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X-Men request

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Lila Lupin

Dec 5, 2010
I've been craving an X-men rp. Preferably one with Remy, or Pietro, Toad, or Lance. I have several others i'd like to do, but most people don't like combining OC characters with Canon. I don't usually play Canons so if you don't mind playing a canon while I play an OC then please either post here or pm me. Also I will be posting a list of the main characters that I want my OCs to interact with and a list of the OCs that I've had for a while.

Kee is a Remy specific character. She may be able to mesh with other characters but was made with Remy in mind.

Ashley is best with Lance, but she can be placed with just about anyone.

Victoria is a Todd Tolansky/Toad specific character that I usually play with in the X-Men Evolution setting.

Miranda is usually used for Scott or Pietro and is usually played in the X-Men Evolution setting.

Lily Ann is a bit of an X-Men Origins specific character as well as a Fred specific character.

Character Name~ Kachee Justine Karisa Aldworth [A.K.A. Kee by those close to her]
X-man, Botherhood, Tri, or Rogue~ Rogue/X-men
Mutant Name~ Control Freak
Age~ 18
Mutant Power~ Kee has the ability to make things happen with a simple command. She is also rather flexible, though not near as much as Kurt. She is also very good at hiding, which is something she inherited from her mother. She also inherited the ability to project what she feels to other people, but she can't control it, and as a precaution her mother made her a bracelet that keeps the power from coming out. If the bracelet doesn't touch her skin then everyone would know how she felt. Kee also wears a choker that dampens her vocal powers, keeping her voice from being as mesmerizing as it normally would be.
Bio~ Kee was born in the heart of Louisiana, and has a very heavy Creole accent, that she gets teased for by some of the other students. Her mother, Chantal Marie Aldworth, named her Kachee Justine Karisa, because it comes together to form the meaning Hidden Righteous Embrace. Kee is a very shy girl that trusts very few people. When she was 6 years old they discovered her powers when she accidentally froze her father's movements. Her father was very abusive, and one day, when he was about to beat her mother half to death, she told him to stop, well it was more of a command. Her father stopped dead in his tracks so to speak. Her mother then realized what her daughter was, and grabbed her up and took her away to live deep in the Louisiana swamps. Kee's father still can't move to this day. Chantel home schooled Kee and made sure that Kee had to want for very little. Kee decided that she and her mother should go back out into civilization more often, which ultimately lead to her mother getting killed by a rogue mutant hunter. Kee still blames herself for her mothers death. Her mother used to be the only one that she could trust but her mother is dead. Since her mother's death she came to the Xavier mansion. Out of everyone there Kee only trusts Professor X, and Storm. She tends to hide up in trees or behind Storm if she'll let her. Kee has a pretty smile, but she doesn't like to show it that much. She only smiles towards the people she trusts, and she tries not to talk that much to anyone that she doesn't think that she can trust. She does like to talk to Storm, and the Proffesor though. She does feel a little intimidated by the others though, so she tends to hide in trees, or anywhere that she can. She likes to dance around in her room, and frequently speaks french when she gets frustrated. She prefers to draw or paint pictures, and there are many paintings and drawings of the Louisiana landscape covering the walls of her room.

Character Name~ Ashely Kara Millstone
Mutant Name~ Memory
X-man, Botherhood, Other~ X-man
Age~ 17
Gender~ Female
Mutant Power~ She can project her memories and the memories of others onto any surface, she can also make someone remember things no matter how they forgot them
Bio~ She and Lance were once in a band together, and many people damn near worshipped the band. Though one day Lance just up and walked out on them, and Ashley. Ever since that day she started going by the name Kara and she stopped trusting people, espescially men. It took a while for her to trust the X-men but she eventually did and decided to work alongside them. She never really stopped loving Lance, she figured that he had stopped loving her. She was shocked to see him on her first day to her new school, so much so that she actually got sick and had to not only leave school before lunch but miss the first week of it.
Appearance~ Ashley

