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Let me be your Rapedoll

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Feb 15, 2011
I would like to extend my thanks to CarnalChaos
giving me the fine points of role playing
as well as he was the one who first introduced
me to BlueMoon so thanks should be given
where due ... thank you sweetheart ~kiss~


Obviously by the name I chose to use I'm into a lot of rape, force and torture scenes.
When I am role playing I like to let my imagination and fantasy take over. I like a lot of hard core edge play. I'm into a lot of torture both sexual and non sexual. I'm very much a role play pain slut and masochist. I'm into a lot of things that most people are not ...

HOWEVER: Please please please read my NO list in my rabbit hole.. the things that are on that list are a firm NO negotiation No..
But there are more then enough things on my favorites, yes and maybe list that those few things I'm sure wont matter.

My ideal role play partners would have a rich imagination .. being able to play a sick and twisted sadist that gets off on the rape and torture of a young girl ( 13-18 yrs old).

As far as role playing: I'm not a beginner, and I'm not an expert, so i guess i fall somewhere in the middle. I hope over time my role playing skills will improve as i continue to learn.
In school English and spelling where my worse subjects, and that's no exaggeration. My punctuation is not the best .. as a matter of fact it's pretty bad, and i cant spell to save my life, but I do know how to use spell check lol so what you see above is what you should expect. So in other words I'm not going to be the grammar
police. But i will need to be able to read and understand what you are trying to say.
My posts are normally about two paragraphs long, sometimes longer, sometimes less ( but not to often less then two ), It depends on whats happening in the scene. For the most part you will get what you give. If you are constantly giving me only one paragraph to work with then that's what you will most likely be getting in return (as well as a quick ending to our rp). But if your giving me something decent to work with then i will try to give you the same back.. but sometimes you just cant lol.

ok now .. I will only do threads.
I have a real life and i don't have time for IM's int interrupting me when I'm working or otherwise busy.
and the same goes for PM's ... PM's tend to get to confusing and clutter up my in box.

Although there is alot of smut and sex in our role plays i do ask that there be some depth to our role play as well.
When it stops feeling like a role play and starts feeling like cybersex then I'm going to put an end to it.

I'm going to list a few parings that I would be interested in.
However, this is just a quick list off the top of my head and by no means should be considered as the only parings I will do as i'm open to most. If you have an idea not listed just drop me a line and we can talk about it.

Boy/girlfriends 13 yr old kid sister
high school football star/ jr. high school girl
kidnapper/ young girl
burglar/ girl home alone
wolf/ girl
werewolf/ girl
Master/ new young slave
demon/ human sacrifice
Possible plots:

Young girl lost in the woods .. oww so many things could happen to her. She could be attacked by a wolf or werewolf. Or maybe some sadistic psychopath.. a group of men or teenagers ... its really not safe in the woods for a young girl alone.

walking home from babysitting and dragged into a back ally.

kidnapped and taken to a small cabin in the woods .. or locked in some sadistic psychopath basement in a small cage where he rapes and tortures her.

a young girl is constantly raped in her dreams by a sadistic entity or ghost but even though people can see her bruises and marks he's left nobody will believe her.

A young girl is captured and sold into slavery where she is bought by a sadistic prince.

a Junior high school girl star struck by the big senor high school football star.. only to find out when its to late that he's a sadistic rapist.

A sadistic demon that gets off on torturing his young sacrifice

New idea
A new idea,
well actually it's a spin off of my entity idea.
A young girl of 6 [please read disclaimer at bottom of post] moves into a old house with her family. Shortly after they move in the girl suddenly develops an imaginary friend. The family all think it's just cause of the move and not having any friends and that she will soon outgrow it.
Well, she doesn't out grow it. After awhile she just starts keeping it to herself, as it is her family already thinks she's a bit odd.
The story will mostly pick up when she is about 15. Now growing into quite a beautiful young woman. Then one night she awakes to feel something touching her under the covers, her imaginary friend is no longer content with just being friends and he decides he wants more.
Now she had to try to convince her family that her imaginary friend never did go away and in fact, now he's much more menacing that he was when she was small.

*the story is about a 15 yr old .. and the fact that she was 6 when she moves into the house is just used to set the ground work, there is absolutely no sex involved until she is much older and is 15.

Another plot i have been craving :

I have been having a craving of doing a bounty hunter scene.
This could be done several ways ...
probably her aprox. age would be 14.. but we can change that if you are uncomfortable with that.
why would a 14 yr old have a bounty hunter on her tail?
could be a few reasons.
1) she's an escaped slave that was being brought to a slave auction.. and was some how able to escape before she got to auction.
2) could have a more sinister start .. she went to auction and was bought. And that night when the guy who bought her tried to rape her she was able to grab a knife/pen (something) and stabbed him. Either seriously injuring him or killing him and was able to escaped. Now the family is pissed that a slave would do this to one of there family and has put a bounty out on the young girls head, wanted dead or alive.

