The Curse Of Hinamizawa Lives On (BlisteredBlood & Junko)


The Crucified Angel
Jan 9, 2009
Rhode Island
Peals of sadistic laughter could be heard inside of a church one night as a young man clothed completely in a black hooded robe began to appear from beyond the curtain, grinning darkly as he looked at the subject he was set to sacrifice to appease his dark lord that he had now served under.

The victim this evening was an older man, tied down on a marble block, gagged with a white bandana and was laying there unconscious for several moments before awakening to the feeling of the heavy burlap ropes biting into his skin. After a moment, he looked up at the hooded figure with a confused look in his eyes, wondering who the young man was or even how he got here in the first place.

Soon after putting two and two together, the older man looked up at the younger one with a look of fear in his eyes before shaking his head at him as the younger man came closer and closer to him, muttering an incoherent string of pleadings, begging him to let him go.

The younger man simply continued to approach him with perhaps the most sickening smile on his face and after a few more steps, he stopped right in front of the older man. "I'd be happy to let you go, my good man, but unfortunately, I can't really do that..." He said in a hushed tone of voice as he loomed over the older man, continuing to grin at him with that same evil smile on his face. "You see, I'm just like everyone else... You have a job to do as do I. And we both have to appease our bosses unless if we're looking to get... Oh, how do you say? Fired? Is that the right term?" He asked with a dark chuckle of sorts.

Again, the older man continued to mutter out a series of muffled pleadings, begging him even more urgently to him to release him, even adding in that he promised that he would go to the cops or anyone for that matter.

"Yes... That's right... Beg me all you want, my good man... It's not going to make a lick of difference whatsoever... It'll be all over for you soon enough... On my terms." The younger man answered with a soft but disturbingly wicked laugh of sorts as he continued to loom over him. His laughter only continued to slowly increase in volume little at a time until it would've sounded more like that of a typical teenager's laugh over something funny they would've seen on television, but it only continued to rapidly increase in volume little at a time until it was now a horrifying screeching howl of insane laughter, echoing throughout the hall of the church like it was summoned from the bloodiest bowels of Hell itself. This loud, boisterous and demented laughter seemed to continue on for what appeared to be forever for the older man as he looked up at the younger one, cackling away like a madman before his eyes opened sharply as he saw the hood of the younger man's robe flip off of him, revealing his face to him accidentally.

"You...!!!" The older man exclaimed.

Slowly, the insane laughter began to die back down until the younger man was now grinning a sort of sharktoothed grin at the older one, his eyes wide, wild and full of hellish malice. That was the thing about his eyes, also. The irises seemed to have narrowed vertically, almost like that of a cat that was looking into the sunlight.

Unaware that his hood had fallen over his the back of his head, the younger man continued to stand there before him with the same sickening looking smile on his face as he then slowly reached into his robe, taking into his hand what appeared to be a railroad spike and clenched it tightly in his palm before setting it down on the large marble block the older man was bound to before reaching into his robe once more on the other side this time, taking out a solid mahogany mallet that were used to drive said railroad spikes inside of the galvanized steel ties.

Again, the older man looked on at the tools the younger man had now brought out onto the large stone he was suspended on with a frantic look in his eyes, knowing all too well what he thought he was going to do. He was now shaking his head as quick as he humanly could at the younger man as he continued to loom over him, smirking devilishly back at him.

"I'll tell you what..." The younger man spoke in a quiet tone of voice as he continued to look down at him with the same smile on his face. "If you say, 'I'm sorry 500 times, then maybe, just maybe, I'll consider letting you go." He said with his eyes narrowed slightly.

"FOR WHAT?! WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!" The older man squawked in fear, looking at the younger man with true terror present in his eyes.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT IT IS THAT YOU DID!!!" The younger man suddenly screamed, his voice carrying through the church once again with an ungodly echo. "You've caused my family nothing but misery for years on end! And now... Now, Charles Baxter Higgins... You'll suffer the same fate that my father suffered."

"PLEASE!!! DON'T DO THIS!!!" The older man screamed again, having already saturated himself in his own urine out of fear.

"ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT!!!" The younger man screamed again, his voice once again carrying through the church like rolling thunder. "You let my father die back in that accident, and because of your inaction that cost him his life, You're going to suffer for it!" He added, his voice low and with a sadistic hiss to it.

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry for what I did! Now please! Let me go! I promise I'll never bother you again!" The older man begged the younger one again, shaking his head quickly.

"Not good enough, Mr. Higgins. So now, you gotta pay the penalty." The younger man answered with a grin before picking up the railroad spike and mallet in one hand each then set the sharpened end of the spike over the older man's hand then held the hammer back with a crazed smile on his face as he brought the mallet down with a vicious amount of force behind it, driving the spike into the back of the older man's hand, forcing a pained wail to pierce through the church like a wounded animal.

