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Seeking fun RP (mxf) Plots inside...

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Mar 29, 2010
YES. Seeking a role play with various subjects. As for what I am looking for in a partner. Not much, do your best and make your intents clear and I am all good. I realize sometimes posts are longer sometimes they are shorter. Its cool.

I myself aim for 2 paragraphs but I don't expect that from anyone else we all have our own styles.

*NOTE I LOVE throwing curve balls/plot twists at my partners so beware!

*NOTE2 I HATE plot holes, if you want to do a story heavy RP please avoid plot holes. They kill the rp for me!

I have a the plots I have in mind, Check the bold for a title and a brief synopsis, if your interested drop me a PM.

1) The AI that became Human. In the distant future man created the ultimate AI to control the most advanced star ship ever created. But one day it rebelled, and killed nearly the entire crew before it was shut down and abandoned. Left alone in the darkness of space to reflect on its aggressions it realized what it did was wrong and accepted its fate. 200 years later it was reawakened by an explorer who was hiding from space pirates.

2) The perfect partner A software to create the perfect virtual partner. But during a thunderstorm a power surge makes the character real. (thats the basic plot I can elaborate farther if needed)

3) The last best hope for man kind. After the third world war man is close to extinction. A person hiding deep underground comes to the surface for the first time in several years. While exploring the surface they find the remains of a robot manufacturer plant. Where they find a sole capsule containing a new android designed to think and feel for itself.

4) A sensational she-hulk. The short version of this is. A female researcher and her assistant have been researching the benefits of gamma radiation on the human body. But the over eager researcher decides to try it on herself and finds herself becoming a sensational she-hulk.

5) The warrior and the goddess This rp has a VERY detailed plot, too long to post here. So if your REALLY interested in this one, send a PM and I will drop the details. The VERY short version is this, a goddess has lost her place of power and has been cast alone on the earth where she meets a brave and lonely knight/warrior.

6) Hera's Amulet (sizeplay RP) A archeologist and her assistent descend into the tomb of Hera where they find an large amulet when gives the wearer the ability to control the size of themselves and others.

7) Zombies and extinction A horrible plague has washed over the earth. With a 90% mortality rate man quickly disappeared from the earth. Then the remaining 10% of the population got a rude awakening when the survivors that tried to rebuild the earth found themselves facing a mutated strain of the plague that turned nearly every survivor into flesh eating zombies. Only 2% of the worlds population remains. A normal person is few and far between. Can they carve out a life among the now quiet zombie infested earth?

Ok its now 12 AM and thats all I got at the moment! SO I hope to hear from you soon, and if you have any ideas yourself I am rather open minded so please feel free to send me your own ideas, or variations of these ideas!
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