What he wanted

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Sep 9, 2010

As he examined himself in the mirror of the platform 9 ¾ platform Draco couldn't help but smile, everything was going just how he had hoped it would. After his success in arranging the invasion of Hogwarts at the end of last year his family had been elevated back to their former status, undoing the damage that his father's failure to bring the Dark Lord a certain prophecy had done. More then that though, more then just the Malfoy name had risen in status, now Draco was a rising star among the Death Eaters and as the youngest Death Eater he had a particularly important title, he was the Dark Lords faithful servant, his eyes and ears among the students at Hogwarts.

True Snape was now Headmaster, and other Death Eaters held teaching positions at the school, but Draco would be a law unto himself, able to do whatever it was that he might like. Whatever he wanted was his to reach out and take, one thing in particular of course.

Leaving the restroom Draco moved through the masses, people getting out of his way quite quickly. He was on the hunt now, there was one thing that he had always wanted but been unable to take because of circumstances in the past, she would have rejected him but now she would have no choice, like it or not she would belong to him.

Ginny Weasly, beautiful blood traitor would be his, the excuse would of course be that he was only doing it to make Potter and his friends suffer. It didn't take long though to see the flash of red that gave her away, the grace, the delicate beauty... she was going to be his.

Pushing his way toward her he was soon not far behind, pressing his wand against her back and his mouth beside her ear. “Weasly.” He whispered to her. “I suggest you go into the train compartment on your right... and if you attempt to draw your want I will of course make you regret it.”

It was difficult, bidding goodbye to her mother and father on the edge of the platform. Molly’s eyes hadn’t been dry since her second-youngest child’s departure, and it was only Ginny’s well established sense of dignity that kept her own eyes dry. Tears seemed to be contagious around the Burrow. After hearing that Ron was leaving with Harry and Hermione, she had been tempted to simply refuse to return to Hogwarts – but that would be stupid of her, considering all of the trouble that it would cause for her parents and siblings. As much as she loathed the idea, the most reasonable thing to do at this point was lie low and try not to stir up too much trouble. The would see how long that could last. It would be a minor comfort to return to the school and see the classmates she had been worried for over the summer though – Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and various others.

She had only just boarded the train and escaped the view of her parents, resolving to go look for her friends in one of the compartments, whenever she felt the harsh prick of a wand pressing into her back through the thin material of her tee shirt and hot breath at her ear, sending an involuntary shudder of outrage down her spine as she realized whose mercy she was subject to. She wanted little more than to close her fingers around her wand or give her elbow a good jab into his stomach so that she could run, but neither choice was a real option unless she wanted herself hexed into next Tuesday. She would have to wait for her opportunity.

Grudgingly, she obeyed the command and turned directly into the right hand compartment, waiting until she heard the glass slide shut behind their bodies to reach into her pocket and slip her wand out and turn to face him, putting a couple of feet of distance between them in the process. The farther away from Draco Malfoy she could get, the better. She hadn’t the faintest idea what he could want that called for such seclusion, but had immediately decided it couldn’t be anything good. Ditching out of her sixth year to go with Harry, Ron and Hermione was beginning to look better and better, to hell with her bloody safety. “What is it, Malfoy? Haven’t you got somewhere else to be?”

[[Sorry, I went back and added a bit for length and elaboration – I couldn’t leave it at less than 300 words.]]
She wasn't trying to fight him or yell for her friends, that was a very good idea considering he already had the drop on her and had learned a nasty spell or two from the older and much more experienced Death Eaters. Not that he wanted to her her, Merlin no, he wanted to keep her all to himself and hurting her would only throw his plans off quite a bit. He wanted her to grow to be his willingly, to bow at his feet and serve him faithfully. As she drew her wand on him he only smiled a little bit at her, she wasn't going to be able to hurt him.

“I don't really have somewhere else to be Weasly and neither do you... now I suggest you put up your wand.” He said, a tone of mockery in his voice as he slid his wand away into a pocket of his suit jacket. “Crabbe and Goyle are expecting me in about an hour, completely unharmed and if you have cast even the most harmless spell on me then then Mr. Longbottom and Ms. Lovegood will be suffering a great deal at their hands.” Not entirely a bluff but not something that he had planned out ahead of time, however to anger him would lead to problems for them.

