FFVIII: Aspirations ((RP for Balthazar Darkthourne and I))


Jan 30, 2009
Name: Gwen Lawrence

The country of Balamb was a moderately sized Island nation which housed Balamb Garden, one of three military academies across the planet. The others were Trabia and Galbadia both in their respective countries. Balamb was the most notable for their mercenary force known as SeeD, there were enough of which to hire out to many countries. In each graduation year there were maybe 6 students at the most that become SeeDs. Gwen had just started on her path to become one, she was not like other candidates she was afraid of the guardian force and did not really know much magic. However, her saving grace was her talent with the Tessen and her dancer like fighting style. She also had the determination to live up to her family’s memory. When she was little she had been orphaned during the war with Galbadia.

The sun shone down on Balamb Garden and there was a lot of buzz in the air. It was mostly the excitement from the Garden Festival which had been announced earlier that week. Gwen was happy to hear that there was going to be one but she did not have time to act excited. She had to keep up with her studies and training, she had to work hard to achieve her dream. As she left her class she kept hearing about people wanting to help with the festival but she did not listen as she walked to the courtyard. She sat down beside the fountain and took out a book.

“I wonder why the festival is so important” She said to herself “It's just a distraction.”

She was not antisocial or anything she just had her own aspirations that she needed to take care of. Her goals might take longer than she figured but she would struggle to make them possible. It might make her personal life suffer but that was a small sacrifice.
Name: Xantian Ironheart

Originally born on the Fisherman's Horizon, Xantian moved to Balamb from Galbadia after he was expelled for rebellious behavior. The SeeD instructor pulled for him to be picked up, claiming that he had much talent, he simply "lacked discipline." He has warmed up to a few of the more easy-going types, but he remains a rebel. He was orphaned at a very young age, due to unknown circumstances. His skill with firearms, and his knack for bonding with the Guardian Forces, have given him as much trouble as the opposite.

Xan was on his way to the festival when he spotted Gwen by the fountain. Immediately, the strangest feeling came over him. It was different from attraction, but still very much the same. She was definitely quite pretty, but that wasn't quite it. He felt as if he knew her from somewhere before, though he couldn't quite place where.

He approached the fountain, his hands in his coat pockets. He smiled and spoke with a voice that when one heard it, they knew mischief was soon to follow. "Hey there, stranger. Beautiful day, isn't it?" He eyed the text and realized that he had seen her around the Garden, most likely in the Cafeteria or the Main Hall. Perhaps she was even in the same class as him.
She looked up hearing the voice and saw a boy, she'd seen him around Garden causing some trouble. It took a bit not to roll her eyes at the tone in his voice but she gave a light smile.

"Yeah it is a nice day" She said "The festival couldn't have better timing".

She closed her book and set it aside positive that he wouldn't just leave, though it was nice to have a break from studying.

"What are you up to" She asked casually.

It wasn't an accusing question but she figured it'd be something worth asking, he was probably just going to the festival.
He sat down next to her beside the fountain, letting his elbows rest on his knees. Xan was smart and damn fast, but he was physically frail. His build was slender and only moderately toned. He was tall, though, and fairly mature in appearance for his young age of fifteen. He leaned his head back and looked up and the drifting clouds. "Out having fun, of course. Perhaps I should be studying too, though. I just got accepted into the SeeD training program. Granted, I'm on a probationary period." His eyes drifted back in her direction, though his head remained still. "I wonder if I'll make it..."
She looked shocked when he said he was in the SeeD program he didn't seem the type to want to be a SeeD.

"Guess we'll find out" She said "I just started the program myself".

With a soft sigh she leaned back resting on her arms as she looked up at the sky.

"So what are your skills" She asked "I'm a melee fighter".

She didn't really care to go into details bragging wasn't her style she was just curious about his abilities.
He raised one hand and let lightning crackle from his pinkie, to his index finger, then to his thumb and back to the pinkie. "I'm a magic and ranged specialist. I could knock the hat off of a man five stories up with a bullet, then shoot it out of the air too." He mimed twirling a pistol then chuckled. He was a bit of a braggart, but his skills were worth noting. He'd been in the top of his class for years before the transfer. His GF, Sionbreous, was an award won during a competition.
She watched his display of magic and shook her head as he bragged about his skills. Then again if he was good enough to become a SeeD then it was probably worth bragging about.

"Sounds impressive its no wonder you were accepted into the program" She said smiling "My skills aren't as impressive...but I'm more than capable".

She looked around at the other students not exactly sure why there weren't more students wanting to be SeeD.

"If you'd like I could show you in the training center" She offered.
He smiled a lopsided little smirk, and stood up. He turned to put his hand out, offering to help her up. He was fixated by her, but he couldn't tell why. He still had that nagging feeling that this had all happened before, perhaps in a dream.