Now you: you see her wanted posters all over and the price on her head is pretty high for a little 14 yr old girl. You figure there wont be any problem tracking her down and bringing her in... but once you do find her, her so taken with her beauty that you decide that your going to keep her for your own little pleasures, as twisted as they may be. .. and even if you decide later that you do want to turn her in.. she was wanted dead or alive so it wouldn't matter what condition you brought her back in.

~~Eye Candy~~

I have an idea for a new role play. However the plot is going to be very hard and demanding for my role play partner, so I'm going to be picky about how will get this part. The part will require the person to be able to play several different characters, from warm and romantic to a deranged sadist.


Amanda is a shy 16 year old. She hadn't had many dates, not because she's not pretty. No just the opposite, a beautiful raven haired beauty. The problem is most of the boys in her high school are afraid, because of her good looks. That's when her best friend talks Amanda into online dating. Her friend even goes so far as setting up the ad for her.
Soon the innocent 16 year old is having the time of her life. She seeing 4 different men that have answered her ad. Until one night she receives a terrifying note, “Don’t say no, Amanda . Keep going out with me. I’ll mess you up if you ever say no.”

Which one of her admirers is a deadly freak? Amanda is now forced to say yes to everything the four men ask of her–dates. panic and paranoia shadow her every move. Amanda suspects everyone.

~Demon slayer~

Young 17 year old witch/Demon slayer, She's made quite a name for herself .. known to be ruthless and quick.. she has slayed many Demons.
But about six months ago she made a mistake.. hunting a demon she mistakenly left him for dead... but with his dieing breath he was able to save himself... Now he's immune to her deadly poison...
It's taken him 6 months to heal from her attack that almost cost him his eternal life. And during that whole time his anger grew and seethed, all he could think about was revenge.
5 years ago when she was but 12 she watched as a demon killed her entire family. Since that day she's devoted herself to the dark arts and demon slaying... over the years she has become quite efficient at it.. until one night she makes a grave mistake.
One night she's at home.. creating a powerful spell...
finishing the spell she puts a small vile up on the book shelf where she intends to use it the next day... but that's when all hell brakes loose...
The demon she left for dead brakes into her home.. at first she doesn't recognize him until he tells her who he is.. she says that's impossible that she killed him. but he tells her that at his dieing breath he was able to save himself... now any demon that survives a witches poison becomes immune to it...
Grabbing her by the neck tossing her against the book case... She is knocked unconscious, as she crumbles to the floor she knocks the vile with the fowl smelling potion down where it covers her.. ... He moves in grabbing her by he neck and lifting her off her feet.. set to rip her throat out..
The potion...
was a powerful love potion...
and as the demon moves in ready to steal her last breath.. he gets a whiff of the potion.. ...
Now the demon falls in lust with her.. he has to have her.. he will stop at nothing to get her. He now thinks she's his soul mate.. even if that means he will now have to take her against her will.
Now needless to say once she regains consciousness she's horrified to find the creature she has sworn to kill now lusts after her and is immune to her poison.

~New craving~​

I've recently had a role play going that I was particularly enjoying. Unfortunately my role play partner had to pull out of it. Now i've been finding that I have been craving to continue it and giving it new life with a new partner.

Your character is the son of a demon, an incubus.
After being raped by the demon the mother of your character put the infant up for adoption.
With no idea about his biological back ground, 22 years later, your character has been being plagued by dreams and nightmares. Strange things have been happening around him. He's been acting strangely and he doesn't know why. He raped his sisters best friend and almost raped her. For that reason he feels that it's better he's not around her until he can figure out what is wrong with him. So the night he almost rapes his little sister he leaves home.

My character is a 14 yr old runaway foster child. After years of being shuffled around from one abusive foster home to another she finally has had enough and thinks she will be safer on the streets then in some of these homes. Unfortunately after years of being abused she comes to think of being smacked around as natural as being hugged.

When our characters cross paths, he takes in the little runaway. At first my character is infatuated with this handsome 22 year old. Could it possibly be after all these years of nobody wanting her that she finally found someone that wants her? At first when he starts to smack her around, and starts sexually molesting her, forcing her to do things she really doesn't feel comfortable with. She puts up with it thinking it's nothing she hasn't had to deal with before in her many foster homes.

Slowly as your characters past is reveled and he starts turning more and more into a demon himself.. And my character finds out only to late that she has given her soul to the demon which he intends to use and torture.

