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Roleplays? Yes please! Male slash or Straight!

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Feb 8, 2011
Hi, I'm it said in my introduction post..thing. Anyways, I'm going to do this two ways. First, I have a site, if you want to juse meandor your way there and contact me via that, go ahead! My site!
Otherwise, I will post essentially all the same information here. I'm going to start with my rules, since they're the easiest and kind of most important because a lot of people can't abide by them. I do sound like a massive bitch in these, but I'm really quite nice.

1) If you can't use capitilization, puncuation, and decen grammar, leave.

2) If you don't want longterm, leave.

3) Like, oh my god...I support straight couples...buuut it's not my thing.

4) See how stupid rule three sounded? Yeah, that's how you all sound when you say the same about slash.

5) If you want me to play a male to your whiny bitch-ass lying skank girl, leave.

6) If you want to do anime, animal, neopet-related or teacherXstudent, leave.

7) If you take some ungodly amount of time to reply, leave.

8) If you write intros less than two paragraphs long, leave.

9) If you hate starting and won't start this roleplay, leave.

10) If you plan on doubling as a way desperate whore girl who wants toget into my GAY guy's pants, leave.

11) If your character is a mary-sue or gary-stu, leave.

12) If you plan on being all "I ONLY PLAY SEME/UKE" or whatever, leave.

13) If you use chatspeak EVER, leave.

14) If you're sitting there thinking 'I really don't like her", LEAVE!

15) If you won't choose one of my characters for me to play, leave

16) Seriously, that is IMPORTANT! Be willing to choose, or leave.

Alright, that probably just got rid of the majority of you, which sucks. But, hey I've been roleplaying for a long time and I know what I like and what I won't tolerate. I will only roleplay over this forum and AIM at this time. PM counts in that as well, obviously.
Okay, on to limits which as simple. None. Literally.

**If you fade to black, don't allow swearing, or can't stand some blood, LEAVE RIGHT NOW!**
None. Sex, Violence, Gore, Language, I adore it all!!

Simple to understand, right? Of course it is, I make it that way so people who can't abide by that leave. Yay! The fun part now, my genres.

I prefer Male Slash!!! I will do straight. I will no longer do female slash. Don't get bitchy, I just don't much care for it.

If there is a star, I REALLY like it.


Three-way relationship. *

Winging it. Just choose a character for me, I'll choose one for you (if you have more than one) and we go at it. *

Made up Band

Real band {SOME! I am picky on this.}

Odd pairings:

siblingXsibling's best friend

Age Gap*

coach's kidXstar athlete








virginXsex addict/non virgin


country kidXcity kid



struggling young couple

homeless/living on the streets

Boarding school

I just started doing this genre so there's not a lot. Essentially, you can play anything that doesn't have a forever non-human form.



HumanXFantasy Creature

NO TEACHERXSTUDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever.Ever.Ever.Ever!
Incest is really low on my list. Really low....but I can do it.

Suggest a genre...I'll tell you yes or no!

Lots to choose from! There's really very little I won't do. <3 When it comes to my characters. THIS IS IMPORTANT. If you do not like emo or scene LOOKS do not ask to see my characters. When we roleplay, you will simply have to use your imagination regarding my character.

My plots! Yay! I haven't roleplayed lately as much as I'd like to, so any of these plots will definatley work.

Baby, Never Leave

*Male Pregnancy

Two guys are dating and things get a little rocky. One says 'Screw it!' and walks out. The other is fairly distraught but neither can do much about it. One of them, doesn't matter which, finds out he is pregnant. He can't go back and tell his now ex-lover..the word on the street is his ex lover has a new lover, anyways. It's not like they'll meet up, anyways. A few years later, both are walking down the same street and end up seeing eachother. The other lover notices that the kid looks just way too much like him. He questions his ex lover who eventually does reveal that it is, indeed, his child. Will this make things better, worse, or the same?

You Disgusting Dirtbag.

A rich boy who has ALWAYS been rich decides he needs someone who can continue this lifestyle for him. He marries a really rich old man. The old man isn't really thrilled, nor is the young one. They've only done this because the old man isn't getting younger and the young man isn't getting richer. They go on their honeymoon in Hawaii {Or any Tropical place, actually}. The young boy is always stuck out trying to entertain himself..mostly because the old man is way too wrapped up in his work that he brought along. One day, he notices one of the employees. The young man is stunning, but when he questions the manager, he is informed of the man's life. They are near in age, but the other man has a kid, no other family, and is working ridiculous hours to survive. This is not the life the rich boy has planned, but is it already too late? He's seen something he wants, and nothing will change that.

Aren't We Still Friends?

These two friends grew up together. Once they get into highschool, one gets braces and proves to be outrageously smart. The other has a million dollar smile and just makes friend like it's simple. Both know that their knew friends don't approve of eachother, so they just avoid eachother. When the dorkier friend decides he's going to move in with his biological dad in California, the popular friend gives him a going away present. They have sex in the dorky boy's bedroom, and in the morning the popular boy is in that bed all alone. Years later, both in another place, I'm thinking another country like England or something, they meet up. The dorky boy is absolutely gorgeous. California treated him very well. They get to talking, but can hurt feelings be pushed aside? The popular boy being left alone without a goobye? The dorky boy getting hugely ignored for years? Will the flame really ignite again?

But You Don't Understand!

