Is there seriously more than just fighting all the time?! [Himeko x Black Hand]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
Shiro Asamura had been searching for the one who'd be her Ashikabi but had no luck whatsoever. She was currently being chased by other Sekirei's like herself, since she was Ashikabiless she was always the main target, they all seeked to eliminate her from the tournament. "God damn it, stop fucking targeting me!" She yelled as she continued to lead them into her trap. She was a very powerful Sekirei, she just was limited due to not having an Ashikabi yet.

Finally reaching her goal she smirked and laughed. "Well at least you're persistent, but I grow tired of this cat and mouse game. I've got you in my trap now, thank you for keeping up with me..." She grinned as she opened a dark portal beneath the confused Sekirei as she sent them hurling into it. Where they went not even she knew, but it was far away from her. She went to leave when she saw a girl looking at her. 'Shit did she see everything?' She asked herself as she looked at her. "Ummm... Hi?" She said as she walked over to her. 'What's this strange feeling I'm having...?' She thought as she got closer to the girl, not knowing who this girl was exactly.
Sarah Fawcet walked down the street lazily. for weeks now she had hadn't found anything to fill her interests. her friends were starting to bore her with their incessant bullshit. it all seemed so meaningless to Sarah. ever since she moved to japan it seemed like all she got were weak challenges and pathetic failures surrounding her. at this point, she was actively considering just returning to america. it seemed like very thing was just boring for her. little did she know that today was the first day of the rest of her life. a life that would be far more interesting the previous.

right as she turns around to walk home, sarah is suddenly knocked over by something. somehow, she manages to maintain her balance, and swing her head around, looking at this new intruder. it appears to be a girl. one that seems to be about her age. on this girls face is a seemingly desperate look like she was trying to escape something. for some reason, sarah felt compelled not to be very mad at this stranger. she didn't know why. she had every reason to be mad at this girl for knocking her over, and it seemed unlike her to let it slide. but for some reason, she felt drawn to this girl, finding herself moving closer to her for seemingly no reason. "hi" she replied to this strange persons statement in an almost trance-like tone. she felt like something was meant to happen, but she did not know why.
As Shino was close enough to almost touch the girl she had felt the pull bringing them together. 'Could this be... My Ashikabi?' She wondered as she looked deeply into the girls eyes. She had been told about what was to be expected when she found her Ashikabi, but she never knew it would be like this.

"I.. I believe you might be my Ashikabi..." She said shyly. "I know this is sudden but I need to know..." 'Damnit this girl didn't even look fit to be my Ashikabi but what choice do I have? Sooner or later there would come another Sekirei that will be much stronger than I and that would be because I cannot even tap into my full powers yet..' She thought as she continued to stare at the girl. What the hell, she had no other choice. "We must kiss if we are to be bound. I am a Sekirei and you I believe are my Ashikabi. We will discuss matters later... But first we must be bound." She said as she was now facing the girl upclose.
sarah's eyes shuttered as she heard the strange girls rant. it seemed so strange. what was she saying to her? sarah had no idea what an akshibi even was. she couldn't figure it out, that said, she did have a strange urging in the pit of her stomach. it told her to reach out and kiss the strange girl in front of her.

sarah had never been a lesbian. she never even kissed a girl before. when a guy had asked she had actually punched his lights out. but right now the urge to just reach out and make out with this strange girl was overwhelming. " an ashikabi?' she asked more in a breath then anything else. her mind was telling her no, but her body was saying yes. she just wanted to take this girl and make her hers. she couldn't tell where this desire came from either. it freaked her out. then after a few more seconds she couldn't stand this magnet attraction between the two. she roughly grabbed the girls arms and leaned in and gave her a strong kiss. her tongue plunging deep into the other girls mouth.
Shino couldn't deny the calling, the pull that was slowly binding their bodies together. This girl was to be her Ashikabi and whether or not they liked it, they both had to accept it. She knew it was fate that they met like this. I was something they could not have escaped from even if they had wanted to. The girl roughly grabbed her and kissed her strongly, it was so intense.

Their tongues danced with one another as their kiss lasted. Shino's wings had burst from her body, proving that this girl was her Ashikabi now. Breaking the kiss slowly she looked deeply into the girls eyes and then got down on one knee and kneeled before her. "My name is Shino Asamura and I am your Sekirei. There is a great tournament taking place and all stray Sekirei's must have their Ashikabi, or master/mistress before the finals. I am bound to you as you are me. I am your to command and do with however you please. However you must take part in this, we cannot escape or else the squad will come after us and kill us." She said as she continued to kneel before her Ashikabi. "There is a prize at the end of this tournament however... The last Ashikabi and his or her Sekirei standing will have one wish granted to them, whatever they desired." She finished as she kept her position. Waiting to hear what her Ashikabi had to command her to do.
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