I am also open for suggestions of you have a good idea

I took this quote from the site rules:

01-09-2009, 08:43 PM
Post: #1
prettylykSIN Offline
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Concerning Loli and Shota Roleplays.

    • Any roleplay consisting of a child that has not yet entered puberty or younger than thirteen is not allowed.

      Those found breaking this rule will be dealt with severely.
I'm interested, but should remind you that the site limits for characters is 16 and up. I don't want you to get into any trouble for not remembering.
thank you :) i thought it was 13 ..

this is a quote from the rules:
01-09-2009, 08:43 PM
Post: #1
prettylykSIN Offline
Posts: 2,015
Joined: Jan 2009
Thanks: 0
Given 0 thank(s) in 0 post(s)
Concerning Loli and Shota Roleplays.

    • Any roleplay consisting of a child that has not yet entered puberty or younger than thirteen is not allowed.

      Those found breaking this rule will be dealt with severely.
Hmm, while this thread makes me absolutely fucking drool, hun, I'm somewhat curious about something. You don't seem to really mention anywhere whether or not you're into futanari/hermaphrodites and the like. Are you open to the idea of playing your little girly across from a kinky herm dominatrix? If so, I am absolutely on board!
hmm well that would be new territory for me, but i would be willing to try.
Well let me rephrase that.. fairly new territory. I have role played with woman in the past but the last time was about 3 yrs ago. I just found that they don't play hard enough.
Do you think you can be hard and cruel enough? I usually chose to play with men they tend to be harder then woman.
That's why I love playing hermaphrodite characters! You've got the sexy body of a buxom chick, but the cock and mind for domination of a horny man! I'll shoot you a PM so we can talk further!​
naaa .. i got alot of kinks, but being pregnant isn't one of them lol sorry
A new idea,
well actually it's a spin off of my entity idea.
A young girl of 6 [please read disclaimer at bottom of post] moves into a old house with her family. Shortly after they move in the girl suddenly develops an imaginary friend. The family all think it's just cause of the move and not having any friends and that she will soon outgrow it.
Well, she doesn't out grow it. After awhile she just starts keeping it to herself, as it is her family already thinks she's a bit odd.
The story will mostly pick up when she is about 15. Now growing into quite a beautiful young woman. Then one night she awakes to feel something touching her under the covers, her imaginary friend is no longer content with just being friends and he decides he wants more.
Now she had to try to convince her family that her imaginary friend never did go away and in fact, now he's much more menacing that he was when she was small.

*the story is about a 15 yr old .. and the fact that she was 6 when she moves into the house is just used to set the ground work, there is absolutely no sex involved until she is much older and is 15.
i have an idea. as u can tell by my name, it will involve a werewolf. which u listed as ok.
a 16 year old girl is the victim. her assailant? a werewolf, but not just any werewolf.
the girl is incredibly beautiful and popular at school. a boy has been watching her, almost stalking her the past few days. he always hangs out alone and no one talks to him, avoiding him like the plague. as she's walking home, she finds that he's following her. She demands to know what his problem is, and then. the boy leaps forward, transforming into a massive wolf instantly and causing the girl to faint. she wakes up later in his house, tied up while he waits for her to awake. she can try escape, but who's faster and stronger? werewolf? or 16 yr old girl? and yes, i can be very sadistic and such.
bumping for a new plot

Another plot i have been craving :

I have been having a craving of doing a bounty hunter scene.
This could be done several ways ...
probably her aprox. age would be 14.. but we can change that if you are uncomfortable with that.
why would a 14 yr old have a bounty hunter on her tail?
could be a few reasons.
1) she's an escaped slave that was being brought to a slave auction.. and was some how able to escape before she got to auction.
2) could have a more sinister start .. she went to auction and was bought. And that night when the guy who bought her tried to rape her she was able to grab a knife/pen (something) and stabbed him. Either seriously injuring him or killing him and was able to escaped. Now the family is pissed that a slave would do this to one of there family and has put a bounty out on the young girls head, wanted dead or alive.

Now you: you see her wanted posters all over and the price on her head is pretty high for a little 14 yr old girl. You figure there wont be any problem tracking her down and bringing her in... but once you do find her, her so taken with her beauty that you decide that your going to keep her for your own little pleasures, as twisted as they may be. .. and even if you decide later that you do want to turn her in.. she was wanted dead or alive so it wouldn't matter what condition you brought her back in.
~~Eye Candy~~

I have an idea for a new role play. However the plot is going to be very hard and demanding for my role play partner, so I'm going to be picky about how will get this part. The part will require the person to be able to play several different characters, from warm and romantic to a deranged sadist.


