{MxF, looking to be dom} {Lots of options!}

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Aug 5, 2009
Good lord, this thread has gotten long. I'm looking for more roleplay partners! If you're fun, have a sense of humour and you like my rules/plots/kinks then go ahead and contact me. Male or female, I don't mind at all.

Okay, here goes. I've cleared out this thread and I'm starting anew, everything will be in the RIGHT PLACE and it'll all be great and wonderful. You guys should appriciate this, it's all for you.

So hello, my name's Snuffy. You can call me Sarah if you really must, but I prefer my internet name, it makes everything seem less...personal.
I won't take up much room here, I'll get straight to the rules for you guys. Sorry, I've had a lot of bad roleplays and mishaps and I'd rather avoid them if at all possible.

F List: http://www.f-list.net/c/snuffy

Please read this and actually take note of stuff I do and don't do. D:


There are some things I don't want to do. Please just...accept this and not try to force them on me, seriously. If I say no, it means no, why should I do something if I won't enjoy it? Same goes for you - I'll leave out anything you don't like. Unless it's sex, then you really shouldn't...be here xD

I do want sex in this. To put it bluntly, I love sex. I roleplay here because I want to roleplay and 'experience' things you'd never try in real life, like having sex with animals (although some people do that) and tentacles. At the same time, though, I don't want so much sex I get bored of it. The best part can sometimes be the foreplay, the tease.

Respect me and I'll respect you. Me or my characters aren't here to be your cumdumpsters. Some people like that, I don't. I like proper roleplay with conversation and no stupid petty arguments about who's top dog. I don't do subbing, but two doms can shag and still have a good time.

I want this to be fun! Seriously. That's why I'm here. I won't spend so long on a post it stresses me out because that totally ruins the point. I prefer a decent amount of writing, but not a page or something. 1-2 paragraphs is more than enough and in some scenes (sex scenes) you don't wanna be spending 20 minutes trying to make a post up to 4 paragraphs when you only need one to get your point across.

Please don't just abandon me. I'll try hard not to do the same to you. I'll admit, I have done it before, but I'll only just up sticks and leave if you do something I've said 200 times before that I don't like or if you do something to piss me off. I'll try warn you if I won't reply for a while as well but sometimes, things happen. Don't assume I'm online just because it says I am either D:

I'd like to have the upper hand in this.[/] well, my character, precisely. I don't like being controlled by a man at all. I'm a dominant personality and I'll happily do switch, but don't expect me to ever let a man get the upper hand on me unless he's doing it in a caring way rather than a ...grabbing my hair and biting way.

My 'thing' about FxF - I'm bi in real life. I have had girlfriends as well as boyfriends and I'm happy to rp FxF, but I prefer MxF usually. I am craving a few FxF fandom things though!
I haven't done much FxF roleplaying.

Now that's out of the way, what do I actually want to roleplay? GENRE LIST TIME.


I'll say it now, I love roleplaying fandoms. I will usually have cravings at random for OCxCanon characters because...just because. I'll list them here and also things I like to do.
I prefer to just roleplay one plotline at a time in things like this but I can double if needs be.
If there's a heart, I really love the coupling. If there isn't, I do like them because they're on here but it's not a particular craving at the moment. I'll probably still rp it though!
They're in no particular order, pretty much just as I remember them.

Doctor Who/Torchwood:

Doctor x Rose ♥♥♥
Doctor x OC ♥
Jack x Ianto ♥
Jack x Rose ♥♥
Amy x Rory
Amy x Female OC (i'd wanna do some kind of...best friends plot in this one, I can play either)

Being Human

Mitchell x OC ♥♥
Annie x Mitchell
George x Nina ♥
George x OC ♥
Annie x Female OC vampire ♥♥♥ (really want to try this)

Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes

Annie x Sam ♥♥♥♥
Gene x Alex ♥♥♥♥
Shaz x Chris
Sam x OC

Harry Potter


Sirius x OC ♥♥♥♥♥
Remus x OC ♥♥♥♥
Lily x Severus ♥
Lily x James ♥
Lily x OC female ♥
Sirius x Lily ♥
Remus x Lily
Severus x OC ♥

Present day:

Fred or George (or both!) x OC ♥♥♥♥ (always wanted this, always)
Harry x Ginny ♥
Draco x Ginny
Draco x Hermione
Ron x Hermione
Harry x Hermione
Draco x OC ♥

Death Note (I haven't finished the series yet, on book 8)

Light x OC
Light x L
L x OC ♥
L x Misa ♥
Humanoid Rem x Humanoid Ryuk ♥

Alice in Wonderland (2010 movie)

Alice x Tarrant ♥
Tarrant x OC
Alice x OC
Stayne x OC
Alice x Stayne ♥

How to Train your Dragon

Astrid x Hiccup ♥♥♥♥
Astrid x Toothless ♥♥ (I'll post the plot for this below)
OC x Toothless ♥♥
Ruffnut x Astrid (not really)
Ruffnut x Hiccup (not really)

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

OC x OC ♥♥♥♥♥
Twilight x Big Macintosh ♥♥
Rainbow Dash x Anybody ♥ (I'd like to be Dash)
Doctor Whooves x OC ♥
Doctor Whooves x Anybody ♥

Portal/Portal 2

Chell x Wheatley ♥♥♥♥♥ (human or robot)
Wheatley x OC ♥♥
GLaDOS x Chell (human or robot) ♥♥
Cave x Caroline ♥♥♥♥
Cave x GLaDOS (human or robot) ♥♥

That isn't all for fandoms! I like a hell of a lot of things so please suggest because I will have left off a shit ton!

