and gently grinding her teeth against it. That continued for a short while before she intensified both the applied pressure and grinding of her teeth. With that, she also began to suckle hard on that breast of hers.

While that was taking place, she busied her other hand on resuming its ministrations on Karin's other DD breast. And when she began to suckle hard, she forced her ministrating hand to also increase its applied pressures both on the large breast and nipple.
Karin had never heard Yuzu talk like this, had never imagined that Yuzu would be capable of talking like this....but right now...god Karin just didn't care! All she cared about right now was pleasure....oh god she was more than happy to comply with Yuzu's demands to jerk off her new cock, if only to get to a hard fucking even faster! Karin had often wondered what it would be like to lose her virginity....though this was most certainly not what she had in mind.

With a lusty growl, Karin gripped Yuzu's cock with both hands, though with a 14-inch throbbing erection there was still plenty of it left to touch even with both Karin's hands wrapped around it. "Nnnn....it's so hot...so hard..." Karin started to jerk it, slowly at first, but a few moments later she gasped, her grip getting tighter as Yuzu started to suck on her newly enlarged breasts, each of her 2 inch long nipples feeling as sensitive as a clitoris. "NNGH! F-fuck!" Karin had to bite her lip to keep the noise down, not wanting Ichigo to hear them, and certainly not wanting him to see them like this.

The girl began to pant heavily as her twin sister sucked on her breasts, whilst she started to jerk Yuzu's cock harder and faster, rubbing her thumb across the tip. "Ah....f-fuck Yuzu....you're so good at that....if I didn't know better.....I'd say....you've had practice..."

Karin had never heard Yuzu talk like this, had never imagined that Yuzu would be capable of talking like this....but right now...god Karin just didn't care! All she cared about right now was pleasure....oh god she was more than happy to comply with Yuzu's demands to jerk off her new cock, if only to get to a hard fucking even faster! Karin had often wondered what it would be like to lose her virginity....though this was most certainly not what she had in mind.

With a lusty growl, Karin gripped Yuzu's cock with both hands, though with a 14-inch throbbing erection there was still plenty of it left to touch even with both Karin's hands wrapped around it. "Nnnn....it's so hot...so hard..." Karin started to jerk it, slowly at first, but a few moments later she gasped, her grip getting tighter as Yuzu started to suck on her newly enlarged breasts, each of her 2 inch long nipples feeling as sensitive as a clitoris. "NNGH! F-fuck!" Karin had to bite her lip to keep the noise down, not wanting Ichigo to hear them, and certainly not wanting him to see them like this.

The girl began to pant heavily as her twin sister sucked on her breasts, whilst she started to jerk Yuzu's cock harder and faster, rubbing her thumb across the tip. "Ah....f-fuck Yuzu....you're so good at that....if I didn't know better.....I'd say....you've had practice..."
As much as Yuzu wanted to deny the accusation of having practice, she could not say it for her mouth was busy suckling off Karin's breast and nibbling her nipple. And if she were to deny that fact, how can she convince her sister that is so when she was too much into the pleasuring and being pleasured. Any coherent thought to think of an answer to that would make it unbelievable. So for now, she just continues on suckling, nibbling, pulling and pinching.

As for her new cock, as being stroked and pleasured by Karin's hand, seemed to had stiffen some more and was throbbing and twitching like crazy. And only a few seconds later when Karin began stroking, her cock was ejecting vast quantity of clear precum onto her in multiple short bursts. It was as if for every upward stroke of her hands, she was forcing out that precum out of Yuzu's cock.
Karin groaned as she felt masses of pre-cum leaking from Yuzu's cock.....god there was so much....Yuzu's pre-cum was pouring from her cock like water from a hose and it just kept on coming! "Oh god Yuzu....so much....so big...." Karin couldn't help removing a hand from Yuzu's cock, only pumping it with a single hand whilst the other hand moved up towards Karin's mouth. "Oh god....have to taste...." She started to eagerly lick Yuzu's pre-cum, her delicious pre-cum, from her fingers, lapping it up eagerly until her hand was once again clean.

