The darkness within (Stickyfun/Google)


Mar 9, 2009
Things weren't exactly going according to plan for Ginny Weasley, on the Hogwarts Express on her way to her 6th year at Hogwarts, sat in a compartment completely by herself. There were less than half the students onboard that would normally be there, many too scared to dare set foot in public, let alone somewhere like Hogwarts. She wasn't scared though.....although god knew she probably had more reason to be than most. Well....she used to anyway. During the summer she and Harry had finally expressed their feelings, kissed....and what did he do? Did he stay with her? Did he give up on his selfish quest for vengeance to be with her? No, he had ran away, left her behind. Hell, thanks to him her home had been burned to the ground! Well she'd taken all she could.....6 years she had waited for him, 6 years she had tried to catch his attention, make him jealous and what did he do? Go off with that slut Cho, 'the bicycle of Ravenclaw'.....well enough was enough, Ginny had her sights set elsewhere.

She wasn't stupid, she could see the way things were going. As determined as he was, Harry was still nothing more than a child, a child without Dumbledore to guide him anymore. Well Ginny was sick of being nothing more than a cheerleader, being ridiculed as Harry Potters second or third choice. It was time for a change, it was time to embrace feelings and urges she'd been suppressing for a long time now. Ginny knew what was happening to her...she had known about the darkness in her heart ever since that incident with the diary, and until now she had simply locked it away, resisted whispered promises of power in her dreams, but it was time to stop resisting, it was time to take what should be hers.

That was when she saw....when she looked up and eyed the pale skinned 7th year patrolling the train. A slight smirk crept onto the teenage girls lips as she silently stood up, moving over to the door of the carriage, waiting like an animal ready to strike. As soon as he was in position and his attention was diverted, Ginny opened the carriage door, grabbing Draco Malfoy and yanking him inside, closing the door behind her. ".....So....enjoying your little patrol Draco?"
It had all gone down perfectly, Dumbledore had died and now after months of plotting the Death Eaters were now in charge of the ministry, even the minister was in there pocket and would soon be replaced by someone who didn't need to be kept under the Imperius curse in order to keep them following what the Dark Lord had in mind. Perhaps even his father would be made the new Minister Draco thought to himself with a small smirk as he made his way through the train, going through the duties he had as the schools head boy, a wonderful little bonus that came from Snape being the headmaster.

It was all perfect though, who would have thought that things would progress so quickly after the death of Dumbledore, Draco had figured that it would take a few more months for things to reach the point where they had but now Potter was a fugitive and Death Eaters were pushing all the Mudbloods into hiding, all of them being hunted down and dealt with. Potter and his friends probably thought they would end up saving the day and changing things back to they way there had been but what they didn't realize was that there was no going back... things would never be the same as they once were.

He had just scared a few third year students into hiding in a compartment for a few hours, this was done for no reason other then the fact that he was a little bit bored. Maybe he should make his way to the back and have Pansy get on her knees for him, at least that would help pass the time a little bit. That whore sure knew how to work a dick. However before he could actually do so he was grabbed and pulled into a compartment by... by Ginny Weasly, he had heard that her brother wouldn't be at the school. Could it be that the red head was looking for some sort of revenge. Reaching slowly for his wand he narrowed his eyes a little bit. “What do you want Weasly, I have more important things to do then deal with you right now... unless you feel like sucking me off.”
"As vulgar as always Draco...." Ginny frowned and shook her head at his little comment....but then again she hadn't expected much better. For all the power and status that Draco had earned, he was still the same spoiled brat at his confident....well that would make things easier so perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing. "Try to stop pissing yourself Draco...." Ginny turned her back on him, walking back over towards the window of the compartment, the words sounding rather unusual coming from her. "I'm not going to try and take revenge on you for anything, I'm not so petty....I have more important things to be concerned about" She stared out of the window, rain beginning to pound against the glass as the train continued down the tracks. "....Things are different now...the world is changing.....and I don't intend to be left behind..."

She frowned, clenching her fists tightly, her reflection in the window seemingly obscured by an odd darkness that seemed to eminate from nowhere. "Nor do I intend to be on the losing side....the side full of desperate idiots trying to cling to the past....I wont make the same mistakes, I wont throw my life away in a pointless struggle that will end in failure no matter how hard I fight it...."
He was watching her carefully as she spoke about how she didn't want to be on the loosing side. Something odd was going on here and Draco had no idea what it was. Perhaps she was attempting to pull some sort of trick, getting in with the Death Eaters. Could it be that little Ginny was planning some sort of assassination attempt or did she think that he would let his guard down and she would be able to take him hostage? Well whatever it was she seemed different but he wasn't just going to trust her just yet and his hand moved over the grip of his wand ever so carefully, ready to draw at a moments notice.

“I might be a bit vulgar Weasly but I have better things to do then hear you babble endlessly.” Draco sneered, he was feeling something off and went with his default reaction to anything, distrust and curiosity in equal measure. “Now I get the general idea of what you are saying but it hardly matters, if you can't show me that you mean what you are saying then I am just going to have to ignore you... or perhaps even turn you over to the head master.”
Ginny knew he wouldn't believe her, not at first anyway. She had been prepared for that, though no matter how much she had thought about it she hadn't been able to think of an appropriate way to prove it...well....not except. The girl frowned again, she wasn't overly fond of the idea....but still....if that was what it took to prove herself to him....then she'd do it....she would rather do something like that than just let herself get killed. "Hmph, turn me over to the headmaster? Well you go ahead and do that if you's you that will be missing the opperunity to earn favour after all..." Ginny smirked slightly, slowly turning around to face him. She seemed....different now that Draco would get a good look at her. She still looked the same, still sounded the same, but her presence was....different....darker....more powerful. After all....she had a fragment of Voldemort himself inside of her...a piece of his very soul.

"But if it's proof you want...." She took a slow step toward him, seemingly unconcerned with Draco's grip on his wand. "Then I'll give you proof. Take it out" She folded her arms, her gaze moving down slightly. It might almost be like she was referring to his wand, but the direction of her eyes was just a little different, a little more....central. "You wanted it sucking didn't you? Well take it out if that's what you still want"
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