Nightmaregoddess and Google


Aug 16, 2010
Lyxanna breathed a sigh of relief as some crewmembers walked right over her. When she had made this plan she had planned for a small crew, light opposition, a standard raiding party at most. But this target had a veritable army on board his ship. Once the crew was out of sight she continued sliding through the ventilation duct beneath the floor. This was a seriously old design too, not many ships still had such antiquated systems anymore. She smiled to herself, her gain. It had made the infiltration a whole lot easier, being able to sneak through the ship without having any run ins. As much as she enjoyed fighting, she didn't want to fight so many ruthless mercs.

She slid around onto her back and held up her Omni-tool, checking the schematics to make sure she was in the right place. While she waited for the uploaded specs she shifted uncomfortably, the vent was slick with some kind of lubricant, which made it easier to move, but it was starting to work into the cracks in her commando suit. And it was making certain motions....awkward at the least.

"Okay....five more meters..." She deactivated the tool and flipped back over, her breasts plumped up against the duct-walls due to the constricted space. "Damn it...why couldn't I have been born a B-cup?" She whispered, mostly to keep herself company. Five meters farther she came up on a slotted vent hatch. Being very quiet she slid up to it and peered below, and seeing her target. She smiled. Perfect.
There was an intruder on board the Frigate Scorpion, Theron had been alerted about a half an hour ago when they had tripped one of the ships more subtle detection systems. Sure most of the systems on the ship looked antiquated but Theron had made sure to upgrade some of them in strategic places, let any would be assassin be put at ease by the simply evaded systems while the less obvious ones trip them up. The only problem with this strategy was that he had been unable to use cameras to get a good look at the intruder. That hardly mattered though, there was only one of them and from the sensors that were being tripped off it looked like this intruder was heading to his quarters, perhaps the intruder was an assassin sent by any number of people that Thane and his crew had pissed off.

As he slowly stretched, the alert having woken him from his sleep, he considered alerting the other members of his crew and sending them on a hunt to track down the possible assassin. That however would lead to him losing the respect of the crew, if this person were coming to kill him then he would have to deal with it himself. This might seem slightly dangerous but Theron was confident in his own skills, that and the lubricant that was inside of the vents the intruder was crawling though... a passive defense designed to make it difficult for the person to move about once outside of the vents, keeping them sliding about instead of attacking him.

Moving quickly he dressed, pulling on his combat armor, black plate over black mesh, it might be cliché in color but it was a classic in his mind. Then his weapon was selected from his personal weapons locker, rather then selecting something like his rifle which would be used to kill the victim outright he chose a small custom made pistol, something that he had designed to use for hostage taking missions, when he and his crew were kidnapping a dignitary rather then just grabbing something of value and leaving.

Then it came down to waiting, Theron turned down the lights in his quarters and sat down on the edge of his bed, soon the intruder would arrive and they would learn not to mess with this Drell Pirate.
The target, a Drell pirate captain named Theron, seemed to be getting ready for combat. She bit her lip. He would have been a much easier kill had she got there before he put his armor on. But that didn't matter. She was going to get him anyways, and now she'd just have to work for it. She was curious however, they were no where near a planet when she came on board. Perhaps they had crossed into a shipping lane....that was a plus for her since it would offer her and easier getaway. But still....what was he getting ready for? If she was discovered she would think the whole ship would be up in arms....crap she didn't have time for idle thoughts. Time for action. As soon as the lights went off she placed her hands against the grate, ready to blast it loose and attack. Once she saw him sit down on his bed she enveloped herself in a biotic field and surged it outward, bursting the bottom out of the vent. She dropped to the floor, and immediatly slipped, falling painfully on her rear.

"Shit!" She cursed as she jumped to her feet, only to slide again. The lubricant from the vent was incredibly slick, and she could barely get a grip on the floor. Fuck this wasn't how it was supposed to happen! She was vulnerable, so she followed her instinct and rolled over behind the captain's desk. Fuck! FUCK! This was bad. She wasn't killing anyone covered in this crap! But she had to kill Theron before he sounded the alarm. Again, instinct took over and she did the first thing that came to her mind. She focused and generated a powerful biotic field around her body again, then rolled over to her knees, and kicked off the wall, using the field to propel her body towards the Drell.

