Roleplay Ideas/Requests (MxM)

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Dec 28, 2010

I’ve decided to just compile all of my kinks, thoughts, ideas and plots into one post.
I’ll do any type of roleplay from a quickie, or a long roleplay, with a lot of plot. I prefer to play either by PM or email, but I’m willing to try IM.

Another thing I’d like to note is that I find that MxF roleplays are much more popular than MxM. I’m willing to play a girl, but it’s not my first choice.

My character:

I like to play characters that are between 16 and 19. This definitely doesn’t mean that I won’t go outside of those ages, but those are just my preferred. On the other hand, I don’t feel comfortable playing men thirty years and older. I like being the younger one in the relationship, so it loses it’s spark when my character is more matures.

I love playing the unwanted characters. The juvenile delinquents who are the outcasts of society, they could even be mistaken for a top in the right situation. The ones who just don’t fit the usual role of the blushing kid who takes it in the ass. Now, that doesn’t mean I’m unwilling to play Gay Stews. I don’t mind having the blushing and stuttering boy every now and then, it can be fun at times, but for the most part, I like having the boy that needs to be put in his place.

The looks of my character can change drastically. He can be a blonde, rosy cheeked angel, or a piercing littered street rat. I’m not all that picky, but I do prefer him to be on the shorter and slimmer side. I can do tall, but Im not a fan of playing larger boys ( I can handle muscles, but fat characters are something I don’t have fun playing )

What I’m looking for
I’m not too picky on other people’s characters. The only thing I really want is someone older and taller than my character. It can be a year older, or ten. A foot taller, or a story. I don’t mind. Another thing I’m looking for is a dominant personality. This doesn’t mean you have to have an extreme sadist who enjoys causing pain (not that I would mind this), it can just be a character who isn’t afraid of making the first move.


-Multiple penetrations *can be people, or objects
-Verbal abuse/degration *Cockslut/cumdumpster/etc
-Spanking *bare hand is my favorite – and I prefer either over-the-knee, or bent against a table/object
-Size differences *Anywhere from a foot taller, to a story taller
-Overall force
-Having an audience

( These are just things I like, they don’t have to be incorporated in the plot and I’m all ears for the things you’re into )


-Hard Vore
-Extreme Mutilation
-Giving anal
-Small cocks
-Mind Control

( ^ is who I will be playing )
(Also, I’d love to hear any plots you have! )

Post-apocalypse settings

Making Amends: It’s been several hundred years since the first zombie outbreak had happened. They reverted back to their natural instincts of surviving. Which meant eat, fight and fuck. Colonies of humans have set up together in gangs, creating clans in order to survive. On a recent scavenge for food, a ^member of one of the gangs made a serious mistake, which, in consequence, left one team mate dead and several wounded. Punishment for his fuck up, he’s sent out into the ‘dead-zone’ where the zombies frequent the most, in order to try and find some food in the abandoned grocery stores. But, going out alone, leaves the poor boy in risk of being killed, eaten and even more so, the dangers of rape from these sexually frustrated beings.
This can involve just one zombie, or multiple – and it’s your choice as to whether these are brainless zombies, or intelligent ones, who just find no need in civility and dwell in the pleasure of no freedom and no restraints. (Zombie x Human)

Rat Race: They didn’t know where it came from. It spread by blood, if someone infected with disease got even a drop of their blood in another person’s system, then within minutes, the virus would take over, infected their mind with just one thought – Kill and Eat. With their worlds crashing around them, two strangers bond together in an attempt to keep themselves alive and begin to form a relationship that’s stronger than just a teammate.
(Human x Human)

Crash and Burn: Fall out has come and past, and all that’s left of the world is the remains of the once beautiful cities, now nothing but slums and rubble. Of course, nothing can be fully chaotic. There will always be some order, whether it’s for better or for worse. And with the police officers and the politicians and the government wiped out, those who now have the power, who bring the order are the criminals. Gangs and Dons are birthed from the dust and dirt, creating rival clans that will stop at nothing to be the rulers, to wipe out competition. A ^messenger for one of the gangs is taken captive by a rival enemy and chained up. Torturing him and attempting to force out any information regarding the rival gang that may be useful to them. After several days of silence, the boss finally decides to step in and get the information himself.
(Messenger x Mafia Boss)


Ritalin Rat: ^Angel is a fairly notorious criminal. With his cute, almost angelic (hence the name) face, he’s able to fool most people into thinking that he’s just a poor boy down on their luck. But once they’ve let their guard down, they’re usually faced with a knife and forced to empty their pockets of any valuables. One day, he crosses paths with a man crossing through his alley. Like usual, he waits till he passes him, before slipping up behind him and pressing the knife to his neck. It came to a surprise to find a gun pressed to his side. The man, he learns, is an undercover detective and he’s hauled off to the station.
Your character can be anyone really – a sexually frustrated cop, who can’t miss the opportunity of a boy already caged up for him. The undercover cop, who doesn’t take him to the station, but instead takes him home. A lawyer, a janitor, another criminal. It’s really your choice.
(Criminal x ____ )

