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Kushiel's Craving

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Feb 5, 2011
Great title for the next book, no? Oh wait... that would be Naamah's Craving... lol

Looking to start an RP, or even a couple RPs based on the works of Jacqueline Carey.

I'm not entirely picky about the characters, I just love the setting that she created in the Kushiel books. It could be something in the past, 'present' or 'future' of the setting. Using those terms loosely obviously, given that it's an alternative medieval setting as is.

I would love to get my hands on an Anguisette... *grinning evilly* But this isn't necessary. Hell, I could even play one.

I play both Male and Female, and everything in between. As well as playing both Dom and sub. I'll pretty much do any pairing as well. (told ya I wasn't picky about characters.) Male/Female, Female/Female, Herm/Female, Herm/Herm, Herm/Male, and possibly even Male/Male if it's a good enough story idea to catch my interest

My posts tend to be between 3-5 paragraphs, give or take. Generally settling in a comfortable range around equal to what I'm getting back in posts. I cant stand 'One liners' which I consider to be a single short jumbled paragraph of about 3-5 sentences that really gives no information for the scene.
The main setting of Kushiel's Legacy is the country of Terre d'Ange (resembling France), the "Land of the Angels". D'Angelines, as the citizens are called, are descended from Blessed Elua and his band of fallen angels. Elua was born when the blood of the crucified Yeshua ben Yosef, the son of the One God, mixed with the tears of the Magdalene and then was quickened by Mother Earth. Scorned by his grandfather, the One God, Elua wandered the Earth with eight companion angels. The eight were Naamah, Anael, Azza, Shemhazai, Camael, Cassiel, Eisheth, and Kushiel. After years of wandering, Elua and his Companions settled in the land that would become Terre d'Ange. Elua espoused the precept Love as thou wilt and he and his companions inter-bred with the native populace, creating the D'Angeline people. Elua himself is a cross between Dionysus and a wandering fertility god, association with nature, love and liberty.
For full text, see Elua and His Companions.

Kushiel's Legacy is set about one thousand years after the time of Elua, and the D'Angeline people worship him and his eight companions as gods. They live by his precept, "Love as thou wilt," and, since Naamah sold her body at times to support Elua during their wanderings, consider prostitution to be a sacred service. This service is regulated by its own guild. Furthermore, to serve in the Court of Night-Blooming Flowers, composed of several Houses, each with their own interpretation of Naamah's reasons for prostituting herself, is regarded as the highest pinnacle in Naamah's Service.

Terre d'Ange is divided into seven provinces, each with a companion as its patron deity. Cassiel, who eschewed mortal love and never fully rejected the One God, is the only companion without a province. Naamah (patron Goddess of the Night Court) is the patron of Namarre, Anael of L'Agnace, Azza of Azzalle, Shemhazai of Siovale, Camael of Camlach, Eisheth of Eisande, and Kushiel of Kusheth.

The royal House Courcel rules Terre D'Ange from the City of Elua in L'Agnace. At the beginning of the series relations are generally good with Terre d'Ange's neighboring countries of Aragonia, Caerdicca Unitas, and distant Khebbel-im-Akkad. Skaldia, however, has long sought to conquer the D'Angelines. They also have good relations with Alba and Eire though scarce given the impact of the Master of the Straits.

All this and much more can be found in the Kushiel's Legacy Wiki
Maybe tell us about Jacqueline Carey and/or the Kushiel books? I've seen this thread before but wasn't interested because I am not familiar with it. If you describe it, I might read it!
I love the series and consider it a great source of inspiration. I've often wonder what it'd be like to run a rp in the setting; but have always stopped short because I couldn't think of something that didn't muck with the story Carey created.
Isnt that what fandoms are all about though? Taking something we love and fucking it up... Wait, that didnt come out right... Taking a setting or characters we love and creating our own story with it.

The only real way to do something without messing up the stories already written would be to advance the time line. I've had a wary eye on the "Holy Vralian Empire" myself.

So you maybe wanna give it a try?
I'm not fully up to date with the Naamah books, waiting for paper backs forces me to be about a year behind everyone that springs for the hardcover, so my understanding of the history of Terre De'Ange is a little fuzzy in the spot. I have considered setting up some minor stories about nobles attempting to garnish more power and aiding Melisande, only to be executed when her plan fails and she's forced to flee.

It's an interesting setting; but I despise mucking with the story of any published work I respect. But being influenced by and out right steeling from, that's another thing.
I'm in the same boat you are with the Naamah books. Patiently awaiting May when Curse comes out in paperback... already pre-ordered.

So how much outright stealing is allowed? I mean I dont like Cannons really, I much prefer originals. I just love the setting and the alternate history.

Why don't ya PM me so we can possibly hammer together an idea?

I don't do cannons either, don't mind them showing up as back ground characters in the wider setting. What I meant by stealing though, that was more in reference to the settings I have come up with myself.

So, what was your opinion on the first Naamah book? I can't claim to have been a great fan of it, a much weaker book then anything in Kushiel's Legacy.
I agree that in ways it was a bit weaker than the previous 6, but with good reason. It was a recreation of the world in a way, by fast forwarding the time line 200 years an entire new cast had to be fleshed out, as well as lands that had previously been untouched.

I do however love the fact that she worked in a logical way for Moirin to save a Dragon from a Princess...
Didn't appreciate the lack of knowledge on early firearms, that was pretty weak. The magic system though was nice, very mystical and entertaining.
*Is lured in*

Yay! People who know Jacqueline Carey! *cuddles tight* O_O Sorry I get very excited when I learn someone likes her.
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