"Time to die!" She knew it sounded so cliche, but her pride was badly wounded from all the flopping around she'd done with that lubricant. She had to do something to make herself feel tougher...
The moment he saw the vent blasted open his mind went into overdrive. Like every other Drell there was Theron had an eidetic memory and while his might not be triggered by combat, rather he remembered something else in perfect detail, he still had an excellent memory on his own. It took only an instant for him to match up what he was seeing to a past target, a powerful Biotic user that had nearly turned an entire raid balls up on his own, it seemed that his would be assassin wasn't in the same class as that individual though.

Her abilities was the first thing that he recognized, the second was her race. An Asari assassin and a rather beautiful one at that, even by the standards of her kind. A sneer creased his lips as she began to slip because of what he had coated the inside of the vents with, a powerful clear lubricant that would make it difficult for to stand, and it was doing his job. It took everything he had not to just laugh at her as she slid and fell on her ass. Even as she slid to behind his desk, no doubt trying to take cover and reevaluate whatever her initial plan had been. Unfortunately this gave him plenty of time to aim his stunner in her direction, it seemed that his plan to take his would be attacker alive, before he had wanted to torture them to find out who had sent them but it seemed like it would be so much more fun to keep her. An Asari consort was a status symbol and now he could have one.

“Really, that is the best you can do?” He asked as he threw himself aside and fired off a short burst in her direction with his stunner. Really he had half expected her to launch his desk at him rather then trying to throw herself in his direction, did she perhaps have some skill at close combat that would give her an advantage or was she just that inexperienced. “For a quip it is really kind of sad.”
She had expected him to dodge, but she had hoped he wouldn't. At least in close combat she could use her enemy to keep upright as she locked him up with grapples. Her lithe, flexible physique would have given her the advantage, and even the lubricant would have helped her keep out of his grasp. But instead he fired off a burst from a stunner, which most of the shot dissipated once striking her biotic field. But just enough got through to paralyze her left arm. The dead weight caused her to shift and slam into his bed.....hard.

"Fuck!" She groaned. This was unbelievable. That she could fail this miserably was completely unacceptable. Worse was that torture, interrogation, and death had to be swiftly approaching if she couldn't pull of something miraculous. At least on the bed the lubricant didn't make her slide, the cushion allowed her to come to a knee.

"FUCK YOU AND YOUR LUBRICATED VENTS!" She growled and lifted half the stuff in the room, and with one surge sent them flying at him. Her mind was clouded with rage and embarrassment, so her accuracy was poor, but she was making up with it with the sheer quantity of objects being thrown, and the force of the throws. As each object flew she picked up something else, data-discs, chairs, desk, anything she could get a grip on.
His reflexes had been as sharp as ever and his training paid off, she hadn't hit him and it looked like he had shut down her arm. A pity that it hadn't been enough to truly disable her, with her Biotic abilities she was still a threat with even one arm working. Still he had her just where he wanted her, she was already loosing her temper because of the lubricant, it would make it more difficult for her to fight him effectively. “On my bed already, it seems that a good Asari knows her place.” He was antagonizing her, he kept his calm when he was fighting and the focus gave him the advantage but she seemed to be at the mercy of her emotions.

However it seemed that perhaps pushing her buttons to much might not have been the best idea as his entire room seemed to fling itself at him. He was rather agile and flexible, having trained his body to be in peak condition but still there was to much for him to dodge all of it, instead he just looked to where the object were at their thinnest and threw himself toward that spot, doing his best to weave his way through the mass of potentially deadly object. Several of them struck him, most striking his armor and one glancing off his head without harming him to much. As he did this the stunner was raised again, letting loose several more shots as he drew closer to her.

