Celebrities being Taken (Cerberus and Yin)


Jan 9, 2009
Drake had been working for the company for more then 3 years now and in that time he had become one of their best agent to find the "target" and retrive it for them before training them then handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair all dressed up.

There was supposed to be a big party for Celebrities, some A list group who thought that they were untouchable that they wouldn't get caught and disappear like some of those B list stars. Laughing he got up and headed to his car and checked his trunk for all of the tools of his trade. His ropes, gags and chloroform. Getting into his Car he headed out from his house and into the city where the after party was being held.

Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now. it had to be someone really at the A list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. Then that would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe.

He knew that they operated all around the world. Some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government. who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they they were truly in power.
Cerberus said:
Drake had been working for the company for more then 3 years now and in that time he had become one of their best agent to find the "target" and retrive it for them before training them then handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair all dressed up.

There was supposed to be a big party for Celebrities, some A list group who thought that they were untouchable that they wouldn't get caught and disappear like some of those B list stars. Laughing he got up and headed to his car and checked his trunk for all of the tools of his trade. His ropes, gags and chloroform. Getting into his Car he headed out from his house and into the city where the after party was being held.

Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now. it had to be someone really at the A list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. Then that would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe.

He knew that they operated all around the world. Some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government. who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they they were truly in power.

Lindsay Lohan was sitting at a corner table in the far end of the room talking with some other girls and sipping on her champagne from a crystal flute the she held delicately in her fingers to the side of her face, giving herself a gleaming glow like look. Lindsay is wearing a crimson form fitting one piece dress that stopped just below the butt in a small, flat ruffle, Lindsay laughed heartedly at a joke that one of the girls told before she caught a glimpse of a dark haired man she had never seen before, he intrigued her for some reason... He drew her attention... Lindsay excused herself and got up running her hands down her dress to smooth it out before walking over to the man still holding her champagne flute.

"I've never seen you before... I'm Lindsay Lohan..." She said to the man holding out a hand with the knuckles up so he could take it as a gentleman would. After she spoke Lindsay pushed out her lips a little accenting her matching crimson lipstick.
Drake nodded and gently took her hand and kissed it. "Ah my dear Ms.Lohan, I am Drake Ramerez." He gave her hand a light squeeze as he watched everyone making key notices of who was around. He also made notice of those whom he worked with that had infiltrated the party as well and who they had their eyes set one. Drake gave a quick nod to one of his brothers who was already heading out where one celebrity was headed out on her own.

He grinned and licked his lips just thinking about being able to control these humans. Knowing it was all a matter of time and soon it would come to grab these girls but first he had to think of a plan to be able to get them all alone and one by one so that no one would suspect anything until it was too late. "Well I must say Ms. Lohan you are looking awfully well tonight I do hope that you are enjoying this party for now. who knows when the next time you'll get to really relax due to a hectic work timetable."

Drake did his best to act as any other star and human but deep down it enraged him as much as he knew it upset the prince that these far less superior and weaker creatures could even think that they were on the top of the food chain. Hell in history all the progress that was ever made was due to his own kind aiding the humans so that they could be used for their own purposes.
Lindsay smiled at the man and his gentlemanly actions, it made her happy to know that there was at least one decent man left on earth that wasn't a pig. That's why she had gone to women is cause men were so brutally belligerent with their feelings and the fact that most of them were sexual. Lindsay looked the man up and down again making notes of his dark and handsome features before she spoke again. "Why thank you Mr. Ramerez, you are looking very well put together your self." Lindsay said back before sipping her champagne. "Would you care to sit with me and talk? You seem to have a head on your shoulders, maybe we can actually have a decent conversation unlike some of the people here." Lindsay said with a smile as she motioned towards a empty table near them.
Drake gave a short nod of his head and decided to take up this woman and her offer. He also knew that other members of his kind were outside and dealing with other celebrities. All ready Shadow had grabbed his two targets and was deep in the dark looking over the two women. He grinned and shifted over to his natural form, letting his tail uncurl and his ears stand up. His yellow eyes looking over the lovely women that he was ordered to grab. "Well it seems the music box does work." He watched as the two women who were tied together tried to huddle together out of fear. "Now you will learn my pets, that your old life no longer exists, your new life as slaves begin now." And just who were these women who had been abducted and tied together? well none other then Beyoncé Knowles and Tyra Banks.

