Ghost in the shell (psychobilly-night x I)


Feb 4, 2011
Angel: )

The Major calmly walked into Section 9's main building, she enjoyed her job and yet there were times where she had thought about quitting and getting a normal day to day job that wasn't as dangerous. But she never did, even when the government disbanded the agency and declared war on them at one point she continued to work for Chief Aramaki. Sitting in her usual spot in the meeting room she waited for the others to join so that they could talk about their next mission, she had already been informed of what it was about but it was necessary to go over any information that had been collected prior to this meeting.

Angel continued to run through the streets and alley ways ignoring everyone around her, she had just done the worst thing in the world for a slave to do. Her master had been abusive ever since owning her but one night he went to far and she had enough of it so had attacked the man out of anger, however, he had been a normal human so she had ended up breaking his arm. Furious the man had threatened to have her killed and so she had panicked and ended up killing him then ran, if she had waited for the police to show she could have probably gotten away with it claiming self defense but she had been so scared that she immediately ran. Naturally it had been only a matter of time before the authorities were informed and decided to try and capture her, making her situation even worse she had attacked the first cops that had tried to come after her killing them with a gun she had gotten off of one of the officers she had attacked. So now she was on the run again just as terrified as she had been when she had first killed her last master and even more so now that she had killed those officers. Of course what terrified her the most was that she had actually killed people, she had become what she was in order to please people and so once she had her prosthetic body entered the world of a slave mainly focusing on sexual acts then anything else really. Angel had been trained to never disobey orders and yet somehow she had gone against that training and killed her master and then police man, she knew now that she would probably always be on the run. While it hadn't been intentional Angel had now killed 4 humans but not without receiving wounds of her own.
Jake: male/cute_t1402/trinityuniformmale.jpg?o=117

Batou sighed sitting in the meeting room. Another day another mission. Does anything really ever change? Well at least this one seemed interesting. However his mind was somewhere else. There was this story that the news had been milking. A few nights ago a gala was held to unveil a new powerful price of technology for people that have gone through cyberdization. However right after the unveiling some creep in a costume crashed through the window killing most of the guests and destroying the technology. However before the police could arrive, the costumed man was gone without a trace.
"I see you're as cheery as ever..." Batou smirked seeing The Major "Word of warning we have a new guy. So be nice alright?"

Jake smiled exiting a comic book store thumbing through the pages of the latest Avenger's Story. He had come to Japan for a job offer. Originally back home he was a simple Code Monkey who honestly wanted something cooler in his life. Then he got the call. Some group called Section 9. Well today was his first day and well... he was late. So why not take advantage and hit the comic shop which THANK GOD Japan has Marvel here.
"Ah sweet! Cap's getting the shield ready man Doc Doom is gonna ge- Hm?" Jake accidentally bumped into some skimpy girl looking scared as hell.
"Oh... uuuh... you need help?"
Angel blinked and looked at him startled, she hadn't meant to bumped into anyone. When he asked if she needed help she only shook her head, " shouldn't get involved, t-they're after me.." She was about to say more when sirens could be heard coming near the store, panicking she looked for a place to hide. Looking at Jake she put her finger to her lips, "shh.... didn't see me ok?" With that she managed to hide behind a bookcase hoping the police cars would just drive past.

She looked away from the screen for a moment and looked at Batou, "a new guy huh? And what makes you think I won't be nice Batou? I'll only treat him like I do every new person we get for section 9." Batou was opposite of her in many ways and yet she found it easy to confide in him, and while she valued his friendship Major never saw it going any farther then that. Turning her wrist over she looked at her watch, "this new guy is late. Do we have any information on him?" She planned on reprimanding the new guy for being late but how she was going to do so she didn't know yet.
"Yes. He's an American, almost genius level technology skills... and the reason for his late.. he's a comic book nerd." Batou chuckled at the description and handed ehr a file. Oh god... who knows how Major will "Reprimand" the new guy. but of course he was late so...

Jake watched the police cars zoom by. They hadn't noticed Angel. Well this was weird.
"Yup you do need help." Jake said looking over at her "Look i can take you someplace safe alright?"
Major looked over the file, that was wonderful. She had nothing against American's but the fact that he was late on his first day was because of comic books? That couldn't continue and she'd make sure it didn't, "I see... well lets see if his skills are good enough to keep from getting into trouble for being late. It's one thing if he worked here for a while but on the first day, now that's inexcusable."

Once they passed she climbed out of her hiding spot, listening to what Jake said she studied him for a moment. He didn't seem like someone wanting to harm her or turn her in, but then again she doubted he knew what she had done. Slightly nervous and still scared she nodded, " long as it's no where near the police." She wasn't sure whether or not she should trust this man but so far he hadn't tried anything except to offer her help, even though she didn't want him to get involved she had decided to take his offer hoping the place he was talking about was away from the police and any other types of government officials who were similar to the police.
"Heh, well if you kind of think about it... comics probably aren't why he's late. I mean just think Time Zones and such." Batou smirked as he sipped his coffee.
Soon Chief Aramaki arrived and looked around.
"Where's the new guy?"
"Late." Batou sighed in annoyance and pulled out his phone "Unfortunately he hasn't gone through cyberdizing..." He quickly shot Jake a text.

"Hm?" Jake reached into his phone and gasped "Right well let's hurry."
With a smile, the American pulled off his jacket and placed it on Angel's shoulders "Here, it's kind of chilly out. Anyway, the name's Jake Duvalk."
Major placed the file on a near by table studying Batou when the chief came in, "From what Batou tells me the kid has a thing for comics. Whether he is late because of that or because of the time zone doesn't matter. Being part of section 9 he should have learned to adapt quickly, our mission's require us to be ready at any moment no matter what we are doing." Of course she herself wasn't perfect but she also continually pushed herself with training and made sure she did her very best in every mission even if the mission ended in a failure.

Angel blushed slightly and wrapped the jacket around her, "thank you Duvalk-sama... my name is... Well it's Angel I don't have a last name though but most people like me don't so it is common." She looked at him and smiled softly, to the man helping her she probably looked like an innocent child or seemed to be acting like one. However, Angel was actually around 18 or 19 years old. After getting her prosthetic body she had forgotten to keep track and with what she had been doing before the accident it didn't really matter how old she truly was because no one who was to be her master cared. "Anyway we should probably get going to where ever it is you said you were going to take me that is safe."
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