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Dominant seeking MxF roleplay (realistic, human)

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Demanding Teacher

Jan 28, 2011
somewhere else
Looking for literate, imaginative female partners for roleplay that explores the areas where power/authority and love/desire overlap. I'm interested in fully human characters (i.e., no tails, fur, superpowers) in at least reasonably realistic settings (contemporary or historical). The specifics of the pairings and scenarios can be negotiated, but my characters are almost always dominant to greater or lesser degree. Possible pairings include:

  • Teacher/student (surprise, surprise!)
  • Father/daughter or Stepfather/stepdaughter
  • Master/slave (prefer historical settings for this; most modern BDSM master/slave roleplaying doesn't float my boat)
  • Coach/athlete
  • Kidnapper/abductee
  • Rapist/victim

I'm particularly drawn to play that explores the darker erotic possibilities of ordinary relationships. I enjoy graphic smut and am comfortable with force and nonconsent if it fits the story, but I prefer any sex that happens to make sense in the framework of the story and the characters. As for specific kinks, most heterosexual human interaction is in play, except for scat, extreme violence and disfigurement (mutilation, blood, vore, death), and underaged children. I'm particularly fond of spanking, discipline/punishment, verbal humiliation, and restraint/bondage. I like to play against characters with spirit and independence, even if they end up submitting. The tug of wills excites me.

I generally post 2 to 3 paragraphs, written in the third person with standard spelling and punctuation, and expect something similar of my partners. Shorter is OK if the story calls for it or it's all that life allows, but I'll lose interest fast if one-liners become the norm. I'd rather wait a while for quality than get mediocrity on short order. I'm tolerant of occasional typos and minor grammatical slips (and make my share of them), but text-speak and semi-literacy turn me off completely.

As for frequency, I can usually post at least once daily and would like to have that in return, although of course sometimes life intrudes or the Muse takes a break or whatever. That's fine, so it goes, people have lives: I get it. But it's hard for me to stay engaged when many days regularly go by between posts.

I do ask two things that seem to me to fall under the heading of common courtesy but turn out to be less common than one might hope: 1) If you know you're going to be unable to post for an extended period or are leaving altogether, please give notice of the fact rather than just vanishing. 2) If a roleplay isn't working for you and you'd rather not continue, for whatever reason, just say so. I'm a big boy; my ego can take it.

If this interests you, PM to discuss the possibilities.
Hello there!

I know I'm new to this site and all but I'd love to do a roleplay with you as a Medieval time between a Master and a Slave. You see my Idea was It starts with this happily married couple of about age 20 or 19 and they just moved into a new house... But when the king of the land orders for his guards to find him the most beautiful women they kidnap her and leave her husband to die. He enslaves the girl for breeding purposes and her husband *Which can be you as well as the king* spends the entire roleplay healing from the attack and trying to find her... but most of the roleplay is between the girl and the king....
I'm new to this site. But this would be an interesting thing to start with, I'm sure I could keep all my replies to be full, well written and frequent. Plus, I'm always a good submissive.
Would you be up for a rapist/victim, step father/ step daughter, or master/slave? If so just PM me!
Hello there, I'm a bit new to this site so I may be unsure of my self at first but I'd be willing to give RPing with you a shot.
I've never RPed a submissive before and I'd like to give it a try. PM me if you want to discuss RP possibilities. I'm very versatile.

Kidnapper/abductee sounds interesting...know much about Stockholm syndrome?
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