“Now sit down and relax.” His face was crossed by a small sneer as he saw that as he took a seat himself, crossing one leg over the other. He was trying to put her at ease, no reason they couldn't be polite about this. “I am about to make you a very nice offer and once again accepting it is the only way to keep your friends from experiencing a great deal of pain.” Now the sneer was more evident then ever before, Draco in true form with someone at his mercy, someone who would not dare oppose him. “From this point on you belong to me, you will serve me however I like and if you fail to do so... well I don't think I need to threaten your friends again.”
He suggested that she put up her wand. She almost snorted at the comment, but her lips turned down in a slight frown whenever he obliged first by sliding his wand into his pocket. How could he be so confident that she wasn’t going to put him in a world of pain at that very moment? Cocky death eating prick. She let her wand drop halfway to her side, but didn’t put it away. She didn’t like being cornered, even if he didn’t have his wand at his disposal. “Crabbe and Goyle?” It was impossible to keep the amused skepticism from her voice. “I’m pretty sure Neville and Luna would hold up.” It was true that her friends were far more advanced magic users than either of Draco’s cronies, but she knew that she was lying. Just like she couldn’t hex Malfoy into an inside out slug, Luna and Neville couldn’t raise their wands to defend themselves. It was the higher power they were messing with at this point, and to put it gently, they were sincerely fucked.

As if she could relax. Ginny pressed back against the window, leaning against the glass rather than sitting down on the bench. How long would it be before Neville or Luna got concerned and came looking for her? Before Malfoy’s hour was up? As she listened to him – his proposition – her wand arm fell to rest at her side, and she stared at him for a long moment. And then she laughed. It bubbled up in her throat and escaped her lips before she could think of it. She would serve him? And he thought that his idle threats to Luna and Neville would convince her of that? She didn’t like the idea of being punished for hexing him or his lackeys, but if he was really getting this smug with his position, then he had another thing coming.

Didn’t he? Her laugh faded as she took in his expression. He was quite serious – hell, he might even expect her to be pleased with his “offer.” She cocked her head, studying him for a moment before she straightened and shoved her wand back in her pocket. She was leaving. “Go fuck yourself, Malfoy.”
Her lack of concern for her friends was a little bit amusing, did she think that his friends wouldn't have learned a trick or two after the whole DA thing that Potter had put together. While Potter had taught his friends defense against the Dark Arts the Slytherin students had learned how far behind they were in experience and knowledge, without telling anyone they had banded together and shared what they had learned from their families... what had come from this was a great deal of shared knowledge and experience in some rather nasty curses and hexes...

Crazy girl and Longbottom would have a nasty surprise in store should they run into Crabbe and Goyle now, especially since Slytherins now outnumbered any of the other houses, Mudbloods having fled the school and since Slyherin lacked any at all they now had quite a numerical advantage. SO much power, and as Head Boy Malfoy would be the one in charge of the Slytherins and the students who were smart enough to see the shift and align themselves with the proper power.

It seemed however that Ginny wasn't smart enough to see what was coming, laughing at him and then trying to walk away without his permission. Such profane language to the man who she would soon acknowledge as her master. Standing quickly he moved forward, pressing against her while his hand kept her from drawing her wand. His body was pressed fully against hers, even though the clothing he could feel her softness against his own firm form. “You don't seem to get it do you?” He asked, his voice a low growl against her ear. “The Order lost... The Dark Lord is now in charge and that means that blood traitors like your family are in a very delicate position while my own family now has even more power. If you won't submit to me then I can take you by force and no one will do anything to stop me.”
She shouldn’t have been stupid enough to stow her wand away, but it was too late to think about that now. Ginny stiffened as Draco moved fluidly to his feet, cutting off her path to the compartment door with the barrier of his solid frame pressing so closely against her own, the long fingers of his pale hand closing around her arm to make sure she couldn’t whip her wand out on him. This distance was disconcerting – not because she’d never been so close to a boy, but because she had and she had never planned on being so close to Malfoy. She didn’t want to feel the warmth of his body pressing against hers, or feel the contrast of his firm muscles against her soft curves.

She tilted her head away slightly when his hot breath touched her ear, a mildly annoyed attempt at tugging away. She couldn’t comprehend anything he was saying – mostly because she didn’t want to. The way she saw it, things may be utterly dismal, but as long as Harry was alive there was still a sliver of hope. The muggleborns had fled, but she didn’t blame them – what choice did they have? They had more freedom than she did at the moment, even if they were on the run.

But being in a “delicate position” was not going to stop Ginny Weasley from being anything less than the typical spitfire she’d forced everyone to know her as. And Draco’s new stature wasn’t going to earn him anything unless he had a damn good way of forcing her into it. She could ignore his threats in their close proximity, and the mild flutter of her pulse – an effect of adrenaline brought on by anger is what she dismissed it as. What she couldn’t ignore was his snide barb in regard to her family. But if he was going to be so calm, then she wasn’t going to act out like some snot-nosed brat. He wanted to play his game, then he could bloody well play it. “I’d rather be a blood traitor,” she returned sweetly, “than suffer from inbredity. Is that what’s wrong with your logic, Malfoy? Your dear old dad’s banging his sister? Certainly explains the resemblance, doesn’t it?”