Shadow grinned and watched the two before walking over to them and running a hand against their cheeks. "Now there is no need to be afraid, All you need to know is that you will learn to please and obey your master." and as he stood in front of them they were able to see his slowly hardening cock due to the fact that these beasts did not wear clothes if they were in the warrior class because they were allowed to have anyone they wanted as a reward for their service to the king.
Beyonce and Tyra were lying on the ground tied up and gagged down on the ground. Beyonce tried to scream as the man shifted into a alien like form which she had never seen. Tyra was still unconscious lying on the pavement, Beyonce tried to scream again as it spoke in its statically mechanical voice, Beyonce's eyes went wide when the 'things' cock started to get hard right before her eyes. Tyra's eyes started to flutter open at that moment which made her groan, lifting up her head she slowly started to freak out as her mind registered the binds and her gag before her eyes fell on her captor which made her scream against the gag, her muffled voice begging for mercy and to be let go.

Lindsay sat at the table with Drake and snatched a champagne flute from a passing waiter, handing it to the man. "So Drake, what line of work are you in? I hate to sound conceded so I'll tell you my profession, I'm a actress.... I hate having to feel awkward when I say that but I do cause people are usually like, I know!" Lindsay asked the man as she finished her champagne and took a new one from a second passing waiter.
Shadow looked at Beyoncé and Tyra as they continued to put up their struggle. He coughed for a second before spitting out a small black box. "Much better." When he spoke it was almost like a growl, his voice was able to produce an animal like characteristic to it. His tail uncoiled from his waist as he watched the two girls before he grabbed Tyra and lifted her up pinning her against the wall. "I think I am going to enjoy myself with you before I have you sold." He then looked at Beyoncé and licked his lips. "As for you, I think I'll keep you for myself, unless you can convince me to keep both of you and not sell you." He watched their reactions as he let his hand glide over Tyra's legs to the edge of her dress.

Drake looked at Lindsay and nodded. "Besides helping up and coming celebrity's career's to rise I also run a small import and export business for selective clients. Be it expensive cars, toys, girls and drinks, we can get what a client wants and deliver it to them. and for right now, you're wanted by someone." He smiled knowing that she had drank enough of the laced champagne to put her under its spell, to others she would just seem drowsy from drinking but she wouldn't be able to say or do anything, she would be a prisoner inside of her own body. "Just sit back and relax miss Lohan, it will all be over soon."
Tyra whimpered and sobbed as the 'thing' picked her up and shoved her against the wall, making her eyes water in pain. When he spoke Tyra tossed her head from side to side and screamed again, her long chestnut brown locks whipping her face in the process. Beyonce tried to get up on her knee's and inch away but fell face first onto the floor with a small muffled cry, Tyra whimpered and started to cry as the beasts hand started to go up her dress, as it touched her thigh and roamed up further Tyra's tears became more and more pronounced as it started to touch the front of her panties.

Lindsay all of a sudden went still, her mind racing but her body not responding to what she wanted it to do, 'It will all be over soon?' What the fuck did he mean by that!?
Shadow watched Tyra and grinned as she tried to struggle, it only made him harder and she would be able to tell as his now hard cock was pressing against her pantyhose clad legs. He then watched as Beyoncé tried to squirm away only to fall and not move far. His tail reached out and grabbed Beyoncé around the waist and held her up. "Ah whats wrong feeling left out?" He grinned and pulled the two girls together and tied their hands together before tying it against the wall so that they couldn't pull away. He also tied each of their legs together so they were unable to move away. "Now who first?" licking his lips he pressed himself up against Tyra and rubbed himself against her panties while his hand sneaked up Beyoncé's backside and slipped up her dress.