A pity that he had no Biotic abilities of his own, perhaps given some time he would pick up a few tricks just to allow him to fight those with the abilities on an even ground, but until then he had to rely on what he already had.
Nothing was working....even as she tore the room apart he ducked and weaved her assault like childsplay. The best she could do was a few minor hits. Meanwhile another volley from his stunner slammed into her body. Now that her biotics were projected outward her barrier was at minimum strength. The last shot made it through and hit her square in the chest and she went limp on his bed. She cursed and sluggishly kicked out at nothing. Damn it! How the hell did this happen?! How could it have gone wrong to this degree? It was absurdity! It was like a poorly written build up to a bad Batarian Porno-vid!

"Fuck you!" She growled, unable to control the anger that made her body taught and ready to snap....if she could move of course. Her body was numb, the shot to her chest shocked her nervous system, so she could only just barely move her core, as for her limbs they were sluggishly functional. There was no turning this around at this point. Maybe she could at least antagonize the Drell into killing her quick.

"Don't even bother asking!" She remembered the word from some time she'd spent with some human history fanatics, they particularly were obsessed with this fictional setting involving a great deal of things that were completely absurd and absolutely impossible. "I'm not telling you anything so go suck a Batarian and kill me now!" She managed to struggle herself against the wall and glared at him. "Come on! Be a real man and use something besides a stunner! Finish me off before I recover and tear your spine out! COME ON!"
A small amount of blood dripped from a cut on Therons head where something with an edge had caught him, fortunately it wasn't dripping into his eyes so he just pressed a hand to the wound, trusting pressure to slow the bleeding down considerably. The last thing he needed to do was bleed out when there would soon be so much fun to be had, his own private Asari consort, maybe share with the men if they behaved himself but first and foremost she belonged to him.

He didn't know what a goblin was but he had a feeling that it was something quite insulting, perhaps later on he would punish her for for that slut but right now he had more important things on his mind, a stunner might be a useful weapon in this situation but it was slightly unpredictable, one could never be sure quite how long it would last. Before she was able to get herself moving again he would need to make sure that her biotic ability hadn't rebooted. He was however lucky enough to have picked up something from Batarian slavers a few months ago that would serve him quite well in this situation and as luck would have it she had thrown that thing at him in her rage.

“You will end up telling me who sent you.” He said with a small shrug as he bent and retrieved what he had been looking for, approaching her with it. “If not now then later.” Reaching out he brushed a few fingers over her face and neck before sliding the repressive collar into place, feeling it lock into place. The collar was a simple little thing, black leather with a ring in the front and a locking mechanisim in the back, but beneath the leather was advanced circuitry that was designed to repress biotic ability, allowing for easier slaving. “But I have no need at all to kill you, keeping you alive will bring me so much more pleasure.”

His fingers traced down her face and neck, down over her body lightly, beginning to peel away her bodysuit. “You made a mistake coming here to fight me... and soon you will learn that.”
"Wha? NO! Back off!" Lyxanna struggled and tried to slither from his reach as his fingers brushed her skin. His touch was not what she was avoiding though, she new exactly what that collar was. Unfortunately she had no ability to resist as it snapped into place. She groaned as a draining sensation washed over her mind and body. The collar worked by basically shutting down the portion of the brain that controlled biotics. A little known side effect the device had on Asari was that the brain had to reroute non-biotic signals through different areas, most importantly the ones that handled inhibition and suggestion. Neither good things for someone about to be interrogated....accept he did not appear to care about interrogation yet...

"Fuck off you bastard!" She growled as he began pulling off her bodysuit bit by bit. This wasn't happening....she wasn't prudish, in fact she was one of the Asari that gave her kind their reputation of promiscuity. But this was different, as his fingers moved over her body she squirmed. If her fate was unclear before it was crystal now, he was going to have his fun, she was going to be humiliated and violated, by who knows how many of his crew. Her pride only went so far....

