Jedi / Sith {obnuchious & Nightmaregoddess}


Jan 21, 2011
Out in the far reaches of the Outer Rim, a merchant ship is currently holding orbit above a small planetoid. So far as the databases of any ship is concerned, the planetoid is unnamed and uncharted due to the lack of explorers to stake out a claim on this planetoid. For any average eyes, it would seem that the owner of the merchant ship is somewhat planning on staking a claim on this place.

What they don't know was that, should there be actually anyone looking, this planetoid was already staked and claimed, but unofficially. Then again, why bother handing out a file or whatwhat when out here in the Outer Rim there is no real central government and everyone is free to take what they can take and keep what they can keep. The same can be said about killing, stealing, and conquering.

The current holder of the merchant ship goes by the name of Jnohan "Sliver" Sujorn, a human and also a Force sensitive. He is a merchantman by trade but he is also something else in the sideline. He can be considered a mercenary, smuggler, a cutthroat, and many others. Some of them are true, some are not. It varies from time to time, but besides the point, he is also a Jedi .. once. A former padawan, to be exact, before he "dropped out" from the Jedi Temple.

He mentioned it to no one, absolutely to no one, that was once belonging to a Jedi Temple. Besides his short training and "borrowed" modules, the only thing that ties him to the Jedi were his padawan hair beads, which he made into a necklace.

Very few knew the exact meaning of the beads and those exact few will never be able to tell the secret.

Jnohan's current disposition, he is inside his cabin in his ship doing a Jedi meditation. He may not be a full Jedi but he has no plans in neglecting his self-training to control his Force abilities. He managed to do some of the tricks from the "borrowed" modules but he was also able to make some of his own.

He could had landed his ship on the planetoid, where he had constructed his hidden dwelling and base, but he had no plans for staying long today. Not that anyone was chasing him or he has immediate plans, he just felt that it would best for him that he is on orbit when something happens.
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