Drake looked at Lindsay and grinned before gently helping her up from the seat. when a waiter walking by asked if she was okay he simply gave that she had a little too much to drink and he was getting her a cab to take home. He walked her out to the back before leaning her against a car. Once done he stripped her of her crimson dress and tucked it away, instead he dressed her into a short black and white dress and black hose.

It was a familiar dress to her but would of been a little shorter from the years but still showed off her womanly figure. He then tied her and placed her in the back seat before pulling out a small black card and opening it. The image looked to be of a boy no older then 17 but he had animal look to him, yellow eyes, pointed ears and fur. "You have her?..Good..you have the next target order as well." Drake nodded. "Yes my prince." He then turned and looked at Lindsay. "Well your new master is the prince, feel lucky."
Tyra clamped her eyes shut trying to block out what sh was sure her mind just playing tricks on her, but as the 'things' cock rubbed up against her leg she whimpered and closed her eyes even tighter, Beyonce whimpered and tried to scream again as she was picked up by the things tail and slammed against the wall before having her and Tyra's hands and legs tied together tightly, as it's hand slipped up her dress and groped her ass Beyonce whimpered and whined while Tyra's scream tore through her gag as the thing pressed it's cock against her panties, making her pussy wet itself in anticipation despite her situation, human bodies rarely listened to the minds of their host despite the circumstances.

Lindsay didn't know what to do, even if she did her body wasn't responding to her minds commands, when the man Drake lied to the waiter she tried to scream out that he had drugged her but to no avail. When she got bent over the car and redressed Lindsay started to cry, tears fell but no sound left her as she got thrown into the back of the car. When Drake mentioned the 'prince' she got worried however she still couldn't do anything to save her, let alone show her emotions...
Shadow looked at Tyra and Beyoncé and licked his lips as he kept pressing against Tyra's panties. As he pressed against her, he could smell her scent coming through the air. He could smell their body's natural reaction to him pressing his cock against them but he could also smell their fear and that to him was turning him on even more. He watched Tyra's reactions as he pulled down her panties.

Pressing against her he gave her time to get used to his size as he slowly pushed his way into her. He kept his eyes on her as he started to push harder and harder against her. When he was reaching his peak he pulled himself out of her and rubbed himself against Beyoncé and grinned as he ruthlessly pushed himself into her and kept going at her. All the while he kept Tyra pinned and used his tail to slip inside of her.

Drake looked at Lindsay and grinned giving her rear a playful swat. "Oh don't worry it will be all over quickly." He grinned then looked up the intel on his next target. a young musician/ actor a miss Miley Cyrus. "Hmm this shouldn't be that hard." He grabbed Lindsay and helped put her inside of the car laying down knowing the syrum wouldn't wear off until he administered the antitoxin. "Just to keep yourself ready." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small vibe and slipped it inside of Lindsay and turned it on low. "That should keep you busy until we return." He laughed before walking away from the car and headed back inside to find his next target.

Looking around Drake used his races's natural skill of tracking through scent. as he had already been given the scents of his targets it wouldn't be that hard to find Miley. He knew she was around here and after a little searching he had found her yet he needed to find a way to separate her from everyone else. He thought about it for a second but then nodded and moved behind her before whispering for her to get up a check a noise in the viewing lounge of the club. He then reached into his pack and pulled out a small round device and turned it on. the sound it made was like that of a music box. He then tossed it over into the lounge and waited for her to go and investigate the music. The music was something sweet and haunting. lulling its victim into a false sense of security and ease. Drake watched as Miley came into the viewing lounge and the music took control of her. "So they are susceptible to it." He licked his lips watching her and moving up behind her.
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