"Please! Don't do this...I...I will tell you everything! Please!" She hated the sound of her voice....especially the almost indiscernible arousal caused by the damned collar.....
The effects of the collar, primary and secondary were well known to him though the secondary had only been taken as a rumor at first. However in the edge of her voice he could hear something, could that be arousal combined with how she was begging him and offering to tell him anything? It seemed though that the stunner was wearing off because she was clearly able to quiver under his touch and twitch quite a bit. With a small sneer on his face he hooked his fingers into the body suit and gave a sharp tug, it held for a few moments but soon began to stretch and tear open, revealing her body to him, as perfect as all of her kind.

“Honestly I really don't care who sent you, I have to many people who want me dead to be bothered with that sort of information, you are a much more valuable prize then any of that.” Leaning down his tongue flicked out and brushed over the side of her neck before his teeth lightly bit down on the flesh, teasing her. “I do pretty good for myself, piracy is good business but it doesn't bring in the money I would need for my own Asari.”

Reaching down he ran his deft fingers over her womanly folds, normally he wouldn't care if his victims enjoyed it but after what he had heard about an Asari the more pleasure there was for her the more he could be feeling. Even the lubricant in the vents coating her and seeping through her body suit was making her body feel slippery... easy to play with, this was going to be a great deal of fun.
Fuck what was she doing? She grimaced as her suit was ripped open, revealing her naked skin to the reptile. Part of her sighed in relief as her heavy breasts were freed from the captivity of her....NO! She growled and squirmed. This wasn't right! She didn't want this! She wanted to kill the bastard running his hands over her...but it was useless. She couldn't fight him...and because of the damned collar her own mind was turning against her. Lyxanna squirmed under his touch as best she could, trying to maintain some semblance of resistance.

"FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU you BASTARD!" She screamed as his tongue snaked over her neck and his teeth raked her skin. The simple action sent shock-waves over her purple skin, making her toned abdomen quiver. She writhed as his hand slid between her legs, her voice a lingering whimper at most.

"Please...." She whimpered. "...Don't...." Was all she could get out for fear of actually moaning, which would be insufferable. There was no way out. He was going to take her, do with her as he pleased and throw her to his cronies most likely.....maybe...maybe she could trick him. Her mind lit up...maybe she could feign subservience and bide her time! Once the paralysis wore off she would have another chance! It would herself to this....freak...but the alternative was worse. Oh gods what was she thinking! She couldn't just give herself to this Drell! It had to be the collar but her mind was racing....sorting through pleasure and humiliation and the faintest hope of escape....
Her screaming at him was pointless, she really couldn't do anything to stop him, her motor functions temporarily shut down and with that collar around her neck she wouldn't be able to use any of her biotic abilities to stop him. His deft fingers slowly ran over her body, never ceasing their movement and teasing every inch of her exposed skin as he slowly removed the remains of what she had been wearing until her body was completely nude and exposed to him, and even as his hands worked his mouth followed, his tongue flicking out and teasing her nipples, running over her soft flesh.

Then once satisfied that she was completely unclothed and perfect for him he backed away from her and began to strip himself of the armor that he had put on, making sure to lay the stunner far outside of her reach. He took his time to undress, laying the armor aside piece by piece until he stood as nude as she did, his large and ribbed cock standing out from from his body, practically leaking precum from the tip as he looked over his prize. She was probably thinking that she would be able to handle him once the paralysis wore off but she wouldn't stand a chance.

“You might as well keep begging me, you can't get away from what is coming though embracing it will make it so much more enjoyable for all of us.” He teased as he moved back over toward her, reaching down to spread her legs wide as he took position. “I expect my little whore to show me every trick she has at her disposal and if she fails to do so I will hand you over to the Vorcha on my crew and they will be much less gentle then I.” Then without warning he thrust forward roughly, pushing deep inside of her with a single hard thrust, his hands on her hips pulling her onto his dick as he did so.
Lyxanna squirmed and growled as her body went to war with her mind. The Drell's touch was fire and lighting at the same time, teasing and taunting her senses with his deft fingers. And his tongue made sure her body fought all the harder, the wet muscle assaulting her sensitive breasts. She was losing it big time, it was taking every ounce of her will to suppress a moan. Just when she thought she was going to break he stopped and stepped back. Oh gods he couldn't be done....part of her was aching for him to return....the other was thankful for a reprieve. But when she opened her eyes and saw him stripping she started squirming again.