Test Subject: Sexuality has always been a very taboo topic to research. But one scientist won’t allow the concept of ‘social norms’ stop him. Putting a fliers around the city about sexual experimentation, he waits for a reply. Finally a ^boy pays a visit to the lab. Run down on his luck and raging with hormones, he decides this would be an easy way to not only make some money, but also release all of his pent up sexual energy.
This roleplay is mainly to focus on different fetishes and experiment with new things. It doesn’t have to be a really heavy plot, just a way for both players to try and new things.
( Test Subject x Scientist )

Hail Mary: A ^troubled student who’s facing confusion about his homosexual feelings, comes to a church confessional to talk to the priest about his feelings. Instead of being told to pray it away, or do some hail Mary’s, instead he’s given a completely different order. The priest tells him to describe in intimate details about what he fantasizes about. The boy, finding a sort of joy about talking about the acts, starts to visit the confessional more and more. Each time he goes, the priest’s orders become more extreme. From talking, to touching, to physical contact with the holy man.
( Priest x Samaritan )

Supernatural / Fantasy

Ritual: Being a top honors student and having a part time job, has left ^ a boy without an ability to make time for social events and, because of it, has been unable to get enough alone time with a person to be intimate. After years of being a virgin, he decides that enough is a enough. After an hour or so on the internet, he finds a fairly questionable sex-demon summoning. Exciting at the prospect of getting a succubi to satisfy him, he jumps into the spell without thinking too much of it. He finds himself with not a succubi, but instead a very horny incubi. It doesn’t take too much of seduction to finally convince the boy to try out being with a man instead of a woman. The incubus, so pleased at the amont of energy he gets from the boy, decides to stay.
( Incubus x Human )

Warrior: A hungry ^villager decides to leave the safety of his kingdoms, to see what’s beyond the hills. He’s heard of stories involving the magical beasts that dwelled in the forest, but, deciding that the dull and unsatisfying life is much worse than any monster, he leaves. With just a dagger and the clothes on his back, it will be difficult for him to survive the harsh environment of the outside.
This is another roleplay that leaves a lot of room for who you want to be. An orc, a human, a centaur, a tentacle monster, a giant, etc.
( Human x ____ )

Butterfly Wings: “It is unwise to travel into the world of humans. They’re violent creatures and will not hesitate to kill you. “ Although his elders had warned him of the dangers of the humans, a tiny fairy named ^Asrai can’t help but be curious about these large animals. One day, he decides to be more courageous than usual and actually venture into the human’s house. He was having a blast, until the owner came home and found the tiny creature.
( Fairy x Human )

Other pairings / notes

After reading through my ideas, it may become pretty clear that I’m a fan of playing a human in most cases. This doesn’t mean I’ll refuse doing other creatures, though I’d prefer them if they still retained human qualities (I.E. Fairies, elves, etc.) This doesn’t mean I won’t be, say, a furry, or something more animalistic. Although I prefer being a human, I don’t mind who or what my roleplaying character is. It can be a human, a furry, an animal, an alien, a monster, etc.


Since I don’t follow many shows and movie series, I’m not so good at doing canon based roleplay. I will partake in a few, though -

Harry Potter My favorite pairing would be between Sirius and Remus, when they were still Hogwarts - Remus is nearing his transformation and, because of it, he’s becoming more aggressive. After a night of rough housing with Sirius in the shack, he loses his self control and begins to let out all of his sexual frustration and aggression on Sirius. (Bottom Sirius, Top Remus)
Those are my favorites, but I’m willing to play anyone in Harry Potter, as long as I’m submissive.

Hetalia. Submissive!America with anyone.

Death Note I’m more picky about this one, than I am with other roleplays. I prefer submissive Matt and submissive L. The pairings (yes generic) being, Matt x Mello and Light x L.

Pokemon: I’m a lot more lenient with this, than I am with other Cannons. I’ll play a human!pokeboy ( A pokemon that looks like a human, but retains certain features of the pokemon, say ears, tails, etc. ), a trainer, a pokeranger, a scout, pretty much anyone.
These are the pairings I’m willing to play (My character will be firest)
Pokeboy x Pokemon
Pokeboy x Pokeboy
Pokeboy x Trainer
Trainer x Pokemon
Trainer x Trainer

Misc. Pairings

(these are different pairings that don’t have a plot along with it. I’ll continue to add, as I think of more )

Human x Alien
Groupie x Singer
Student x Teacher
Employee x Boss
Human x Animal
Godson x Godfather
Brother x Brother
Angel x Demon
Human x Demon
Soldier x Soldier
Cop x Robber
Ghost x Medium
I was going to send a PM, but I checked and it says you haven't been on for a while, so I decided instead to just post a reply. If you get on and read this, please PM me and I'll inform you about myself as a role player, so maybe we can start something. I'd be interested in Ritalin Rat, just so you know. Please get back to me if you get on and are interested.
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