A boy has a child, from an affair or something, and has to work his job during the day, and take care of his child at night. This leaves no time for anyone or anything else. He gives his child everything he want, but when a man walks into his life with twins, can he still provide? Three kids and two adults on one salary. He had seen the man with twins around before, their children were friends in daycare and all. Their bonds grow and soon things become much too heated for just friends. No one will understand this, it will look horrible. The boy with one child hasn't even come out of the closet yet and now he has a lover and two possible step children?

My Brother?!

Age Gap

Two friends are hanging out at a cabin with one friend's family. It's the two friends, the friends parents, and his little brother. The brother gets annoyed with his sibling and tells him to go away, but his friend insists that the little boy stays. The little brother gets scared during a thunder storm and crawls into the friends' sleeping bag. Some touching and kissing goes on, and soon this happens every night. The older brother gets suspicious, but can't tell his parents and is afraid to offend his friend.

Two Worlds Collide

The girl always lived a lie. It was such an easy thing to do once she got to boarding school, honestly. No one knew her, her name, or what she was. They didn't know she wasn't one of the richest girls in America. They didn't know she had been a pothead sent here to be set straight. They didn't know her high heels had once been tennis shoes. Of course, what goes around comes around, and this lie does. Soon an old friend/family member shows up and she has to try painfully hard to keep her secret unexposed. But, can one pull off sweatpants AND high heels?

How Are We Gonna Pay The Rent?

Not entirely my idea. Recently watched "Rent"

They live in the "Ghetto". They're in love. Maybe one/both/they together have kids. People get killed, drugs get dealt, there's no money. Houses get broken into, cars get stolen, and kids get raped. They HAVE to make it out of here alive. Will love truly prevail and allow this couple to make it out of here? Will they be destined to an apartment with peeling wallpaper and drug-dealing neighbors forever? What happens if one dies? (Possibilities are endless.)


Give me song lyrics. Mainstream or old, new or obnoxious. I don't care when they're from or sings them. It's the words that matter..

Punk Rock 101 by Bowling For Soup

The lyrics actually tell the entire story, but our ending can be different. Essesntially, two kids fall in love, they're both punk/emo types and have issues they need to overcome. In the song the last we hear of them is "He works as a waiter; she married a trucker and he's never there." Ours can end like this and they fall back in love, an affair perhaps?

Follow Me by Uncle Kracker

This song's about cheating. "If nobody knows then nobody can care" and so on. A married person has an affair with another, possibly unmarried or married, that's up to us, person and starts to feel guilty. This can go a lot of directions, as well. We can play the affair-ees or the married couple, depends on how you want to rock this.

Girlfriend by Avril Lavinge

I'm sure you've heard this, and if you haven't...go listen. This is based more on the music video than the actual song. A girl and her friends want her to be with this guy but he already has a girlfriend. They do insane things to get the couple to break up. At the ending of the video they go into a bathroom stall together, obviously Avril won and got the guy, since last time we see the girlfriend she's rolling down a hillside in a porta potty.

Fifteen by Taylor Swift

"When you're fifteen and someone tells you they love you you're gonna believe them" is basically the whole point of this one. A senior tells a little freshman that they love them to get in their pants. Can go a multitude of directions from there.

Teenage Dream by Katy Perry

Teenage Love! Listen to the song, or read the lyrics, or watch the video. We can discuss this one.

Waking up in Vegas by Katy Perry

Couple wakes up in Vegas "Did we get hitched last night? Why am I wearing your class ring?" Oh no, what happened last night?! We can play out the night too, just for kicks, even though they won't really remember it.

Because I Got High by Afroman

There's a lot of junk that doesn't get done when you're high. This is basically just going to be the story of every pothead out there. Go watch Half Baked, Pineapple Express, or listen to this song, you'll get it. This will be interesting, I guarentee. Getting money, getting pot, not getting caught.

Bottom of a Bottle by Smile Empty Soul

"I do it for the druuuugs" The typical story of an addict. Need the money to get the goods. Suddenly your standards for everything just lowers itself to dirt bottom. You date crap, you eat crap, you work at crap jobs for crap pay, just to get a little high, and before long you ARE crap.

Hollywood Whore by Papa Roach

"Couldn't take her fifteen minutes of fame."

"Hollywood whore, passed out on the floor, she can't it no more, I'm sorry but the party's over"

"Up by noon, drunk by four."

"Cocaine nose and trendy clothes gonna send her to rehab"

"She found out she has no soul, but it really doesn't bother her."

"Sucked up in the show biz!"

"Plastic smile to match your style, we can tell you face lift"

Those are all parts of the song. It could go so far in so many ways..

Alright, I'm done. I need to go post this thread and wait for responses. Hopefully there's lots, I'd love to start many roleplays! As many as you can throw at me. I am so ready.
Day two..hopefully someone comes forward! I don't have class today so it's going to be awful boring!!
Yeah man, best of luck to you. Hey, here's a rabbit's foot, to hopefully increase your chances. Here... take it.

*one hand extended to give you the lucky charm, while the other - formerly hiding behind his back - swings outward to SIDE STAB YOU*

*Sinister laugh*
I made a rabbit hole..thing but have to get up to 10 posts to put it as my here it is, as it stands.
Annnd, here's my f-list, as well!

Oh, yeah, and by the way, I still need more partners!!! :D
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