Character Name~ Verin Victoria Cowells
Mutant Name~Wolf
X-man, Botherhood, Other~ X-men
Age~ 17
Gender~ Female
Mutant Power~ Verin is like her father, a feral. She takes after a white wolf though and unlike her cousin Miranda she changes at will. Much like her cousin though she has a humanoid form and a wolf form. She has a healing factor much like her father and can also talk to and control animals.
Bio~ Verin's mother was just some woman that Logan slept with and she never meant to have his child. She made several attempts to kill the baby, because she knew what Logan was and had no desire for her child to be a mutant as well. She told Logan about the baby only a week before she gave birth to the bouncey and lively little black haired angel that was their daughter. Logan was there for the birth and sadly Verin never got to know her mother because she died in childbirth primarily due to the countless attempts on her unborn baby's life which were nowhere short of near suicide. Logan was unsure if the girl was really his daughter so of course he had a DNA test done which came out positive. He took the girl in and raised her as best as a single father that worked as a lumberjack could. That was until she was 6 and her babysitter abandoned her because she turned into a little white wolf cub on accident. The confused little feral ran off into the woods and dissappeared until she was just recently found by Professor X. Upon being reunited with her father it is revealed that Victoria is more like him than one would expect considering how she was raised by wolves for 11 years, which somehow allowed her to gain expert control over her powers. She was also abnormally intelligent for someone that had been in her position for the past 11 years. When first going to her, new school, she runs across Todd Tolansky, or Toad, as the other X-men know him. For some odd reason unbeknowst to the others, she's attracted to him, though she often comments on his smell telling him to at least take a shower once a month, and the whatnot. She is sweet but serious and she attracts all sorts of people to her. She also has a bad habit of dressing like a lumberjack, though it looks rather cute on her.
Appearance~ Viki

Character Name~ Lily Ann Bougart, now Lily Ann Bougart
Mutant Name~ Strongarm
X-man, Botherhood, Other~ Other - Team Valkyrie
Age~ 24 when she joined, now 44
Gender~ Female
Mutant Power~ She has super human strength, allowing her to bend, or break almost any metal in existance. She has also been known to lift Fred J. Dukes off of the ground when he was having 'weight issues', as well as throw him a good distance.
Bio~ Lily Ann is the sister of Tahlia, Indi's mother. Her sister asked her to adopt her son so that he could have a good life and be with his father. While Lily made it very clear that she wasn't Indi's biological mother, she also made it evident that she loved him, just as she did her real children, Carlatta and Fred Jr. She gets extremely protective when it comes to her children, and though she isn't a feral she feels an animalistic need to protect her children from danger. She had come to terms with Fred's weight gain, but after John's funeral Fred shaped up and eventually got back to his former 'sexy self' as Lily called it. She loved Fred no matter what, but she had to admit his, thinner more muscular side was a lot more attractive. Her animalistic need to protect her three children has gotten her into a lot of trouble in the past, and some people believe that if she hadn't married Fred, who tends to be able to keep her in her place, she would have already been locked up for murder.
Appearance~ Lily Ann

Character Name~ Miranda Logan Creed
Mutant Name~ Wildcat
X-man, Botherhood, Other~ Brotherhood
Age~ 17
Gender~ Female
Mutant Power~ Miranda, or Logan as she prefers to be called, is a feral like her father, uncle, and cousin. She doesn't normally appear much like a wildcat but when she unleashes her anger she turns into a hybrid of a human and a fierce wildcat, or into an actual wildcat. She also possesses a healing factor like the other feral's in her family.
Bio~ Logan was separated from her father when she was 5 years old and they were running from some Canadian villagers that swore up and down that Victor and Miranda were demons when Miranda accidentally got into a fight and her mutant form came out. She was crying in the woods when she was found by Magneto and taken in to replace his own little girl. She loved him like a second father and still feels indebted to him. Miranda was a twin, but her brother was killed along with her mother when she was 3. She has been able to keep this part of her life a secret from everyone, even Magneto and Pietro. The only other person that knows about Randy's twin brother is Victor, but he doesn't talk about his son very much. She has a huge crush on Pietro, though she feels that he'd have no interest in her considering the fact that they were raised by the same man, so she takes interest in Scott Summers in order to dredge out information about the X-men, and distract herself from Pietro. She often spends time listening to music and her mood is often determined by what she's listening to. She wears long sleeved shirts and pants to hide her tattoos, and a blonde wig to school so that the X-men can't identify her as Victor Creed's daughter, she'd rather not find out how Scott would react if he found out that she was mainly just using him, 1. for her team, and 2. to make her try not to focus so much on Pietro. She also goes by the name Miranda at school for much of the same reasons.
Appearance~ Miranda
Miranda's wig
I can do that if it's interesting. Though it tends to be that most OCs are unstable as they tend to change with the interests of the rper. I can play with them though if their really interesting. Send me a basic idea of the character and I'll definitely consider it.
okay how's this

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Codename: Dead Wind
Real Name: Dea M Smith
Alias/Nick: Windy
Age: 21

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue

Place of Birth: United States Some Where.
Relatives: Some sort of parents and an ex-wife who hates him. Hooray!
Group Affiliation: Rogue

X-Factor: Dead Wind possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than that of an ordinary human. As such, he can regrow severed limbs or vital organs. The speed at which this healing factor works varies in direct proportion to the severity of the damage Dead Wind suffers. This healing factor also affords Dead Wind a virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, as well as an enhanced resistance to diseases and an extended life span. Unlike Wolverine’s natural healing factor, Dead Wind is mentally driven to a partial extent. Due to the presence of this superhuman healing ability, many of Dead Wind natural physical attributes have been enhanced. Dead Wind musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. His natural strength, agility and reflexes have been enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural limits of the human body. Dead Wind agility and reaction time are superior to those of even the finest human athlete... or so I am told!

