Konoha Relaxation (Peekaboo x Stormgale)


Sep 25, 2010
Sakura stretched as she walked through the village, glancing around happily at the sights that met her. The reconstruction was going well, everyone was pulling together to move on and try to just forget about the past, determined to put the village back together bigger and better than ever. Whilst the critical ninja areas had been completed first, other areas of Konoha had developed somewhat more quickly than others. In particular, the relaxation areas of the village had rebuilt quickly. Tourists hadn't been coming, but at the end of a long day of construction work people wanted to relax, so the bars, restaurants and Hot Springs dotting the village had been rebuilt almost overnight.

And now, Sakura was ready to do just that aswell. With a happy stretch the 16 year old Kunoichi entered the hot springs near the edge of the village, paying her fee and heading through to the womens changing rooms. Rather surprisingly she found herself alone, but then again it was the afternoon, most people were still working. Fortunately for her however, she had been given some time off. "Ahhhhhh" The pink haired ninja let out a sigh of relief as she slowly slipped into the hot water of the spring, towel wrapped around herself. "It's been so long...." She slipped her entire body, minus her head, into the water, then leaned back against the rocks, letting relaxation overtake her.
Naruto sighed... stupid Ero-senin and his missions, still needing the blonde's help after all these years. Jiriya had wanted him to put a special potion in the fountains water supply... apparently to advance his research and he knew better than to try and reason with the old perv. The blonde sighed, stretching as he walked away form the supply, the blue potion spreading into all of the pools, the gentle lapping of the watter carrying it around. It was pretty simple actually, it was a variation of healing potions... stimulating growth in the people it washed over... in the kind of areas the sage liked to document.
Sakura had been so relaxed in the hot spring that she was half asleep when the fluid was released into the water, her eyes closed meaning she didn't see the fluid flowing through the water, before it gradually disolved in with the surrounding water, moving all around her body, the girl unable to feel it soaking into her skin. "Mmmm..." She shifted slightly in her nap state, sighing contently as her skin wrippled slightly. "Nnnn....." She seemed to be having a nice dream brought on by the fluid, letting out a soft gasp as her nipples grew hard in the hot water, her relatively small chest wrippling and bulging ever so slightly.
He noticed the pink haired girl as he walked out, shifting over to peek on her as she bathed... jiriya was a bad influence after all. He watched her with intent as the water rippled over her, causing her flesh to slowly feel warmer and hotter, starting to curve and grow as if the water was filling it, growing faster and faster as the pleasure slowly increased.
Sakura moaned and started to shift slightly as the growth began to accelerate, her ass beginning to swell slightly aswell now. "H-huh....?" The building pressure was enough to bring Sakura out of her relaxed nap, taking a moment to completely wake up and realise what was going on. "Wh-what?" She glanced down at her chest and gasped as her breasts continued to slowly swell up, her nipples growing bigger and longer aswell. "N-No! Wh-what the hell is going on?!"
The swelling grew, speeding up as she rippled... every movement feeling like warm stick pleasure clogging up her head for just a moment. The water was now not hiding her nipples, breasts growing and growing before she could do anything, leaving her curvy and helpless for a little while as the blonde watched
Sakura moaned softly as her head was overcome with an odd, pleasurable sensation for a moment, before she came back to her senses, her breasts continuing to swell up at a steady pace, her ass also getting a little bigger and fuller, pushing her body up slightly. "Nnnngh....st-stop...!" Sakura tried to grasp her breasts and hold back the growth, but it was no use, they were almost as big as Tsunade's now and showed no signs of stopping.
The swelling continued, her attempts to hold back the growth only increasing that mind numbing pleasure that coursed through her. The blond haired ninja quickly moved out "You ok Sakura?" he asked, watching her with a hazy gaze as he looked at her growing chest.
Sakura closed her eyes and moaned loudly as her breasts continued to swell, her nipples growing bigger and longer, starting to push out by over an inch now, almost as thick aswell. "Nnnghyaaa!" She arched her back as the pleasure from her breasts was almost enough to trigger an orgasm in her, Naruto's questions drowned out by her own moaning.
The transofmration seemed to die down after that, looking at her as he prodded the mounds of flesh "Sakura?" he asked simply, looking at her with a mix of worry, curiosity and growing lust.
Sakura lay there panting for a few moments, then gasped as one of her mammoth breasts was prodded. They were bigger than Hinata's, bigger than Tsunade's, hell, they were way bigger than Sakura's entire head. "N-Naruto....?" Her eyes opened weakly, then she gasped as she saw him, attempting to cover up, only to find her arms were nowhere near big enough to cover her titanic chest, not anymore.
"What is up with you?" he asked, prodding the chest as he slipped into the pool with her, kneading the sensitive skin under his hands experementaly. HE moved against her as he pressed close... almost getting absorbed by the flesh.
Sakura gasped when Naruto prodded her chest, kneading it for a moment, before Sakura quickly tried to pull away. "St-stop that you....you pervert! This...this is the womans bath! G-get out....get out of here!" She shivered slightly, still pathetically trying to cover up with her arms, only barely able to reach the front of her breasts to cover up her nipples.
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