"Nnng.....come on Yuzu..." Karin grasped her twin sisters cock with both hands once again, starting to pump it hard and fast. "H-hurry up and cum....I want more of it all over me...then...then I need you to fuck me..." Karin was fidgeting and rubbing her thighs together, her body aching, desperate to be fucked by her sisters massive cock, desperate to lose her virginity in the greatest way she could imagine right now.
Having her cock stroked the way Karin was doing it, distracted Yuzu from her hands-on and oral ministrations on Karin's enlarged breasts. Despite her sudden mentality change that seem to make her more ... masculine, she was moaning very definitively femininely. She released Karin's breast that she had stuck in her mouth to accommodate her moaning just as she arced her back as more of her pre-cum got released from her cock.

"Yes .... yes ... stroke it more ... al....most ... there ... al...most ... ahhhh...." Yuzu screamed out as another large but powerful than the one before orgasm finally took place. This time, unlike the first one, her orgasm was like a beheaded firehose under pressure as her semen fountained out of her cock directed at Karin.
When Karin heard Yuzu's moans she was just more determined, squeezing her sisters cock more tightly, starting to jerk it as fast as she possibly could, wanting that sensation once again, wanting to feel Yuzu's hot cum all over her once more. And then finally...Karin was given the reward she had been so craving. She couldn't help but moan as Yuzu's first stream of cum erupted, catching Karin by surprise with it's force, so much so that it caused the black haired girl to stumble backover, her body being soaked head to toe in hot, thick cum. There had to be gallons of it, but every drop Karin loved.

She tried to swallow as much as she could that landed on her face, but no sooner had she licked it up then it was replaced once again with more fresh cum, until finally Yuzu's orgasm was finished, Karin almost hidden in a pile of semen. "Nnngh...oh fuck Yuzu....I can't take it!" Karin ripped off what was left of her clothes, dropping back onto her bed and spreading her legs whilst playing with her DD breasts. "F-fuck me Yuzu....oh god please fuck me sister! I need that cock inisde me so badly!"
Panting heavily, Yuzu could hardly believe what had transpired. She knew she came a lot the first time around, when she was just stroking herself in front of Karin, which felt like a million years ago already. When that took place, she knew what she have was special ... very and truly special. She had no idea just how special was her cock.

Then round two of her orgasm came, and this was much more plentiful than the first. While she was cumming, she could literally feel her legs and knees shaking from the sheer intensity and volume of her orgasm. So much, too much, unbelievably and impossibly lots came out. If she weren't too distracted by many things, she would had thought deeply on how this could be possible. But seeing her sister being showered by her semen had proven too distracting for her to do any logical and deep thinking.

To think that after those two large orgasms, Yuzu's cock was still at full attention and ready for more action.

Beckoned by her sister's words and current displacement, Yuzu barely hesitated as she rushed forward to Karin. As if by its own will, her large cock angled itself to be aimed directly as Karin's awaiting cunt. Without the manual aid of her hands, though she used them to grab hold of Karin's legs, she thrust her hip forward causing her cock to bury almost half of it's length inside Karin.
Karin licked her lips as she watched Yuzu approaching, grinning as the girls 14 inch long cock bounced infront of her, somehow looking even harder than it had been before. "Oh god Yuzu...come on...give it to me" Yuzu didn't seem to be wasting anytime, Karin squeaking as her legs were grabbed and her knees were suddenly up at the sides of her head, then screamed as she felt her virginity being taken from her, though it was a scream of pure pleasure, her body so aroused that any pain was completely drowned out with the intense pleasure of finally having a cock inside to satisfy her bodily cravings. Karin didn't even care if her screams of pleasure were heard by this point. Ichigo could hear from his room for all she cared now.

"Nnngh!" Yuzu's cock was so thick it was causing a bulge in Karin's smooth stomach, the tip of Yuzu's cock already pressing up against Karin's cervix even though only 7 inches were inside of her. Most of Karin's height came from her legs after all. "C-come on Yuzu....g-give me all of it! F-fuck me with all your cock!"
When Karin said that last statement, that immediately caused Yuzu to hesitate. For the sake of argument, this thing Yuzu was experiencing was new to her as surely as to Karin's. But hearing Karin say those words, and judging the current tidings of things, if Yuzu were to push more of her cock into Karin that would surely penetrate her more deeply Yuzu could ever imagine at the same time could cause great pains to her sister. To push deeper, she would penetrate her cervix which was the entrance to a woman's womb.

