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Many Genres, Many Characters, and a LOT of creativity~[M/F and F/F]

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Feb 27, 2011
Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Tina, and I am currently looking for a male persona/partner to start an Rp here. I am a newbie here, I was reccomended here by a friend, and I'm not sure how a lot of things work, but I catch on fast so hopefully I won't be testing anyone's patients.

I enjoy roleplaying and I have been doing it since I was about thirteen. I am literate and creative and expect that in a partner as well. I love my smut, but I feel that roleplays need more than just sex in order to remain interesting. That being said, here is my list of ideas...


Aleena Campbell arrives to a small southern town with only a duffel bag of notebooks and clothes, she's not looking for much other than distance between her and her abusive ex-boyfriend. After getting a waitressing job at a local diner, she is slowly carving her place in the small community. When she meets your character, a fiery passion ignites over sweet tea and curly fries, and drawings of flowers. However, when Aleena's ex shows up, with an engagement ring and a sobriety promise, she is torn as to which way to go.

ABOUT A GIRL* <---Open!
After a long run with a band that never "made it", twenty-four year old Kaida Allard flees from Montreal to New York City trying to leave the past behind. Having no real job skills beyond music, she ends up being swept up into a paid band at a run down punk/goth bar--which is quite a change for the classically trained musician. Although the world of punk music is new to her, she finds herself quickly falling in love with it, as well as the other lead guitarist in the band.
*Based loosely off the song by Nirvana
--Tons of story ideas for this depending on what you want to do, including making a playlist of songs, multi-characters, etc

Erin McKenna last "relationship" was about two hundred years ago, with the vampire who changed her. Fast forward now, the very old and powerful vampire would like nothing more than to die. Problem is, that suicide isn't an option. In order to die, a vampire has to drain her, and bullets to the head, or heart just don't cut it for fledgling so old and powerful. In a druken haze, she ends up writing a suggestive, borderline obscene ad for a roommate on craigslist and is full of surprise when the next morning, there your character is. Yes, this is going to be a LOOOOONG day, now isn't it?

In a world that is just slightly "off" from our own, technology runs supreme. Most of society lives life in giant building-cities (think midgar ff7) in peace. Every need is met, every desire satisfied. However if you don't have the money to live in the cities, you are an underling and considered worthless. Now, factor in Lilith Andrews. Wrongly accused of "Cyber murder" (hacking and removing all data on someone), her punishment was to leave her prestigious post in the capitol, to the slums of the underlings. And that was when she was nine years old.
Fast forward ten years, and now only known as "Kaleidoscope" she commits cyber murder everyday. And thats after she robs all the money and resources from her victims. A De Facto leader for the underlings, Lilith has a plan to over throw the current status quo. Problem is...there is a genius hacker/detective on her case. Can she convert him/her to her radical liberal views? Or is s/he just a cyber victim waiting to happen?
-----As you can see, a lot of ideas for this one, and this world. I'm also accepting ideas and stuff too (as always).

MY BONNY<---Pending
Based off of history, this idea is a bit of a cross over from Pirates of the Caribbean, and a libral view of history. Pirate Anne Bonny was as feared as any man on the sea. A fearless woman with a trigger happy tendencies that sometimes get her in trouble, she finds herself in the middle of something she never wanted to see again to when she covets a supply ship. Her first love, who was supposed to be dead and the reason she got into pirating to boot, is now one of her prisoners. Can such a cold callous heart ever feel again?

Lynn Marlowe is an aspiring novelist looking to publish her first book, a romance novel. Never being anywhere close to love herself, she simply lives vicariously, and is often in her own world. One night, after drinking with friends, she's on her way home and ends up getting hit by a car, dying instantly. Her spirit, confused, and a little wary, gets reincarnated as a medieval/fantasy princess, Josilenne. This would be fine and well if it wasn't for the fact that her country is in the middle of a war with a nearby country, and not exactly on the winning side. It doesn't help that currently her bodygaurd is the closest thing she has to a friend and teacher as she "re learns" what she apparently forgot after an attempted poisoning.
---With this plot, I'm looking for sweeter, more comedic things than with any other. Again, questions and suggestions are welcomed.

DRAIN YOU*<---Open!
Melora Jenkins is not a good girl. She doesn't do good girl things, and she doesn't want to either. Melora likes being a bad girl. When a suicide attempt gets her in the psychiatric ward, the seventeen year old plays it cool and sweet until they let her out again. Now going back to her high school, where she is known by many names including "whore", "bitch" ,"slut", and "cunt" she's determined to prove everyone wrong. However, battling a heroin addiction, living with a father who beats her, and being "low income" at best, are some tough odds. She's fully willing to kill herself for good this time, when a new student arrives who flips everything upside down. Will Melora just use and abuse her/him like she has done with her previous relationships? Or will she actually try to get better this time?
*Again, based loosely off the song from Nirvana (one of my favorite fucking bands. What can I say?)

