Soul Eater

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Mar 5, 2011
Maka Countued to run chasing her target with her weapon in hand, her goal was to collect 99 human souls and 1 witch soul so that she could gain a Death Scythe. Like her mother Maka was a Scythe Technician and she planned on having her Demon Scythe become a Death Scythe.
As the daughter of the current Death Scythe and his former Meister, she has high expectations of herself and so she is very determined to hunt down her target. Maka's current target was Jack the Ripper, an evil human and the 99th human soul she needed.
(Nathan - Avatar
Ichiro - Picture I showed you)

"Maka, where's this guy at?" Nathan said in his scythe form while MAka was running down, chasing a fleeing Jack the Ripper. "For a guy that big in size, he sure is fast as hell! We might be able to get a better vantage point if you run up to the roof tops!" Nathan said as his half-naked image appeared in the blade of the scythe. "He can't hide here, London's too small for a guy THAT noticeable!"
Maka nodded and headed for the roof of a near by house, "he should get tired soon or we'll just have to corner him somewhere" she studied what she could see of the area. London was definitely small enough to have dead ends the only problem was tricking Jack the Ripper into one so they could kill him, just as the thought crossed her mind Jack the Ripper turned down an alley way which led to a dead end all by himself. Smiling she followed after him, reaching the end she stood on the top of the wall staring down at him. "Murderer Jack the Ripper I'm here for your soul!" Looking up at her he prepared to attack Maka, she prepared to attack Jack the Ripper as well. "Lets go Nathan, this makes human soul number 99"
"Got it!" Nathan said as he felt himself get swung down.

(Seriously sorry for a short post. I was gonna RP Jack the Ripper but you kinda took that position lol. I didn't just want to up and take it so I'll wait for you to give permission to me if you want to.)
(Oh sorry^^' You can play who ever you want to just let me know. As for the post length it's fine, I'm not picky on length)
Maka Swung Nathan at Jack the Ripper cutting him in half and his body disappeared. In its place his soul appeared as they landed on the ground.
Nathan transformed out of her hand and walked over to the soul, smirking as he took it and downed it with one gulp. "Damn that was good...ninety we just need a witch's soul." He said sneering as he looked over to Maka. "G'job Partner."
Maka smiled at him, "you finally got your 99th human soul Nathan. Soon you'll be able to become a Death Scythe" Turning she looked around them, Maka was currently searching for a Mirror. "Now to report to Shinigami-sama... Mirror, Mirror... Here we go" She stopped infront of a mirror that was bolted to a stone building, "lessee, Shinigami-sama's Mirror number is... 42-42-564" Waiting for him to pick up Maka stood there in front of the Mirror
(You know what those 3 numbers add up to right? First time I heard em, I automatically knew it had to be 666 lol. Though...I don't think its 562. Is it not 582? Thats how I remember it in the English Dub...I think. It would make more sense. 42 + 42 = 84 + 582 = 666)

Death came upon the mirror and greeted the two of them. "Hey there Lord Death." Nathan said as he draped an arm over Maka and smiled a cocky smile to death. He usually hung around Maka when he wanted to get in on the small video framed mirrors, just to smite Spirit who was in the background most of the time.
(acordding to the manga it's 564 but 582 does make more sense)
Maka smiled, "We collected our 99th soul today. All that's left is the Witch's soul and then I'll be able to make Nathan into a Death Scythe" she said nothing to Nathan as his arm draped over her, it was only to spite Spirit and she knew it. After all she was used to it, ever since the two had met Nathan enjoyed doing things to annoy her father. Of course she didn't stop him since she hated the man, even though he was her father he had cheated on her mother so many times and she knew it too. That was why her parents were currently going throug finalizing the divorce right now.
(The Manga and Anime are always different in a lot of ways. Maybe since literature has more blocks than shows, American version manga had to be edited so it wouldn't have anything to do with 666 so religious people wouldn't be turned away as much.)

(Speaking of which, do you ever even see Maka's mother in the anime? I don't read Manga.)

Death chuckled. "Good...good. Now then, come back and rest for tomorrow you can leave in search of a witch's soul.

(Again, sorry for a short reply. Busy atm and feeling inner conflict to either watch some DBZ episodes or play Fallout 2 on the computer.)
(Hmm.... The later episodes of the anime mentioned that Maka had been receiving postcards from Kami as she travelled around the world though there is no appearance of her in the anime.)
Maka nodded "alright" she turned about to walk off as Spirit popped up from the background somewhere ready to yell at Nathan for putting his arms on his precious daughter. "Get your hands off MY Maka!" Being refered to as his Maka she turned and glared at him, "I don't see you as my father papa so stop calling me that!" Spirit sulked in a corner depressed. Ignoring him she headed off in the direction of the school. "Come on Nathan"
(Oh jeez...Maka's mother is named God in Japanese? lol)

Nathan just chuckled and saluted Spirit off before he followed after Maka. "Don'tcha think you're a little too harsh on the guy? You're his only family y'know. You're all he has, can't you give him a break or two? And I don't mean literally so don't even use my words against me haha."
Maka closed her eyes as she walked, "no... he cheated on mama so many times and hurt her I'm sure. She hasn't really said so but to be cheated on like that all the time has to hurt" Even though she hated him Maka did care for her father a little bit though she rarely showed this to anyone let alone Spirit.

Nathan shrugged. "Whatever you say Maka. Its none of my business other than to spite him by doing this." He said as he wrapped his arm around her. Like Spirit...Nathan was somewhat of a lady charmer, but he knew to tone it down around Maka and rarely had done this so he wouldn't remind himself of Spirit, just so Maka wouldn't hate him and break their Spiritual Connection.
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