She shifted against him, making to sidle around his body even as she snatched her arm from his grasp and yanked her wand from where she’d stowed it in her pocket. At the same time she closed her fingers around the handle of the compartment’s door to yank it open and move out into the cart where someone would at least see her. She wasn’t sure if Draco was willing to cause a scene or not – or if he would even need to. He may have locked the door, or snatched her back before she could make it past the compartment’s threshold.
Pushing him off was one thing, trying to ignore reality was another thing but it was something that he could ignore, later on he could teach her the error of her ways. Right now her problem was that she had dared to comment on his family, to make accusations of inbreeding. It wasn't even the commentary on his parents, it was the commentary on pure bloods that she was making, had she forgotten that her own family was pure blooded, that they had been a respectable family once. How dare she besmirch the honor of pure bloods everywhere. She would need to be taught a lesson in how to be proud of her heritage.

Anger trusting his featured Draco grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pulled her against him, despite his anger his arousal was pressed solidly against his back, so rare was it that any young lady offered him any sort of challenge to him. “You will learn better then to speak to me like that.” He whispered as a hand curled up around her neck, squeezing lightly while the other hand began to tease up underneath her shirt, he didn't have the patience to wait any longer for his prize, he wanted her right then and there.

“I am a Death Eater, I am in charge right now... you can either serve me or your friends will suffer. Every student in the school who wants an in with the new powers will be looking to kiss my ass and I will have them punish your friends every time you deny me what I want.” He didn't really want to hurt her, it would accomplish nothing in the end but by threatening her friends he would be able to get what he wanted from her. “Submit to me Ginerva or else you will all suffer at the hands of myself and my friends.”
Who the bloody hell did he think he was, yanking her around? Ginny only just managed to refrain from letting a shout of surprise escape her lips whenever he grabbed her once again, pulling her back from the compartment door. She tensed at the feel of him stiffening against her and closed her eyes for the briefest moment. The feel of a hardened male pressing against her wasn’t new, but she hadn’t imagined she would ever have Malfoy at her back. His arousal, paired with his mouth at her ear and his fingers curling around her throat brought her breath up short.

And as his fingers brushed beneath the hem of her shirt, dancing across the soft, sensitive skin that was so seldom exposed, she found herself writhing, jerking back toward him in an attempt to escape his touch. In this position, it was far easier to grasp how right he was about her situation. It would take only a flick of his wrist or a nod of his head to have a hoard of his cronies on top of Neville or Luna or any of her other friends – and though they were damn good wizards and witches, all hell-bent on eradicating the student Death Eater posse, there weren’t enough of them to take on the Dark Lord’s new recruits. Draco especially had risen to sit on his throne, and could indeed do anything he wanted. Any way he wanted. And who would he have to answer to? Her. Because she had too much pride and self respect to bow down to him the way he so obviously wanted.

“I’ll speak to you however I like,” she hissed, squeezing her brown eyes shut. Would Neville or Luna blame her? Probably not – but she couldn’t bring herself to put either of them in unnecessary danger. She didn’t want them punished, not on her account over Malfoy’s sick idea of a good game. Just because the spoiled pureblood monster wanted to have his way. “Keep your goons away from them.” This would be much easier if she could look at herself as noble for submitting to him, letting him have his way for the sake of her friends. But she couldn’t. What would they say? What would her brothers say? Or Harry?

She shoved those thoughts away, only noticing now that her hands were free – both of them digging trimmed nails into the wrist of the intimidating hand at her neck. “What do you want?” Her voice was a whisper – as if she was afraid of being over heard. Or maybe it was the fact that she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Whether that was an effect of the pressure on her neck or the pounding of her pulse and shortness of breath, she wasn’t sure, but she wished it was less noticeable. She scraped her nails over his arm, dragging up the tailored sleeve of his suit in an all too obvious attempt to draw blood from his alabaster skin and lifted her lashes to glare forward at the door. Her only way out, and he was holding her just in front of it. She didn’t know if she wanted anyone to interrupt them now – not in this state. The embarrassment would be too much to handle – if she was going to be subject to that sort of torment, she would rather let Malfoy do as he pleased in private than have anyone know he’d had her in the first place. Which brought a whole new flood of panic – who was he going to gloat to? How much of a laughingstock was she going to be when he got done with her? She didn’t want that – she couldn’t have it.
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