Hesitate she did, but it only lasted for a short while for, again, whatever caused her to change was almost taking control of her body just as much as she was letting be controlled by it. Besides, it surely would be a lot pleasurable to have all of her cock's length pounding about at Karin.

Yuzu obliges Karin by first pulling back a couple of inches then pushed the entire length of her cock in one powerful thrust forward that instantly pushed through Karin's cervix and into her womb, filling most of it with her thick and throbbing cock that also caused a much definitive and large bulge on Karin's belly.
Somehow, Karin's body seemed to be prepared for this....whatever had changed her, made her breasts swell to such huge sizes and sent her libido into overdrive, it was also making sure her body would be more than capable of taking the entirity of Yuzu's cock. "Nnngh.....ahh..." The girl groaned as Yuzu slowly pulled her cock out a little, then momentarily she went silent as Yuzu thrust inside, eyes going wide.

It took a moment for Karin to react, before she howled in pleasure. There was barely any pain, the pleasure was just too overwhelming. She felt her belly bulging out and up, prodding into the base of her breasts. Her hands went to grasp at the bedsheets tightly, nearly ripping them off the bed as she bucked her hips against Yuzu. "F-fuck me! FUCK ME!" Karin screamed out the demand, writhing around on Yuzu's cock, not wanting the movement to stop.
Yuzu had to shut her eyes not because of the sight, but because of the unexpected sensation she had gotten right after plunging the entire length of her cock into Karin. Never had she thought this was possible, nor was the absolutely pleasurable sensation she had gotten from the initial penetration. There was too much of it for her to handle that some areas of her muscular system had to react in such a way that it would not hinder the sensation.

One reaction was the involuntary shutting of her eyes.

The other, right after Karin shouted out her demand and began to move her own hips, Yuzu also began to move hers, too. Unlike Karin's, she had to somehow contend with the surprising tightness that was gripping her cock which also added to the sensation that was coursing through her already. But again, she did not let that hinder her from doing what she wanted to do right this moment.

She pulled a couple of inches back -just enough to lessen the bulge while not completely withdrawing most of it out of Karin's womb, and then pushed it all back inside. She did this motion in an almost rapid succession, pounding away with no care.
This felt so incredible, Karin had never felt like this, never imagined she could feel like this. Oh god she loved it! She loved Yuzu's massive cock so much! "Nnngh! Ahhh! F-fuck! Yuzu! Fuck!" Karin was tugging and yanking at the bedsheets, almost ripping them as she writhed around, bucking her hips against Yuzu's cock, trying to get it back inside of her womb, her flat belly being stretched out over and over, poking up against her huge bouncing breasts. "Nnngh! Oh god it feels so good!"

Karin's pussy was almost vice-like in its tightness around Yuzu's cock, squeezing it so hard that only the near impossible amount of juices her body was producing allowed any movement insie of her at all. "F-fuck me Yuzu! Fuck me sister! F-fill me....fill me up with your cum! I want it all inside of me!! I want all your cum inside me!"
Even if she wanted to, Yuzu cannot deny what Karin wanted. She was deep in the experience and in her actions that if she could choose to deny Karin, she would be denying herself too. That was one of the things she didn't want to happen to either and both of them. To see her huge cock bulging Karin's belly was too much to bare that she increased the pace and the intensity of her pounding. And with it was her groans and grunts also increased in volume.

How could Karin manage that vice-like tightness, Yuzu would never know nor would she want to know. As long as it was giving her the pleasure that she was now craving, that was enough for her.

And just as Karin demanded it, Yuzu's body shuddered while still pounding away as she exploded yet another vast quantity of cum deep inside Karin's womb. So vast that it was that Karin's belly swelled just to accommodate the sheer volume of it.
Karin could feel every twitch, every throb of Yuzu's cock inside of her, and every single sensation brought her closer and closer to her own orgasm. "NNGH! Don't stop! Don't stop Yuzu!" The girl raised her strong, athletic legs and wrapped them around Yuzu's waist, suddenly pulling her twin all of the way inside, making sure every single inch of Yuzu's cock was buried inside of Karin's pussy and womb, her orgasm suddenly hitting. With an ear shattering howl of pleasure Karin came, hard, her pussy spraying juices all over the front of Yuzu's body, over her face, breasts and stomach.