Amanda is a shy 16 year old. She hadn't had many dates, not because she's not pretty. No just the opposite, a beautiful raven haired beauty. The problem is most of the boys in her high school are afraid, because of her good looks. That's when her best friend talks Amanda into online dating. Her friend even goes so far as setting up the ad for her.
Soon the innocent 16 year old is having the time of her life. She seeing 4 different men that have answered her ad. Until one night she receives a terrifying note, “Don’t say no, Amanda . Keep going out with me. I’ll mess you up if you ever say no.”

Which one of her admirers is a deadly freak? Amanda is now forced to say yes to everything the four men ask of her–dates. panic and paranoia shadow her every move. Amanda suspects everyone.
Rapedoll said:
~~Eye Candy~~

I have an idea for a new role play. However the plot is going to be very hard and demanding for my role play partner, so I'm going to be picky about how will get this part. The part will require the person to be able to play several different characters, from warm and romantic to a deranged sadist.


Amanda is a shy 16 year old. She hadn't had many dates, not because she's not pretty. No just the opposite, a beautiful raven haired beauty. The problem is most of the boys in her high school are afraid, because of her good looks. That's when her best friend talks Amanda into online dating. Her friend even goes so far as setting up the ad for her.
Soon the innocent 16 year old is having the time of her life. She seeing 4 different men that have answered her ad. Until one night she receives a terrifying note, “Don’t say no, Amanda . Keep going out with me. I’ll mess you up if you ever say no.”

Which one of her admirers is a deadly freak? Amanda is now forced to say yes to everything the four men ask of her–dates. panic and paranoia shadow her every move. Amanda suspects everyone.
Hey Hey, was readind some of your plot ideas and can't choose one as of yet. I do feel in the sadistic mood if your available.
~Demon slayer~

Young 17 year old witch/Demon slayer, She's made quite a name for herself .. known to be ruthless and quick.. she has slayed many Demons.
But about six months ago she made a mistake.. hunting a demon she mistakenly left him for dead... but with his dieing breath he was able to save himself... Now he's immune to her deadly poison...
It's taken him 6 months to heal from her attack that almost cost him his eternal life. And during that whole time his anger grew and seethed, all he could think about was revenge.
5 years ago when she was but 12 she watched as a demon killed her entire family. Since that day she's devoted herself to the dark arts and demon slaying... over the years she has become quite efficient at it.. until one night she makes a grave mistake.
One night she's at home.. creating a powerful spell...
finishing the spell she puts a small vile up on the book shelf where she intends to use it the next day... but that's when all hell brakes loose...
The demon she left for dead brakes into her home.. at first she doesn't recognize him until he tells her who he is.. she says that's impossible that she killed him. but he tells her that at his dieing breath he was able to save himself... now any demon that survives a witches poison becomes immune to it...
Grabbing her by the neck tossing her against the book case... She is knocked unconscious, as she crumbles to the floor she knocks the vile with the fowl smelling potion down where it covers her.. ... He moves in grabbing her by he neck and lifting her off her feet.. set to rip her throat out..
The potion...
was a powerful love potion...
and as the demon moves in ready to steal her last breath.. he gets a whiff of the potion.. ...
Now the demon falls in lust with her.. he has to have her.. he will stop at nothing to get her. He now thinks she's his soul mate.. even if that means he will now have to take her against her will.
Now needless to say once she regains consciousness she's horrified to find the creature she has sworn to kill now lusts after her and is immune to her poison.
~New craving~​

I've recently had a role play going that I was particularly enjoying. Unfortunately my role play partner had to pull out of it. Now i've been finding that I have been craving to continue it and giving it new life with a new partner.

Your character is the son of a demon, an incubus.
After being raped by the demon the mother of your character put the infant up for adoption.
With no idea about his biological back ground, 22 years later, your character has been being plagued by dreams and nightmares. Strange things have been happening around him. He's been acting strangely and he doesn't know why. He raped his sisters best friend and almost raped her. For that reason he feels that it's better he's not around her until he can figure out what is wrong with him. So the night he almost rapes his little sister he leaves home.

My character is a 14 yr old runaway foster child. After years of being shuffled around from one abusive foster home to another she finally has had enough and thinks she will be safer on the streets then in some of these homes. Unfortunately after years of being abused she comes to think of being smacked around as natural as being hugged.

When our characters cross paths, he takes in the little runaway. At first my character is infatuated with this handsome 22 year old. Could it possibly be after all these years of nobody wanting her that she finally found someone that wants her? At first when he starts to smack her around, and starts sexually molesting her, forcing her to do things she really doesn't feel comfortable with. She puts up with it thinking it's nothing she hasn't had to deal with before in her many foster homes.

Slowly as your characters past is reveled and he starts turning more and more into a demon himself.. And my character finds out only to late that she has given her soul to the demon which he intends to use and torture.

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