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Hopefully long-term rp ({M//F please})

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Mar 6, 2010
World of Dreams
Sooo I've been "absent" from this place for a looong while now and want to start off my return with a fun, possibly long-term rp. Preferably with a male, an if your a female who can/willing to rp a male then that works too.

I've never been good at creating plots for rp but I have this neat character in mind that I wanna take for a test run. The best fitting setting for her is a futuristic-type rp like gundam wing/gurren laggan. Maybe with a post-apocalyptic feel like fallout 3 tied in? Like maybe its way in the future and their was a devastating war going on so most of civilization is scattered and fending for themselves? Idk, we can work out details.

I'm not much for rules, but I do have a few that I wanna lay out now:

1) Semi-para at LEAST. I'm a story writer therefor I like details in rp posts. I want to visualize as if I'm reading a story. But at the same time, try not to go overboard and give so many details that its all jus a bumble of words in my head

2) Don't be a nit-picky lil prick. As in don't squeeze out every advantage you can manage from the slightest detail I happen to leave out and don't correct ever single word I accidentally misspell. Trust me, if its wrong I know its wrong and if I wasn't sure on its spelling I'll put a (sp?) next to it

3) MINIMAL SEXUALNESS. I personally have to have love twists of some sort in my roleplays and sex is always fun in rp, but that DOESN'T mean I want to have sex right from the jump. The steamy nights will happen if you want them to, but have patience

4) Dedication pleeeeeeeeease. Like I said, I'd like this to be a long-term rp. If you lose interest along the way then fine but at least have the courtesy to tell me your giving up on the rp. I promise I won't be offended

And thats it. Any takers, let me know. Whether we rp in PM's or in a thread is up to you. Idc either way
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