I won't post all of these, just my favourites. There's a lot I'll do in this as well, just because it isn't here it doesn't mean I won't do it~

(consent) Tentacles ♥♥♥♥♥♥ (I'm a bit particular about this because things tend to get forced on me in it.)

Animal/Mythical Creature x Human (I would prefer the animal to be sentient in this.)

I will NOT do canines, primates or felines in this. Sorry. Anything else is usually okay. My favourites are -

Cervine (deer)
Mostly any ungulates or things with hooves
Dolphins (I'd love you forever, I have a plot for something like this.)
Unicorn/Pegasus (plot for this too)
Wild animals I can try as well! Just suggest.

Anthro x Human (same as above for the most part. I like student/teacher things with this too, me as the student)

Pokemon x Human
(again, I would prefer no canines or felines in this, which does include lucario.)

Nerd/Unpopular Guy x Popular Girl/Gorgeous new girl etc
I like the fact that nerds actually appriciate having a hot girl. :)

Tentacles - I can be a bit peculiar about these because I love them, but I really don't do anal sex at all. If you wanted to rp these then I will do them and love it just as long as no anal is involved. I prefer 'consentacles', I'm not a fan of rape as it is.
Also, anything you can stick tentacles with, go for it.

Most odd pairings I will happily do, to be honest. They're all good. Incest I'm fine with as well~

Plots will come soon when I can be bothered, because I'm tired right now and I cannae be bothered xDD

Favourite kinks!

There are a few kinks I love and will always be up for. Well, kinks and just general things thrown in.

Tentacles - like I said before, I can be a bit iffy on this one. I don't do rape or anal, so it wouldn't be really the 'traditional' tentacles. I also like doing pokemon roleplays that involve...well, tentacle like appendages. Think grass pokemon!

Teasing - I'm a tease, I'll admit it. I like getting a guy hot and bothered and so do my roleplay characters. I prefer having the 'upper hand' in situations like this~

Unusual Animals! - I mentioned this before, but I do like trying out different animals to the usual cat/dog/horse (although I' always happy to work with horses) I like trying other things like deer, bulls, even pigs or maybe even elephants. Different.
I also do like them to have the actual genetalia of the animal itself, so a horse with a horse cock and a deer with a deer cock, not a deer with a horse cock etc. With some things they'd obviously be a bigger version but yeah~
I'm craving dolphins and deer right now. :D

Doctor/Patient and Student/Teacher type situations. I love taboo things. I really want to try a roleplay where the female student actually has the upper hand over the teacher but I also want to do a proper love story type thing with this, hot steamy loving classroom/locker room sex and then little smiles in the corridors, the girl doing little things to get her teacher all hot and borthered, like wearing her skirt shorter or bending down in front of him to pick up a pen...of course, it can go both ways. I don't always have to be dom/on top but I refuse to be fully submissive.

Awkward boners/blue balls. - This seems like a weird one, but hear me out. I said it before but the best part can be the lead up to the actual sex and this is where it comes from, like with the student/teacher thing - she gives him a boner in the middle of the lesson and he has to work around it until he can get her alone for them to do something about it. Getting to the point where it's almost painful is wonderful for me as well and works into the next kink..

Edging/biiiig orgasms and moaning. - I love moaning. Letting my character know that yours is enjoying it is one of the best things for me. Edging is amazing as well, prolonging it to make the orgasm huge and even better. Desperation, begging, gasping on both parties is...phwoar. :D

There's lots more, but these are the main ones right now.

Things I don't do.

Yeah, I'm sorry this one exists but it does. I won't explain these much because I just don't do them, end of, you probably won't convince me in most cases.

Scat, Vore, swallowing urine. I enjoy wetting sometimes but nothing past that and definitely no scat or vore.

Anal - I've had bad experiences with anal and I don't want to roleplay it, sorry, I know it's a big kink for some especially with tentacles but if you do turn around and shove a tentacle up my characters asshole I will just leave the roleplay and say nothing more. It sounds bitchy, but it's not like I haven't said it 20 times now.

Cum bloating - I'm just not into it.

Disproportionate genetalia - this does include gaping as well. I don't mind big dicks, but having a human with a 14" with 6" girth or something is ridiculous. Keep it realistic but over average is fine.

Rape - nope.

Being a cumdumpster/sub - I won't sub, sorry. I'll switch and we can just leave dom/sub out and have a relationship not defined by that but I won't sub in 99.9% of cases. There's only one plot where I'll do it and I'll only want to roleplay that with somebody who's really...well, good at doing things like the plot.

Being found/threat of being found. While I like public scenes, it just isn't my thing. Well, I don't mind it so much but I don't want the consequences afterwards (weird looks in the street, etc).