At the same time, Karin felt Yuzu suddenly cum inside of her, felt that cock unload it's biggest load yet. Almost instantly Karin's womb was full, but her pussy was so tight and Yuzu's cock so big that there was no way for even a drop of cum to escape. Karin's already bulging belly began to swell more and more, the cum inflating her womb and pushing her belly upward and outward. By the time Yuzu was finished cumming, Karin's belly was so swollen she could easily have been mistaken for being 9 months pregnant, with twins no less.
With her second orgasm settling down, Yuzu was breathing deep and hard as if her entire breathable air was exhausted at the same time was amazed by the sight before her. Seeing how much Karin's belly had expanded just to accommodate the vast quantity of cum she had flooded into her sister brought out a smile on her face.

So when she slowly and somewhat painfully pulled out her monstrous cock out of Karin, a very distinctive sloppy and wet pop sounded. Not only that, just as her cock was able to breath 'fresh air' again she was again squirting thick cum with enough pressure to reach Karin's face. Coating her entire face with a layer of cum.

Even more so, after all that had happened, her cock was still at fully erection as if nothing had ever happened.
Karin's swollen belly was quivering as she took deep breaths, panting heavily, her large breasts rising and falling along with her belly. "Ahhh....nnyaaa...." She sighed happily, rubbing at her belly for a few moments. "So full......" She gurgled softly, then let out a long, low groan as Yuzu started to withdraw her cock, leaving Karin's body suddenly devoid of the huge shaft. "Nya!" A little bit of Yuzu's cum escaped, but the rest was still trapped inside of Karin's womb, leaving her belly still very swollen up. A moment later, Karin felt more cum splattering across her belly, her breasts and her face.

"A-ah....oh god Yuzu....that felt so good...." As Karin shifted slightly, she gasped as she saw that somehow Yuzu was still rock hard. "O-oh wow....it's still so big and hard....you....you still need more Yuzu....?"
Panting heavily more, Yuzu looked at her sister's freshly drenched form once again. As an answer to Karin's question, if it did sounded like a question, her fully erect cock was once again twitching and throbbing. A very clear indication that what had happened was not enough to sedate her cock's hunger and lust. That, or it was just translating Yuzu's actual thoughts.

"I need ... want ... to ... fuck ... more ... but ... your ... body ... " she slowly murmured. And while she was murmuring, fresh globs of cum were dripping slowly from her cock like a leaking faucet.
"Nn....I...I can take it..." Karin grinned slightly, then slowly started to move, her swollen belly jiggling as she did. "Nnnngh...ahhh....f-fuck so full....but feels so good..." A little bit of cum leaked from Karin's pussy, but most of it stayed trapped inside of her womb, before she moved up onto her hands and knees. "Mmmm...c-come on Yuzu....fuck my pussy like this....give me every last drop of your cum this time.....I want you to cum in me until your cock goes soft. C-come on...." Karin's pussy was dripping wet with her pussy juices along with Yuzu's cum, her swollen belly and Double D breasts hanging beneath her.
Yuzu tried to control her breathing while watching her sister Karin try to change her position. Judging by the way her sister looked at the moment, she doubted that Karin could possibly last much more. Her belly had already expanded so much that she seemed to be ready to be give birth. Any more than that, Yuzu thought Karin would explode. But the sheer determination Karin displayed when she claimed she can still take more, brought a smile to her. That was the Karin she knew. Full of determination and ready to take up any challenge brought out to her.

Finally, when Karin was ready in her new position, the sight before Yuzu brought a fresh wave of lust through her. To see Karin on all fours, with her pussy dripping with semen that she had deposited into her, was just enough to make her lose her control yet again. In one full swoop, she plunged the entire length of her throbbing and aching cock back inside Karin and resumed pounding her again.
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