

May 4, 2010
All was quiet in the forest and it was to be expected.The chill of the air was there because of how close to the mountains the place was located. The only thing that broke the sound was the figure sitting right by a blackberry bush,the antennae on her head flickering back and forth against her green hair, a sharp horn planted right in the middle of her green forehead. Turquoise eyes looked around briefly before she went right back to eating happily, little short snorts and growls of contentment coming from her lips as she continued to feast on her dessert. She'd just had a large Magikarp for her dinner and wanted to find something to go with it. Her curvy, naked form matched the green scenery well because she herself was green, her scaly belly a light creme color and the inside of her wings a light purple.

Jupiter was a Dragonite, but of a different color. She was shiny, an incredibly rare mutation that happened so little that there wasn't many other shinies out there like her. In fact, she'd only met a shiny Metagross once, the silver and orange of him mesmerizing to her eyes. Her own scaled form shone slightly as she moved,her long hair shimmering as well. Jupiter had left her trainer two years ago because her other pokemon didn't get along with the powerful draconian. Her female master promised to come back for her when she was done with her long journey. Jupiter kept hold to that promise but liked it out here as well. She felt free, a new Pokemon, and often spent hours flying on her large wings.

Right now, the Dragonite girl was still eating her berries, another happy murmur coming from her lips. She spoke both pokemon and a bit of human, though it was broken English. She preferred to consort with her fellow creatures rather than humans except for her old owner. She hadn't met many others that weren't afraid of her though because they'd seen her using her Dragon Claw before and because of her sharp teeth and unusual coloring. Her long claws grabbed hold of the morsels as she shoved them into her mouth, her snout and chest covered in blackberry juice, which she knew she could wash off later. The draconian pokemon licked her lips with her pointed blue tongue,then grabbed a fistful of the berries,shoving them greedily into her mouth as she chewed nosily and with relish.
Nathan silently stalked a Lopunny. His face was hidden among the treeline. It hopped to him. He crouched, preparing to pounce. The Lopunny looked up, a twig snapping. It ran off, Nathan jumped from behind the bush. He caught it before it got too far, his fangs sinking into its neck.

It was a satisfying kill. The first in a few days. He ate happily, his tail wagging frantically. His green eyes glistened, the happiness he felt was bliss. He walked around looking for some berries. A good Poochyena recommended the area for it's lovely black berries.
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