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Looking for Mass Effect [MxM OR MxF]

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Dec 28, 2010
As made obvious by the title, I quite enjoy Mass Effect role-plays. Unfortunately, the truth to be told, I haven't found a good one in some time now. So, as a result...
I am now looking freely for a Mass Effect RP partner!~ Yes, I do Yaoi and hetero. I usually prefer to play turians and humans, though will play something else if I REALLY have to. Id prefer to stick to my turian and human preferences, though ^_^
I will rp with any other race, except batarians (can't stand those arrogant bastards) and vorcha (and sexual idea of them is, to me, disturbing...) Once again, I do both Yaoi and hetero couples. Yes this means I gladly (and do quite enjoy) asari!

I can match my post lengths to those of my partner, but my max is usually 2-3 paragraphs.

So, yeah :D please, if you know anything about mass effect and want a good roleplay, shoot me a pm or post here!
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