Maker's Blessings.....TheMandii x Aubergine


Jun 6, 2010
Siofra knew full well that sweet-talking these stupid Templars could make for some gold sovereigns on a good day, and today, she felt like it was going to be a good day indeed. The taller, lankier of the two Templars seemed far more interested in the mocha-skinned Elf's tale of woe than the other, who seemed to only care about how low her bodice was cut. So much for a pure-hearted worshiper of the 'all-powerful' Maker.

I never believed in such things. How can one God handle the universe? She thought in the back of her mind.

"O, I am sorry, Sers. You probably don't want to hear an elven woman's problems...." She batted her eyelashes for effect, her dual swords hidden behind her cloak. "It's just that, ever since my family was killed by Bandits, I have fallen on such hard times..." She looked down, sapphire eyes full of sorrow.

The taller Templar nearly reached out to her, but restrained himself. "Oh, milady, I wish there was something I could do. How may I aid you?"

"Well, Now that you mention it....."
He was the only voice the town’s chantry had – the last true crusader for light, for spreading the Maker’s love, for keeping the Maker’s peace. While his friends drank themselves silly in bars and pubs, he was working, training, hunting – he was ruthless, Maker, he was ruthless when it came to the hunts. Just this morning, he’d come back from a hunt – had the mage bagged and sent off for proper punishment, and decided to take an easy day, since he’d been through hell and a half.

His wounds needed tending to, his body ached with fatigue, and he could use a nice rest – but instead of being back home, he was here, patrolling. Because his coworkers were idiots, and that was a fact. See now – see the templar’s gather around that strange woman, attracted to her like flies to honey, because of her womanly charm. It was absurd – and he’d have to step in, as usual. As usual.

“Charles,” he muttered, grasping the templar’s wrist before he could extend it out toward the elf. “I’ve told you time and time again – we are forbidden to help others by giving straight from our pockets on duty. Flirt on your own time.”

The Templar nodded, biting his lower lip, and was sent off to work with a quick gesture of Kasper’s hand. He was quite influential around this group of Templars, due to his seniority and dedication. The other Templar, however, did not leave his spot, his eyes rooted to the elf’s bodice, making Kasper roll his eyes. Must he be paired with men with brains the size of walnuts? He sighed, and turned his attention back towards the woman.

“If you have fallen on hard times, miss, I can direct you to town’s chantry.” He extended a hand to her – oblivious to the schemer that lay beyond her pretty face. “There you’ll find a donation bin, along with other servants of the Maker who would do well to see you and your family well taken care for.”
Siofra smirked faintly for a split second, unable to control herself, then spoke in her best 'damsel in distress' voice. "Oh, thank you kind ser! Surely, the Maker's hand works closely through you!" She gushed, hugging his arm instead of taking his hand. It would look rather impolite if he pushed her away in public like that. As she allowed the foolish Templar to lead her to the donation bin within the walls of the Chantry.

This was perfect. She knew better than to be overly confident at most times, but these idiotic humans were just so gullible. She made it a point to look suddenly disheartened as her hands slipped from his arm. "My family, ser, is dead... I was trying to explain that to Ser Charles here when you approached us." Her voice softened, and she even managed to let tears well in her oceanic eyes.

Perhaps I should have become an actress. Siofra thought, amused.
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