"Come on, Mr. Higgins!" The younger man spoke again as he looked down at the older man's face. "Start saying 'I'm sorry' 500 times and mean it like your life depends on it." The younger man spoke again before slowly pulling the spike out of the back of the older man's hand. Once it was out, a river of blood could be seen pouring out of the open hole, easily spilling over to the floor. Obediently despite there was tears in the older man's eyes from the spike being driven into and now being pulled back out of his hand, he nodded his head slowly before starting to repeat the words the younger one told him to do as meaningful as he could, his eyes closed the whole time.

He was about 30 "I'm sorries" in before the spike was now rammed into his forearm now, forcing another pain-driven scream to roar out of his lungs once again. Looking down, he could now see that the railroad spike was now embedded deeply into his forearm, and the younger man's hand on it was twisting it from side to side as little spurts of red could be seen trying to escape from that wound as well.

"Again." The younger man answered with a crazed smile on his face. "This time, a little louder. I want to hear every single word you say." He added with a grin on his face before twisting the spike out of the older man's arm, finally releasing with it another violent gush of crimson out onto the already bloodstained marble. From there, the younger man would now aim the spike above the older man's forehead now, threatening to drive the thing into his cranium.

"Then again..." The younger man said as his voice seemed to have steeped even lower into the depths of insanity. "I'm taking that back." He added, laughing softly at first while the older man's eyes widened sharply at what the younger man had now said.

"But... B-But...! You said if - "

"I promised you nothing." The younger man answered with a sternness in his voice before smiling at him wickedly as he then raised the mallet back. "See you in hell, you bastard." He added before swinging it back down, laughing the whole time as he finally drove the spike into the older man's forehead, the sounds of steel tearing flesh, gushing blood and bones breaking all at the same time piercing through the church once again then silence.

Slowly, the only sound that could be heard was a quiet series of laughter coming from the younger man once again as he slowly stood up from the large stone marble, looking down at the now deceased older man laying there with the railroad spike lodged in his forehead. Slowly, that quiet chuckling gave way to slowly increasing howls of laughter once again, louder and louder still until it was now a cacophony of vile, sickening and terrifying screaming howls of humor over what he had done.


On a bright sunny July day in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 18 year old Jeffrey Taylor could be seen waiting outside the airport waiting for the arrival of the transfer student that was supposedly on her way here. All he knew thus far was that she was here on loan from somewhere and that she would probably need a ride over to the college where she would be attending classes. Fortunately for him he was given the rest of the day off after he was elected to go and pick her up once her plane had arrived.

For now, he was seen waiting in the airport, still wearing his uniform due to the fact that he wasn't given much time to change out of these stuffy clothes of his, as indicated when he was pulling at the collar of his white polo tee t-shirt that was buttoned up to under his neck. At his waist was a set of school uniform slacks, black in color and accented with a brown leather belt. At his feet were a set of black dress shoes that would give most people pinched nerves in their feet if they weren't wearing something that would cushion the soles of their feet.

When he was done fidgeting with the neckline of his shirt, Jeffrey would then aim his eyes of glacier blue down to his digital watch located on his right wrist, frowning at it a bit before using his left hand to push some of his heavy bangs back from his eyes in an attempt to keep it up in the rest of his light brown hair.

"Come on... Where is she, man? I gotta get outta here..." Jeffrey muttered to himself before lowering his wrist down then looked around the airport once again.
Ladies and Gentlemen this is your captain speaking, we are ready to descend so please put your bags away and put on your seat belts. Miko woke up, she had been sleeping the last few hours and the sound of the captain woke her up instantly. Miko was not one to sleep over the entire flight but because she had recieved a surprise party the night before she was very tired and just slept the entire way to the small little town. Miko was just your average girl, standing on five feet tall, her breasts and ass were her most beautiful feature after her eyes and face of course. She was offered a transfer to the US to be part of another university. She did not knew much about the united states but she was fluent in the English language reason why she was elected.

As the person next to her also woke up he smiled, "Finally, I hate flying and I need to do that for a living". The guy seemed to be one from Japan as well, she was surprised that he actually knew how to speak English so fluently. He was wearing a tuxedo apparently was coming to the US on business.

Miko giggled and looked at him, "First time flying for myself, so that was quite the adventure although eighteen hours of flight could scare anybody". She stretched her back as she closed her eyes feeling the plane starting to descend, her ears stuffed up because of the pressure as it landed. The plane touched ground and she nearly jumped out of excitement she was finally in the US. As the plane drove to where it was supposed to land she smiled and took off her seat belt waiting for it to stop. She was supposed to be greeted by a student in the town, or so she was told.

Finally stopping she stood up and waited for the man to exit before leaving the row of seats she was in. Opening the hatch above her she took off her backpack and sighed as the plane started to fill up with the usual row of people wanting to leave the plane. Finally being able to squeeze between two ladies she began to slowly walk out of the plane, a big smile on her face. She hummed a old Japanese song as she continued to leave the plane, when she finally did she took a deep breath and started to walk normally to the terminal.