Kylani Daylor is a bard...of sorts...
Growing up in a country where clerics and practitioners of holy magic, have an extreme disdain for arcane users, the only thing her half elf mother could do was send her daughter far away and hope for the best.
The best became a woman with a "devil may care" style who cheats at cards, robs the rich, and only sometimes feeds the poor. An excellent Lute player, and an even better drinker, the reckless bard is in for a rude awakening when a childhood friend (and her first love) finds her to tell her that her mother is in grave danger, as war has finally broken out between the clerics and arcane users.
In charge of bringing her home, her friend is shocked by how the always mischievous Kylani grew up to be the thieving roguish bard she is now. Will Kylani make it in time to save her mother, and every other Arcane user in their homeland?
----So many ideas on this one, and I have certain things in mind for my partner's character, that I am trying very hard to leave out of this little blurb (your character is not my domain. I shouldn't tell you what you can and can't do) Anyway, any questions or suggestions please PM me. I can go into more detail then.

In the aftermath of a long bloody civil war, the citizens of Kantill are over joyed to find out that one of their own, a simple peasant girl only known as Aurelia, is a Danelle, or in layman's terms, a summoner. Quickly coming under the protection of the new king, he appoints his best to protect the young woman as she quickly becomes the center of a political game she knows nothing about. The King wants her for a wife, but the losing side of the war, the so-called "Brazelles" wants her for their already pooling resistance against this supposed "peace" that the new king is promising. What's a simple girl like her supposed to do?
---TONS (and I mean tons) of ideas with this plot. It's something I expect my partner to have at least three developed characters for, and play NPCs as well (Don't worry I will too) We can talk about this world and the ideas for it, but I am thinking much more "old" final fantasy type stuff (think of a mashup between three, four, and nine) as far as summoners and classes go. I have no idea who the "bad guys" are, and I am willing to discuss and figure it out with a willing partner!
*inspired by the song of the same title by Metric

Bailey Simmons was always a very shy girl, who grew up to be a shy, nearly agoraphobic woman (fearing large spaces, and crowds of people) however, as an artist, she has to travel (mostly locally) to different galleries and collectors in hopes of trying to get her name "out there". One night, after coming home from a particularly disappointing trip, she nearly gets raped/mugged on the train/in the subway station. Until your character saves her.
However, as s/he is helping Bailey get her wits again, it becomes apparent that your character is currently homeless, and/or is in a lot of trouble with local gangs/mafia/bad people/etc. Deciding that s/he saved her life, Bailey decides to let her/him live with her.

Kaitlynn Bishop is not like other seventeen year olds. Chosen by an ancient order to fight all things that go bump in the night, she wants nothing more to retire and finish at least high school. However, when a new mission takes her to a quaint New England Prep school, she is faced with something that even as a demon killer scares her to the bone--The idea that all of this could be in her head. Slowly, after the days and weeks upon her arrival her memories are fading, and her purpose becoming more forgotten. Except, one thing she remembers above all else, if a demon doesn't kill you, another hunter will.
---This is very rough compared to all the others. My main idea is a school that ex-hunters go to once some person of high rank (most likely evil) decides they are useless. A chemical is there in not only the food and water,but also the very air they breathe, until they are seen as "safe" for another hunter to kill. My main idea in this is my partner's character could be in the school, or be the hunter sent to kill her, and ends up changing. I'm looking for dark stories, gore (not in the bedroom), violence and potentially some less than consensual sex. Again Questions and suggestions are open.

Celia Adams has a secret that could easily get her killed, or worse. Ten years ago, after being attacked in an alley on her way home from school, Celia set a man on fire by simply imagining it. Fast forward now to the present, the twenty-four year old woman is on the run from a mysterious organization known as 'Kell' who claim she is stolen property from their labs. Now a chain smoker and little more than a washed up tattoo artist, Celia has no where else to run, until she meets others like her, other experiments with powers. United and determined to find out exactly what happened to them, and where they are from, the rag-tag team pushes forward to destroy the secrecy surrounding their lives.
---I have a lot of ideas for this plot, and I'm willing to take any questions or suggestions. This would be multiple characters, and I would hope that each of us would be willing to develop at least one other character.

Those are all the ideas I will post for now, and will likely update with more as they come to me. I would also like to mention I'm willing to hear any ideas you have ^^

With that though, please realize these are things I will do in No Rp whatsoever:
*scat/piss/toilet play
*foot fetishes
*Heavy bondage/extreme abuse both mental and physical
*Furry/Anthros (beyond ears and tail)
*Futa/Shemale~Just not my cup of tea

---That said, I'm hoping to hear from someone soon.​
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