the two pokemorph females,

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Jan 14, 2009
eva was fighting a feral nidoking, but was loosing baddly. she had used up most of her strength, she had only one last move. "flare.. blitz!" she charged at the nidoking, and hit it head on, but was pushed back, falling to the ground. "damn it..." she said weakly. eva tried to stand back up, but couldnt. she was going to be killed... and it was going to be painful
A young pokegirl would run out of the grass nearby and use water pulse at the Nidoking sending it flying mack and smiled as it growled at her. She smirked and turned around slamming a iron tail into the male pokemon sending it flying tough a tree in a daze, she grabbed the poor girl that was laying on the ground and picked her up and ran off with her. They would soon get to her cave. she sighed and layed the girl on a bed of grass and watched her till she woke up.
while eva was out cold, she was still, her breathing short, and pained. but it soon returned to normal. she soon woke up and saw the other pokegirl, a vaporion? "did... you save me?" eva asked weakly "if you did... thank you... ill leave when im better, i dont want to burden you..."
She smiled as the girl awoke and she walked to the side of the cave and brought back some berry's for her and handed them to her. "Yes I did save you and you don't need to be so quick to leave..... After all it's been a bit since I've had any guest's come over." She said smiling softly.
eva noticed a very spicy berry that she loved and grabbed it, slowly eating it so bit by bit so it would restore her inner flame.something then hit her "im sorry... i havent given you my name. im eva... though no one calls me that. i have no family, no one even cares about me, iv lived in the forests as long as i can recall. surviving on fruits and berries. its... rough being alone." she sighed, and continued to eat the berry
She smiled and nodded. "I see.... well my name is auqa... And your not alone anymore in fact if you want you can live here till you get back on your feet." She said smiling and stretching a bit her tail going rigged for a moment.

(sorry for taking so long... so meny RP's and RL isnt helping.)
(dont worry about it ^_^)
eva asked "if... its okay...with the leader of the clan, i would... well, like to become a clan member, i am a good fighter, but im better at tracking down berries and fruits from trees, my nose is better than any pokemorph i have met. " she looked up at aqua and had sad eyes, if she was turned down... eva didnt know what she would do.
Auqa Laughed and looked at her. "I don't have any use for clan's so I am not apart of one. I live by myself." she smirked and sat down and started slapping a couple rock's over a fire-pit trying it make a spark. "And i don't mind it.... "
eva looked at aqua, and then blew a small spark of fire into the fire pit, starting a small fire. "there... thats better" she took another bite of a berry and asled "so... could i stay here with you? i promise i wont be a burden." she looked at the ground, knowing how pethetic she must be sounding right now.
Auqa Smiled softly at the girl her eye's wandering over her body for a moment, she blushed and smiled. "Yes.... You can stay here althou you will have to help with thing's.... Fire starting will be one of them." she said giggling. "After all we are a team now."
eva was surprised... "a...a team?" she smiled and tried to get up, but fell back down. "sorry... its just... iv never been on a team before... thank you! ill do my best to help out! " she said in a happy voice. she then grabbed another berry, also a spicy one, and put both into her mouth since the one she was currenly eating was bite sized now. "mmm... i so do love spicy foods." eva said with a small giggle.
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