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Fishing with grenades...

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Jan 3, 2010
Ok..... For the first time in a very VERY long time I've decided to actually put out a request. To be simple I want a playmate. Nothing more, nothing less... Or if you'd like something else I guess you could say I'm bored and I want to PLAY. Anyways I'm not a difficult guy to get along with, I've been playing these kind of games since I was sixteen... making it about six years total experience and I've come quite a long way since then. I have few rules, extremely open to idea's, and I love improve more than anything else but as far as my rules go I don't bend from them unless you can convince me otherwise. To begin with I'll basically minimize any problems by explaining the things I won't tolerate in any way shape or form.​

Tiny posts
I NEVER expect my playmates to MATCH MY POSTS! When I get excited (sometimes very easily) I tend to post EXCESSIVELY MASSIVE POSTS because of said excitement. The most I expect is two beefy paragraphs I can work with. DON'T EXPECT DETAILED POSTS IN RETURN FOR TWO OR THREE LINES. THAT'S HORSE SHIT.

Short hand
Not going to take the time or effort trying to figure out retarded texting BS or l337 for those who actually think they can get away with it.

No I'm not a spelling whore, everyone makes mistakes and I tend to do so when I'm typing really fast (Usually when I'm all frisky)

Pre-made Characters
I have a fucking brain, I don't need someone to shove a half assed pure perfect bastard that can do no wrong in my lap and expect me to play him. All of my characters have flaws, either open or hidden to be found out later but I REFUSE to play something made before hand. It takes every ounce of fun out of it for me personally.

The last thing I have that may shock and stun everyone here... I DON'T WANT TO PLAY PURE SMUT! Yes I do in fact have a penis, and yes I love sexing especially when it's long overdue with teasing and such. BUT I CAN'T PLAY A GAME WHERE SEX OCCURS EVERY OTHER POST. Even I don't have that kind of sex drive.

The best games I've ever been in had MINIMAL planning and only a very BASIC storyline. Everything else was left to my devious mind and the deliciously cunning minds of my favorite playmates.

Mmmmmmmm I love having lots to think about. The more I have on hand, the better I can give back with my return posts.

Just one post a day will due, sometimes it takes me a couple to put together something adequate but normally I always post once a day or more if I catch you online.

Are female only, but I do have experience playing a female character but pairings will only be my male and a female or a F/F if I can wrap my head around a general plot.

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?! Just PM me if you want to play, and if it's possible I will be more than willing to start any RP after we chat a dab about it first. THAT MEANS IF IT'S WITHIN MY RULES WHATEVER YOU DESIRE I'D LOVE TO FULFILL!

Oh yeah, just ask and I'll send you the link to my rabbit hole through a PM @__@​

For those who want a sample just to see how I roll... This RP in particular might just be one of my absolute favorites!
Lol, your thread is perfect. Funny (entirely reasonable) and endearing in a way. <3 Though could probably use a few bumps? XD
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