Upon finally walking in the airport she looked around, she was supposed to see a young man but she had no idea who he was. He would be given a photo of her so she guessed she would just wait a bit to see if the student recognized her. Placing one of the earplugs of her Iphone on her ear she looked around to see if she saw someone of her age.
After a little bit of time had passed, Jeffrey once again looked back down to his watch, checking the time as he heard a plane beginning to taxi towards the arrival area, nodding mostly to himself before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a picture of the transfer student, arching a brow at it in curiosity. So the person he was looking for was someone by the name of Miko. The rest of the name he couldn't pronounce right away, but he was certain that she would tell him once he made visual contact with her in the airport.

After a little while, Jeffrey continued to look around the airport for the transfer student when about five minutes later, he spotted a rather attractive looking female that was meandering around, possibly looking for someone as well. A quick look back down to the picture then glancing back up towards her once more towards the young woman followed by a nod of his head told Jeffrey that he had found the right person he was looking for.

With that, Jeffrey continued to approach her with a smile on his face before waving over to her. "Oy!" He called over to her as he continued to move through the throng of people here and there. What she would soon find was that the young man approaching her stood about nine inches above her head and looked to be slim, but he had a fairly toned body structure for someone like him. On occasion, he was rudely bumped into by a few of these people, upsetting him in a minor way.
She sighed looking outside for a minute, trying to collect her thoughts. The collage was not supposed to be too far from here so she thought it was better to wait until someone found her, if not she could always go and get a taxi. Her eyes went wide as she heard a man and right away looked at the direction of the voice, it was a rather young looking man, most likely her age and a little bit taller than she was. With a smile she looked at him and nodded, "I am Mikoto, call me Miko, pleasure to meet you" she bowed her head a bit in show of respect and looked at him.

She was already with her two bags of stuff plus the small one she carried around so she was set to go. If she needed more stuff she would buy them out of the stores of the town. Her parents were rich and she had more money in the bank in case she needed anything and she knew her parents would transfer her money to a bank in the states just in case. Finally out of the airport she could relax as she looked at him, "Is this place always this full?".

Miko was wearing a black shirt with what appeared to be Anime characters on it with some Japanese letters, a black skirt and her usual blac shoes. A tattoo was visible on her tigh of what appeared to be a small purple flower with some Japanese letters below it. Looking up to him Miko giggled and smiled, "Lead the way, I will follow".
At hearing her name, Jeffrey nodded in reply before bowing to her as well as was her custom back in Japan. "Nice to meet you Miko. Name's Jeffrey." He answered with another nod of his head before looking around the airport for a moment, wondering where the two would get something to eat in here. No doubt traveling here all the way from her country of origin could possibly make anyone hungry. After a little looking around, Jeffrey's eyes caught sight of a Sbarro pizza restaurant a little ways off from the arrivals' gate then looked back to her after she got her two bags.

"Here, lemme get your bags." Jeffrey offered as he reached over towards the two bags that she was lugging around. "It gets that way from time to time, Miko. Don't let it bug you." He answered with a nod of his head and smiled at her before gesturing over to the pizza joint. "Come on. Let's get you something to eat. It's on me." He added as he then began to walk towards it.
She smiled as the man took her bags from her, he was acting like a real gentlemen. Smiling she sighed looking at the pizza place and nodded at him, "Sure, I never actually tasted pizza so it can be fun". She knew that was a very usual American food that she had not tasted. Walking besides him she smiled as they finally arrived at the pizza place, the place was cold most likely the air conditioner. Taking a deep breath she sat on one of the chairs and waited for him to order.

She did not knew much about it so she just sat there looking around. America was so much different than Japan in so many ways, she had spent most of her flight reading about America and their foods and customs. Smiling she hummed to herself as she waited for him to order pizza.
When he heard that Miko had never tasted a pizza before, Jeffrey paused in midstep towards the Sbarro restaurant before looking over to her with an incredulous look on his face before blinking a few times at her. "You've gotta be kidding me. You mean you've never tried one before? Oh man, we gotta get you cultured here young lady and quickly. You don't know what you're missing!" He answered with a grin on his face as he then turned around once again and walked towards the restaurant outlet once again, arriving there a few moments later.

