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Male seeking female. Very open minded!

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Mar 7, 2011
Hey out there,

I'm a male seeking MxF roleplay. I'm very open minded so if you have a particular fantasy or fetish you'd like to act out please feel free to PM me. Chances are I'll at least give it my best shot. Some pairings I've done in the past that have worked out well were:

Best friends
Room mates

I'd be interested in doing any of these again. The one thing I ask is don't just give me one line replies. It really doesn't give me anything to work with. If you're interested just drop me a PM. Thanks and I can't wait to hear from some of you!
Had me until one line responses haha... I'm terrible at that, escpecially if I'm "in the moment"
LoLinda said:
Had me until one line responses haha... I'm terrible at that, escpecially if I'm "in the moment"

haha well I'm willing to give it a try with you if you want. If things aren't going well I'll certainly let you know but I can usually work with anything. If you're still interested feel free to drop me a PM.

Hello there, I would be willing to roleplay with you. I have several plots and as long as a roleplay has plot I'm good.
Greetings, I'm new on this site and I'm still looking for people to RP with, I promise I'm versatile enough to deal with almost any kind of plot twists you throw. If you want to give it a try then PM me an we can discuss things in more detail.
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