"No...." She mewled. By the goddess he was hot....shit! NO! But he was! In a bar, in a shuttle, anywhere else under different circumstances she would be turned on by his lithe, hard frame....his dark green scales....and that dick! Her eyes widened, she'd never seen a Drell's phallus before so she hadn't thought about what to expect. It was thick and long, a very good size, and heavily ribbed. She couldn't take that inside and keep her cool, not in a thousand years. That sold it, her mind crashed and she knew the only choice she had was to play along, and pretend later that she didn't like it...

" win...." She said panting, her will cracking with each word. "Just don't...don't give me to the vorcha....I will do anything!" And then without warning he plunged inside her, the hard ribs of his cock grinding their way through her insides and hitting her upper spot the whole way.

"F...F..FU..FUUCK! A...aah! Goddess!" She screamed loudly and lewdly. It was like someone vibrated her spinal chord right up to her brain and turned the heat up in her body. She bit her lip, suppressing the urge to cry and growl at the same time, and moaned instead.
This was his own little slice of heaven, right then and there to be buried balls deep inside of an Asari except while other men often had to pay for the affections of an Asari consort Theron had this one all to himself for as long as he wanted. Of course she would also be an excellent way to boost moral of the crew, even as he slide deep inside of her and his arms wrapped down around her to pull her body against his Theron's mind was racing, plotting and thinking about how to best take advantage of this.

“You like this don't you whore?” He asked with a sneer spread across his face, his tongue slipping out to run up over her neck, he wanted to have every one of his senses attuned to fucking her, after all he would remember all the details perfectly. “TO busy playing with all the humans that infect the galaxy to play with the Drell... by the time I am done you will beg for permission to ride my cock, you will suck off my pet Varren at my command in the hopes of getting favor with me.” He would break her down, an Asari might be free spirited but if he broke her and had her willingly using her talents and skills to please him then how much fun would he be having.

Quickly with great dexterity Theron moved up higher on the bed with her and rolled over, so that she was now ontop and his hands were soon on her hips. “Move ontop of your master.” He growled, feeling a little bit lazy at that moment. Later on he could fuck her violently but she was off guard right now because of the collar and he wanted to take advantage of her as best he could until she managed to regain control of herself. “Fail me and the crew will be allowed to fuck you in the ass.”
She panted and tried to regain her composure, she had not expected his ribbed cock to hit her senses so hard. Her hips were quivering with him inside her as he taunted her and pulled her close to him, his iron body only furthering her from self control. This was not going to work and she knew it, this damned collar was going to turn her into the ships little whore.

"Yes...yes it." She cooed as she stretched her neck out to give him more room to play. It was true she had rarely ventured beyond humans and other Asari. Once she'd been with a Hanar, but that was it. This Drell was far superior in many ways, from his muscles to his cock.....gods she couldn't be thinking like that. Wait....suck of his Varren? She groaned as his tongue swept over several of her soft spots. She couldn't imagine.....though with this collar she may not have a choice.....she prayed to the goddess that it didn't come to that. All hope was lost when he rolled onto his back and demanded she fuck him herself. There was no way she could do this and keep this point, perhaps it was better to give up control willingly than to have it robbed from her....

"Yes...master..." She cooed as she braced herself against his green chest, his scales were slick as much of the lubricant on her had been transferred to him as well. Laying there she caught an angle of him that made her insides melt, his highly toned abs stretched out before her, slick from the lubricant. Trailing up to a tight, powerful chest.....there could be far worse individuals to suffer this with. Running one hand down his body until she placed it against his navel, she raised herself up on his cock, the ribs still playing hell on her senses and making lewd noises as they slid out of her. Lowering herself down she moaned as his thick member filled her perfectly. Then she picked up speed, as she adjusted she moved faster and harder, her fluids leaking copiously down his cock as she drove up and down on him.
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