I do have a few plots to go around!

The Beast - pretty much the only plot I'll sub in and I am particular about it because of this. Plus, I won't be a 'proper' sub, but your character will overpower mine physically at least.

Idea 1:
She'd only moved to the town of Sycamore-upon-tayna recently and yet being in such a small town with a small college meant that any local legends and rumours spread quick and fast so she knew about the Legend of the Beast almost instantly.

It was said that a long time ago, a hundred years or so ago now, a young man arrived at the small village with new ideas and big plans. He wanted to change the village and make it a big industrial city, which of course the villagers weren't too happy about but he really took the biscuit when he shot one of the sacred animals that lived around them.
For his sins, a powerful sorcerer/wizard/whatever trapped him in the body of a male sacred animal and they hid him away in the forest away from any females or any other living creatures in general, fencing him in and keeping him immortal, at a young age forever until he learned to love or (insert cheesy thing here).

That's where she comes in, the young girl who likes to go wandering, taking pictures and sketching. She wandered too far one day and stumbled upon him, a sexually frustrated animal (bull, horse, stag?) who hasn't seen life for years, let alone a beautiful young adult.

Able to communicate somehow, he strikes up a deal with her: She gets to live in return for aiding him with the sexual frustration he's been stuck with for hundreds of years, able to smell animals in heat but never allowed to get close enough to actually do anythig about it.

Geek x Popular

I'm really up for some kind of geek x popular styled roleplay, bringing in the whole thing of experienced x non experienced in sex. Bonus points if he's a virgin and has only ever felt his own hand before.

I'd love it to be romatic too! There's a few kinks I wouldn't mind bringing into this and for some of them I have a plot of sorts for it.

I should say that I'm after this because I'm craving being dom, but not domming on a massive scale (whips and chains etc) but on a smaller one, where she has a hold on him purely because he loves her and her body and quite frankly, because he's never had sex before he's never felt anything like what she's giving him, if you get me~

Kinks/side plots:

- Being dom
- Jealousy on his part, maybe?
- Awkward boners! >> I have a secret fetish for these. Seriously, awkward boners anywhere, don't worry~ she'll help him out.
- Orgasm control/pleasure control or something along the lines of it. My characters are usually teases.
- Some kinky possibly public scenes. I know I put below that I don't like these, but as long as they don't get caught I'm up for it. He gets a hard-on in aseembly of some sort and she decides to help him out, they're sat on a bus and one/both of them are turned on for whatever reason...things like this.
- Premature Ejaculation. She's teased him, he's not used to it and while he tries to hold on it happens anyway and takes him by surprise~

If you have any other ideas, let me know! I'm usually open to most anything on my fave/yes/maybe lists. Don't worry, you don't have to have EVERYTHING up there in the rp but bonus points for you if you do~

RE: Looking for pokemon x human stuff! right now :D

Pure Pokemon or gijinka?
RE: Looking for pokemon x human stuff! right now :D

Either way, I'm a Mightyena.
RE: Looking for pokemon x human stuff! right now :D

Ah. Sorry, no thanks, I don't like to roleplay with the realistic pokemon, it just seems too...you could do the same thing IRL. exceptions are exotic animals like giraferig and stuff.
RE: Looking for pokemon x human stuff! right now :D

So are you still looking for a roleplay partner?
RE: {cleaned out thread!} Seeking literate MxF and maybe FxF love~ {i can be dom too}

I'd ask for either a Harry Potter or a Pokemon, but I don't do canon characters and I'm sick of people asking for Pokemon x Trainer RP with the Pokemon being nothing but a baseline beast.

The only other thing I do is Mythical Creature x Human, and I've been doing too much of that lately. *sigh* And I was kind of hoping, since I was hoping for a female dom.

Free bump for you, then. Good luck.
RE: {cleaned out thread!} Seeking literate MxF and maybe FxF love~ {i can be dom too}

...Uh, I'm confused. I did pretty much say that I didn't want a 'baseline beast', but something more sentient...um. |:
RE: {cleaned out thread!} Seeking literate MxF and maybe FxF love~ {i can be dom too}

Hey, Snuffy. You posted in my thread. Responded there and PMed you. Just making sure you got the message, since this page convinced me ^-^
RE: Looking for pokemon x human stuff! right now :D

hypergondala said:
Ah. Sorry, no thanks, I don't like to roleplay with the realistic pokemon, it just seems too...you could do the same thing IRL. exceptions are exotic animals like giraferig and stuff.f

Okay I just now have returned to BM. How about...Hitmonlee, Quilava, or lucario?
RE: {cleaned out thread!} Seeking literate MxF and maybe FxF love~ {i can be dom too}

Sorry, Hitmonlee just weirds me out and the other two are still...well, Quilava's okay but I assume you'll be making him more dog-like.
RE: {cleaned out thread!} Seeking literate MxF and maybe FxF love~ {i can be dom too}

Not necessarily.
RE: {cleaned out thread!} Seeking literate MxF and maybe FxF love~ {i can be dom too}

I am shooting you a rather... interesting pm.
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