Little Red (Nekro and GhostxTiger))


Wolf in the Shadows
Mar 6, 2009
Beaverton, OR
Red waved goodbye to her mother as she stepped out the door and into the road. Her mother stood in the door frame as she walked away stern as ever. "And remember, go straight to your grandmother's. No dallying, and for goodness sake stay on the path!"

Red rolled her pale blue eyes as she walked way towards the woods. what was her mother so worried about? A light breeze played with her golden tresses, and she pulled the hood of her red cloak up over her head to keep her neatly brushed hair from becoming a windswept mess. The sun was bright today, and felt warm on her creamy white skin. It's rays dance about in the forest as she entered and began walking along the path.

She looked about the woods idly taking in the serene beauty of the place as she strolled along the path at her own leisurely pace, heedless of her mother's caution. every time she went to visit grandmother she received the same lecture. Stay on the path, be quick. but even on days like this where she took her time nothing bad ever seemed to happen.

Off the path a little ways, she could see a bunch of wild flowers growing. They looked like the Kind her Grandmother liked, and so she decided to go pick a few. They weren't that far off the path, and surely she couldn't get into trouble for that.
Deep in the woods some rustling can be heard. The female half human- half wolf sleeps soundly on a large tree branch. She rests comfortably until her strong sense of smell picks up a wonderful sweet aroma. She opens her deep green eyes and jumps down from the tree, landing on all fours.

She walks upright as she uses her nose to find the source of the scent. As she quietly hides in a bush she spots a young girl picking flowers and grins at the sight. "mmmmmm....tasty~" she thinks to herself as she watches the girl and waits for the right moment. Slowly emerging from the bushes she walks up to the fair haired lovely and speaks.

"Well hello there."
Red was so engrossed in picking the flowers that she didn't even notice the rustling of the bushes. in fact she almost jumped when the she-wolf spoke. She let out a gasp at the words,and turned her head in their directions. She stood quickly, holding the bunch of flowers in one hand, and the basket her mother had giver her in the crook of her other arm.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." She seemed nervous. she'd heard tales about the creatures of the wood, but never had she encountered them, perhaps this once she should have actually listened to her mother's advice an done as she was told.
The she-wolf grinned as she scanned the young girl's body "So what's a pretty little thing like yourself doing all the way out here?" she asked as she stepped close, taking in her heavenly scent. "It's dangerous to be out here all alone. There is a lot of... predators out here"
Red swallowed as she tried to back away from her. The way she said predators only seemed to alarm her more. "Uh, yes, well i need to be to getting to my grandmother's so..." As she took her next step back she tripped on the hem of her skirt and her arms began to flail about as she looked to regain her balance, and keep from falling over backwards landing in a more vulnerable position than the one she was already in.
The she-wolf grinned as she watched the girl struggle to get up. She then takes her hand and helps her up but doesn't let go. Instead she pulls her close and tilts her head up my the chin. "What's the rush. Why don't you stick around. I should check to see if you are hurt. You took a nasty fall there."
Red gasps as she's pulled closer, and starts breathing quickly as her heart races. She can smell the woman's wild scent,and there's something unnatural about it that almost makes her want to come with her. She tries to push away. "No I'm fine, really. grandmother's going to worry if i don't get there soon."

her eyes widen as she tries to pull free, but realizes the wolf won't let her go. "Please i really do need to be going!" There's something alluring about this creature so she doesn't want to hurt her, but she knows she needs to get free all the same.
The she-wolf grins then suddenly lets the girl go. "Very well" she said then leaned against the tree "You mustn't keep your grandmother waiting. But I'll still be here" she said, hinting that if she wanted to see her again she will be waiting for her. She could tell that the cloaked beauty was as much attracted to her as she was to the girl.
Red quickly back away, to this time minding the hem of her skirt this time, before turning away, and hurrying down the forest path. After a few minutes, she looks over her shoulder. Seeing that the she-wolf is no longer in sight, she pauses briefly to regain her breath. her mind races races as she thinks about who she was and what she wanted.

Now moving at a pace more appropriate to what her mother would have liked. It still takes a bit for her to get there, and she quickly knocks on the door waiting for her grandmother's response before walking in.
The she-wolf chuckled then went to find a comfortable spot for her to rest. She leans against the tree near the path and soon dozes off, thinking of the cute Red hooded girl. She lays there with a smile as she snoozes. She had a feeling she would be seeing her again.
it doesn't take long for Red's grandmother to get to the door. Red gives her the basket her mother had prepared, and they sit down for lunch. After talking for a while, Red's mind start drifting back towards the forest. Politely she excuses herself. Since it'll be dark in a couple hours now her grandmother is quick to tell her that she's more than welcome to stay the night rather than risk traveling the forest. Smiling Red tells here that she'll keep that in mind.

It doesn't take her long to get back to where she found the she-wolf, though this time she stays on the road as she look about for her.
The she-wolf was once again woken up by the sweet aroma of the girl. She sits up and watches her. "Is she searching for me?" she thought and with a grin she gets up and walks towards her. "Did you lose something?" she asked. She loved that she already had a hold on her.
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