Once inside the restaurant, Jeffrey first led her over towards an empty set of chairs as he dragged the bags over to the table, setting it down under it then directed Miko to sit down at it when he glanced at the open seat. "Alright, lemme go place an order for a couple slices of some pepperoni and extra cheese and we should be all set. After that, we'll head out to the parking lot and I'll show you the campus of where we're all gonna be at." He said with a smile and a nod of his head before turning towards the counter and walked to it.
She giggled and looked around the place, it was your typical pizza joint. Looking at her bag for a book she was reading on the way to the states she sighed as she started to read about pizza. Apparently there was different types of pizza from pepperoni to meat filled pizza. Smiling she sighed as she looked at him leaving her there to order the pizza. She giggled and looked at him he was handsome and she wanted them to share at least one class together, that would be very good. People around here were eating the pizza's and talking to each other, most of them seemed happy and all of them seem to have bags with them. Taking a deep breath she looked at the man coming to her as she looked at the pizza and smiled, "Itadakimasu" she said as she placed both hands together as in a praying position. Smiling at him she smiled and sighed, "that meant thank you for the food". She giggled and kissed him on the cheek as she looked at him and waited for him to seat so she could start eating.
After placing the order for their respective meals, Jeffrey waited a bit before the two slices arrived, and when they did a short while later, he would then pick up both paper plates before turning back around and walked back over to Miko and placed her slice of pizza down in front of her and sat down beside her with his plate as well. Jeffrey was about to reach his hand down to the slice of pizza before he turned his head towards Miko with a curious eyebrow raised when he saw her clasp her hands together in the form of prayer and said something he wasn't really familiar with, but then nodded when he got the English version of it.

"Hope you don't mind my saying Miko," Jeffrey spoke. "But I'm what you call," He paused for a moment in thought as he began to think about his choice of words carefully, even lifting his hand up to his chin and continued to think over what he was going to say to her without sounding like a complete and total asshole towards her. When the right words came to him a little while later, Jeffrey snapped his fingers once before turning his head towards her. "Yeah. Nondenominational towards any form of religion. Not that I mind what you did there, but I just don't really see any point in that whole 'prayer' thing." Jeffrey added, holding his hands out towards her with his brows raised, possibly thinking that he might have offended her.
Miko waited for a bit before the pizza was brought. Looking at him as he talked she just giggled, " That has nothing to do with religion, Itadakimasu is simply saying thank you for the food. People just put their hands like that when they do it, so it has nothing to do with religion". She smiled and took the piece of pizza, it looked greasy and not something she would have everyday. Smiling she took a bite out of the pizza and smiled, it tasted very good, kinda hot but very good.

As she continued to eat the pizza she finished up soon and looked at him. "It's good, tasted kinda weird but it's good". Smiling she bowed her head and sighed, "Arigatou". Looking up at him she smiled and nodded, "Shall we go? I am kinda tired and want to sleep". Taking a deep breath she looked at him and let him start walking before following him.
"Oh." Jeffey answered with a blink of his eyes and a shake of his head before letting out a bit of a chuckle. "I apologize if I seemed a little out of place with that comment." He added as he then brought a hand up to the back of his head and itched it with a goofy smile on his face then glanced off to the side. Geez. Nice way to break the ice, dumbass. He then castigated himself mentally before looking back over to Miko and then picked up his slice of pizza, munching on it quietly.

Once dne with his slice a little later, Jeffrey looked over to Miko and nodded in return. "Yeah, we can stop by my place. Besides, there's something I gotta do later on, so you're free to take a nap while I go do what I need to do." He answered with a generous smile on his face before standing up onto his feet, dusted his hands over his jeans and began to lead her out of the airport. Last thing he needed to do here was to get caught up in traffic.
She looked at him apologizing and shrugged, Americans were all the same they thought they could rule everybody. Shaking her head she let out a fake smile, "No problem". She continued to eat her pizza not really knowing what his other activities were, much less that he was a killer. Smiling at him as he stood up she nodded and stood up as well, dusting her hands as well she grabbed one of her bags and followed him to the car. As they were walking her cellphone started ringing, looking at the dial tone she sighed, "Hai moshi moshi....hai....hai....gomenasai.....arigatou....". She smiled as she hanged up, "Sorry about that".

As she followed him to the car she smiled at him as she helped him put her bags on the trunk of the car. Getting on the passenger seat of the car she put on her seatbelt and turned off her cellphone, for now she won't be needing it. His car was a bit clean but she did not mind the little mess he had in the car. As he got in she smiled at him, "Arigatou for picking me up, I thought for sure I had to pick a taxi up".
At first, Jeffrey was a little perplexed that someone had just now decided to call Miko when she wasn't anymore than 10 minutes out of the plane. Just who would do something like that anyway, he thought with a puzzled look still present on his face, indicated by him arching an eyebrow at her as he listened to the conversation. "Not a problem. Who was that that decided to call you, anyway? Your parents or maybe even your boss?" He asked with a small smirk and a laugh that shortly followed after. It was a friendly sounding one, one that actually seemed as though that was actually trying to break the ice with her.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Last thing I needed to have you do was roast in a cab for hours while the freeways are gridlocked." Jeffrey answered with a smile and a nod of his head then directed her over to his waiting vehicle.
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