bayleaf and trainer (closed rp)

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Jan 14, 2009
bayleaf had met his trainer when he was still a chickorita. ((sorry for spelling, never get that one right)) he traveled with her all through the region, meeting new people and pokemon, battling fierce and new pokemon, even learning how to speak English in the process. he was now an adult pokemon, but knowing that others of his kind were rare, he had given up on a mate of his kind... but that still didnt stop him from asking other pokemon... they had all said no. currently it was night, and his trainer was asleep. he sat by the campfire, throwing wood on it to keep it going, thinking about when he would find a mate. suddenly, he noticed he was getting aroused thinking like that. "not again" he said quietly so he wouldnt wake up his trainer. "this is getting ridiculous"
Alyzia had been sleeping quite soundly but she was woken by a spit from the fire that had made her jump. She yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes as she did. She glanced around the camp with her bright green eyes and she smiled sleepily at her bayleaf. "Hey, you're not asleep, yet?" she asked and yawned, running a hand through her dark brown hair. She was pretty, with a small amount of freckles over her cheeks and nose and a good body to boot, with long shapely legs and a smooth stomach.
bayleaf looked up when he heard alyzia speak, "no... i couldnt sleep, so i decided to take guard duty, just in case wild pokemon came to our camp" this of course was a lie, but he hoped that she wouldnt be able to tell. not to mention that his aroused cock was in plain sight, something he had forgotten to hide
"Oh, right, okay..." she hadn't noticed his cock yet as she was looking at the sky, but she did notice the sun rising. "Oh, I won't sleep now that the sun's coming up...we might as well get ready to set off for the next town." she stood up and stretched, removing her clothes to get changed, something she always did in front of her pokemon seeing as it never really bothered her. After all, they were practically naked as it was and they weren't exactly gonna take pictures and blackmail her.
bayleaf didnt watch out of respect,and when alyzia was done he said "um... can i tell.. you something?" he sighed then began "i have reached adulthood, and need to find a mate, thats why sometimes i run off at night and im not back till late morning. but so far iv been turned down each time. i have two weeks left until my mating season ends, and if i dont find a mate in that time i can never have any children... " he then asked "would... you help me look for one?"
She looked at him curiously as he spoke, but then she smiled and nodded when he'd finished. "Sure, of course, why wouldn't I help?" she folded ehr old clothes and put them in her bag, hoisting it on her shoulders. "You battle for me, it's the least I can do to help you be happy, right?"
bayleaf smiled and said in a happy voice "thank you! you have no idea how much this means to me!" he then blushed and said "sorry, kind of got a bit overexcited there. but anyways, we should get going, " he began to walk next to her, happy that he had such a kind trainer.
( wanna time skip to near the end of the two weeks? ))
ooc; Okay, sure.

bic; Alyzia flopped down on a rock after yet another unsuccessful day out searching for a mate for her best friend. She took her bag off and withdrew her Rapidash, who was practically falling asleep on the spot. "I'm sorry, Bayleaf, we must be able to find someone somewhere, right?"
bayleaf looked at alyzia and said "thanks for trying... but tomorrows the last day, and with our luck, i doubt we will be able to. " he began to walk the way they came and said "im going to take a break in that pond we saw back there... " he had his head down as he walked. a tear fell from his eye and reflected for a quick moment in the fading sunlight.
She saw the tear and frowned, jogging after him to catch up as he walked to the pond. "Hey, come on! It's okay, we'll find something!" she put her hand on his neck gently and smiled, stopping at the pond. "C'mon, we can go swimming together, and tomorrow I swear we'll find something." she took off her shorts and shirt, leaving her in just her bra and underwear as she waded into the river,
bayleaf looked at his trainer, she was so kind... so positive that they would find him a mate... he smiled and said "thanks... you always cheer me up when im down alyzia. thank you" he then got into the water, it was slightly cold, but his body got used to it quickly,
She watched him get in the water with her and she stretched, looking around. "There'll be somebody out there somewhere, let's just hope they're in the next city." she smiled at him and stood up, unaware that her white lacy rba had gone seethrough in the water.
when bayleaf saw alyzias breasts through her bra he got an instant hard on. he tried to hide it, but he accidently let out a moan. he then blushed deep red. "so-sorry! i saw your breasts... sorry, are just so... attractive... so beautiful..." he then thought if he should ask or not... he was torn. but he decided to just go for it. "please dont release me into the wild for saying this but... i...i... i want to mate with you!" he then closed his eyes and lowered his head, scared of what might happen
She stared at him in shock and her hands went to cover her breasts automatically, cheeks flushing red. She wasn't really sure what to say to him when he'd asked that, mentioning that she was attractive and beautiful. "I...uh..." she seemed to be considering it, but she just didn't know what to say to that.
bayleaf shook his head "im sorry, i shouldnt of said anything... ill head back to camp, " he slowly got out of the water, but then heard her call his name "wh...what?" he said a bit surprised. he turned around and saw her looking at him, he blushed even more. he knew it was taboo for a pokemon to mate with their trainer, but it had always been a huge fantasy to him... not to mention she looked amazing.
(no, i mean that she hugged his back, not behind, confusing yes, and somehow... i knew this was going to come up))
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