Jugger x Fate


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan Stone = My Avatar
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Sub-Special: Genjutsu

At the main gate of Konoha, Nathan stands in wait for his partner. He was just transfered to Konoha after an...incident that had caused him to be transfered to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Originally, he was from the Village Hidden in the Clouds...but that was two days ago and now he's stuck in this clear village. He didn't like the open air, it made him feel irritated on how easily things could be seen.

Eventually he began to walk back and forth as he waited for his partner. "Dammit where is that ninja...?" He said annoyed. "We've got to meet some Traders and Escort them to where they need us to take them. Dammit I'm not going to arrive early anymore...This feeling of being out in the open like this, even in this town, is so nerve wrecking..."
The cute, pink haired ninja that hurried up probably wasn't what Nathan had been expecting. Sakura had been working for and working in the village for years now. She'd even had some specialty training under the Hokage. So most of the locals would recognize her, to be sure. But would a newcomer?

Sakura looked ticked too, her face crinkled in irritation. She'd made it clear that she didn't want a new partner, that she was waiting for Naruto to get back. Instead, they'd assigned her someone else. Someone brand new. The girl couldn't hide the irritation that lit her pale green eyes. Her hands folded over her chest, pressing her small breasts up. Her uniform did wonders for her tight, lithe body, and Sakura looked more like a fighter than she had last time she'd been assigned to a group.

"Why did they assign me to you?" demanded Sakura. Her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Do you even have any skills? Or what? Nevermind. Let's just get this over with."

And she was already on the move, wanting to get out of there and get this mission over as soon as possible.
Hearing her, Nathan just looked at he with a raised eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak but before he could, she was already darting off. Sighing, he broke into a run after her. "Jeez what a GREAT way to say "Hey there, I'm your partner!' Man..." He shook his head. "I didn't think they'd pair me up with someone who'd be bitchy on the first impression." He spoke to her as he had caught up to the girl. "Couldn't have at least given your name? The name's Nathan and you'd best learn it because we're partners until your hokage says so otherwise." He said as he took the lead. "The merchants should be somewhere around here...don't slow me down girl!"

Eventually Nathan came up to where the merchants were supposed to be but didn't see them. "The hell...?" He looked around and saw oxen tracks. "Great...they went ahead without us...Its because you took so damn long to get here!"
Sakura just ignored everything that Nathan said. More complaining. More nonsense. Gah, already he was getting on her nerves. Did he try? Or is that something that just came naturally for him? Didn't matter. Sakura didn't say anything, instead silently fuming and nearly stomping along. She did try to use that anger into movement though, wanting to get there in a hurry.

Sakura stopped too, frowning as she looked around. "Yeah, right," she muttered, rolling her eyes, "or they got attacked or something. It's oxen though. Not like it's going to be hard to catch up. We'll just have to move a little quicker is all."

And she was moving, heading in the direction of the tracks, her legs nearly blurring as she wanted to catch up. They could handle this, no problem. It bothered her though... they weren't that late...
Nathan sighed and rushed off after her. "Dammit you need to wait for me!" He said as he caught up to her. "There was a small trail of blood that led this way, we need to hurry!" He said as he dashed ahead of her, his speed was impeccable but being who he was, it wasn't a problem for him as he was a lightning ninja, faster than most. "I think I see oxen ahead...!" He said as he came to a screeching stop in the middle of a pile of dead bodies of merchants and oxen. "What the...?" He looked around...there wasn't anymore blood...the oxen and merchants weren't scathed in any way...so how did they die? "Something's wrong here..." He said as he walked over to check the pulse of a merchant. "Dead...but no wounds..."
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