Skills/Weapons/Other: Dead Wind is an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and is skilled in multiple unarmed combat techniques. He is a master of assassination techniques, is an excellent marksman, and is highly skilled with bladed weapons (frequently carrying two swords strapped to his back). He is fluent in Japanese, German, Spanish, amongst other languages. Dead Wind employs any number of weapons depending on his current assignment. Most often he will utilize a combination of guns and blades. Deadpool utilizes a teleportation device located in his belt to whisk him out of (and occasionally into) danger, as well as a holographic image inducer that he can use to disguise his true appearance as necessary. Again, this is just hearsay, or so I am told.

Weaknesses: Dead Wind is extremely self conscious about his appearance as he has cancerous scars all over his body. There are the yellow boxes, as well as the lacking sense of seriousness and flair. Does partial idiotism considered a weakness?

Physical Description: Wears Black pants with a tank top that’s red. Usually carries two katanas on his back and alot of firearms, along with his teleported belt which comes in a similar pattern as his pants. Also a hat.

Underneath the pants and tank top he is covered with cancerous scars, results of his agressive skin cancer. He has been described as well endowed, but that doesn't belong here, I am just trying to cover up for the fact that there ain't much more to say about his appearance. He is quite muscular, indeed, but then again most comic book characters are.

Personality: Dead Wind is a complicated entity rather than a person. He goes where he wish and when he arrives he will play by his own rules. Even if a pendulum of death lowers over him if he speaks he will flap his mouth until it has cut him in half (probably got a chuckle out of remembering that, didn't you?). This of course makes him a target for scorn from everyone but those of extreme mental capabilities of forgiveness and patience. Add to that the psychological issues that would make Freud question his own mother and you have a wholly unpleasant personality which few can stand, fewer care to get to know.

Even though Dead Wind has a hard shell of brutal violence and outbursts, he is quite a softy and has a soar spot for Bea Arthur. Even if he tries to say something else, he does (kind of) care about what is right or wrong, though his perception of these two values are skewed to the limit. At his heart, he remains a lovable character to those who have the patience and mindset to hang around him.


Following his adventures, Dead Wind started realizing he had a certain responsibility not only towards himself, but also the world. Once again he tried to adapt a superhero personality, but utterly failed to realize his own impossible requirements for heroism. Returning to his mercenary ways he was employed by warlords and criminal kingpins around the world, all while the UN tried to pamper Magneto into playing by peaceful rules. Magneto came to Wade and played to his mutant origins, although in a fit of uncommon clarity and common sense, he rejected the notion of being a mutant and told Magneto to fuck off. However, Magneto wasn't an idiot and had brought money in case he couldn't manipulate Dead Wind in the usual way.

Picking up the banner of Genosha, Dead Wind carried out several missions around the world, mostly petty attacks and assassinations of people opposing mutant equality and enforcing pogroms against Homo Superior. However he did several missions where he recovered strange machinery and robotic parts. Far too late he realized that Magneto had assembled an army of Sentinels and upon that conclusion he decided he didn't care, the pay was just a bit too good to turn down. As the time closed to the attack on Washington DC, he went AWOL with all his money and settled in the wilderness of the US. The day the news came that the President of the United States had been killed in the battle and Apocalypse had arrived to the scene, there was a Bea Arthur marathon and he was all too occupied with that to take notice. It wasn't until about a week later when the door to his log cabin was kicked in that he did. After an astonishing battle with joint US and Canadian military, he was captured and flown to Washington DC, where he was interrogated by CIA Agents. The interrogations surfaced in nothing, however payment would and much was learned of Magneto's covert operations around the globe before the Sentinel Attack.

Although he hoped for a full pardon, it was decided that Dead Wind AKA Dea M Smith was a far too dangerous individual to let loose in the mercenary market again. Instead he was forcefully recruited to the X-Force, A team like the X-Men where the US Government hopes to keep him in line and "on the right side". So far, none of the current X-Force agents have made contact with Dead Wind and few wish to do so after reading his file.
He is but i took his name out and add a few things. lol. I hope you dont mind if so i can just do a other one from the start. lol I add an age a home place and a few other things. I hope that doesn't mean it's no good. lol I mean yes Deadpool is cool but I didn't want to role play him. As a Canon so i took his name and a few other things out that made him up and add my own twist to it. by not having him a Canon and a pure ic bio.
Well it's good but I find it tasteless to do something like that. That just comes off as lazy to me.
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