"So show me, then miss...Wait a sec. I never got your name." He stood above her, the midday sunlight making him little more than a shadowy silhouette from where she was sitting. He was beginning to like this day more and more.
She watched him stand and wondered why he was so interested in talking to her. It made for a nice change though after all she wasn't interested in the festival which gave her more than enough free time.

"Gwen" She said taking his offer to help her stand "I don't believe I caught your name either".

She picked up her book and placed it in her bag knowing if she left that it'd probably walk off. It had been awhile since she'd fought with someone in the training center. She usually fought alone, the last time someone tried to train with her they tried to keep her from fighting and instead wanted her to use magic.
He smiled and gave a wink, his roguish side showing through yet again. "Pretty name you have there. Suits you well, if you ask me. My name's Xantian, but you can call me Xan or Ian, if you prefer." His smile remained as he turned to the Garden, looking over his shoulder to her as he started off. "You know, we might be able to get in before the Main Hall get's crowded." He strode off, turning back to face the road as he went.

That inescapable feeling of deja vu seemed to linger, even after they had left the fountain, though it had grown weaker the further they got. He pondered this with light enthusiasm as he dodged people in the streets. Sometimes, strangers were entirely inconsiderate of other pedestrians.
She shook her head as he complimented her name but a light blush did cross her cheeks. As he turned to go she wondered if she'd met him before but shrugged it off they were at the same school they'd probably bumped into each other.

"Yeah we should probably hurry" She said with a nod.

She walked beside him easily keeping up despite having to dodge other students. The thought of the training center always made her heart pound. She loved the adrenaline rush whenever she had to run from the T-Rexuar it was amazing.
As they reached Balamb's Main Gate, he waved to the guard, returned the gesture. Surprisingly, Ian got along with the guards, for the most part. They liked his sense of justice, and he respected their position. Students with big mouths, like that Seifer guy, they weren't so respectable. He was all blab, no substance. His little gang had harassed Ian on the first day he transferred into their ranks. He figured they didn't appreciate the black eye he gave old White Trench's goon Rai-whatever. They left him alone after that, though.

The Main Hall wasn't quite full, but it was buzzing with people. They had some event going on tonight, and he didn't care to be a part of it. He nodded to the dorms and turned to address Gwen. "I have to get my guns, and make sure Sionbreous is in good shape. I'll meet you at the Training Room gate, okay?" He had to raise his voice a bit, so as to speak over the background chatter.
She nodded to the guard as they walked past she respected their job but she never really talked to them. It just wasn't something she thought about really but then again at least she didn't get into trouble with them. She sighed as they walked into the main hall and hated the noise the students made.

"Alright" She said raising her voice as well "I'll meet you there".

She kept her fans with her because they were a bit more portable and easier to hide than guns. Then again she also traveled back and forth between Balamb and Garden. She picked her way through the crowd making sure to avoid catching the eye of the disciplinary committee. The last time she'd encountered them they'd gotten onto her for training alone which was apparently against the rules.
He made his way to his room, dodging around people as he went. He was nimble, and that saved him most of the time. As he approached his door, he realized someone had been inside besides him. He opened the door cautiously, expecting to catch the perpetrator in the act. Silence greeted him, however, as he stepped into the empty room. His objects were where he'd left them, and he was certain that nothing had been moved.

After a thorough once-over of his pistols and shotgun, he strapped on his gun-belts and back-mounted shotgun holster, which also served as a bandoleer for his shotgun ammo. The twelve-gauge had been modified with a slug barrel and a rifle stock, allowing him to make very accurate shots, though the rifle stock recoiled like a bitch. He slid the weapons into their rightful positions, then let to meet up with Gwen. On his way out the door, he grabbed a couple bottles of O'Grady's Fix That Fizz, his personal favorite healing potion. Mostly, it was the name that he liked, but the product was worth the extra two bits.

Sionbreous was in working order, though the GF did advise him not to confront the T-Rexaur head on, like last time. The Guardian Force kindly reminded him of the three days he'd spent in the infirmary at the other Garden. Sion also remembered to mention the wicked scar the beast had left on Ian's chest. Ian shrugged him off as he spotted the Training Center, and Gwen. He waved and smiled as he approached, the rush of Deja Vu having left him. He figured that it was just because she was so beautiful, but one never knew.

"You about ready to show me that sword arm of yours?"
Gwen was leaning against the sign to the training center glaring at Seifer with her fan in her hand. She was itching to put that brat in his place especially after she got berated for going to the training center. It didn't matter to her though she'd gotten him back when he started flirting with a brunette and that was enough to make her grin. Through the crowd she spotted Ian and waved back straightening up off the sign.

"I'm more than ready" She said cheerfully "But I use Tessen not swords".

She started into the training center taking out her other fan, she wouldn't get caught unprepared to fight.
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