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Nov 27, 2010
Wouldn't you like to know?
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Being a bitch...
                                Is considerably easier then being nice about things, or at least it seems that way. Because when you're a bitch it's reallllly easy to say 'fuck you' and move on with your life. Yep, just like that. Or at least that's what it's like from the outside looking in. As much as I would love to be a bitch and say fuck you to a lot of people, a lot of people and the petty shit they go through that they like to make a big deal about, I can't be. Oh no, there is something in me some where, or maybe it's programmed inside of me somewhere which is why I can't stop, that just has to be nice to people, that has to hear them out even if the stuff they're saying is complete and total bullshit, that keeps me from slapping them in the face and saying 'get over yourself'. But maybe that's a good thing? Some how? Can someone tell me how? I mean sure, being nice to people and hearing them out is good for that person, it allows them to get shit off their chest that they could possibly hold in and all that other crap. But what does it to for me? Well, it leaves my mind full with a bunch of stuff I probably didn't want to know in the first place and only makes me worry. It makes me loose sleep, concentrate on things I shouldn't, and so on and so forth. There is nothing good about being helpful towards other people. Except for the satisfaction of knowing you've helped someone and all the emotional bagage that comes with it, and at the end of the day for what ever reason, that's enough for me.
Altruism is pretty much a community survival trait. When people are altruistic towards others they tend to be lauded by others within their own community. So not only by listening to problems do you get a sense of personal satisfaction but you also rise in social status within your own community.
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Who were the framers of the Constitution?
                                I don't really care. I don't. At all. In the least. And yet this is one of the many pointless things I must know for my AP Government midterm. I've been up for the past three days trying to finish this packet and it's made my mind go numb. Numb I tell you! There are those days where I wonder why in the world I took this class in the first place. Yes it's a college credit and yes the people in it won't make me want to throw a book across the room but dear lord, it's not a class for procrastinators and I am, in fact, without a doubt, a procrastinator. That side of me and the over achiever side of me duke it out constantly, one of those times being now. Finish this packet because its due tomorrow or go to sleep and get some well deserved rest? Hmm....

                                Ungrateful little...
                                Siblings are a pain in the ass. It doesn't matter how much you do for them, the fact that you give into their every demand even when you say no, that you comfort them when they're down, and what ever the hell else there is. The bottom line is they're ungrateful little buggers. Things don't go their way and they turn on you. You stick your foot down and say no, and actually mean it, and they run and tell mommy. Or maybe that's just me. I'm sure it is actually, I'm a bit of a push over. I swear my brother and step-brother make me want to move in with my dad some times, or at least when they're annoying 100 times more then usual and I have a bunch of other stuff on my plate. But he's an ass hole, a stupid one at that, so maybe my grandma would be the better choice. Eh...she's to clean. Doesn't matter how many options I have or what I say because I know I'm going to keep my ass right here, at least for the next couple of months, then it's college time and I'm getting kicked out whether I want to stay or not.

                                Come on little letter!
                                Come on VCU letter, come to my mail box! And you to Canon camera that-I-still-don't-know-the-model-of-but-I-know-you're-a-T-something!
                                Mommas waiting and it's making her all nervous and stuff. Don't do that to her. ;_;

                                I have to sound like a nut job right now. <( ' ' )>
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Oh I hate it when they make a good character -insert race here-.
                                Oh you silly peoples of the interwebs, how silly you are. So I feel the need to say that I'm a bit of a dork, I love watching most super hero cartoons when they come out, so Justice League, The Batman, Batman Beyond, all that good stuff and more, and then the newest super hero cartoon, Young Justice. So I look up stuff about it on the interwebs, discussions mainly as I do like to read them, and I find a lot of oh I can't understand why the made Aqua Lad black he was fine the way he was, why'd they change his super powers, etc. Oh you silly people of the internet, they didn't make him black its a different Aqua Lad completely! Hence the hotter body and stuffles, or at least he's hotter in my opinion then the previous Aqua Lad. It's not like what M.Night Shama- well, I won't even continue to try and spell his name as I will slaughter it, with the casting of Avatar characters. That was just all wrong for soooo many reasons, skin color aside. I mean really, Zuko should have been hotter then that. Hotter I tell you!

                                I feel a little bad...
                                So as a girl with best friends there are these unwritten rules that should never be broken. What are they? If I knew all of them that would probably make my life easier but I don't, so I'm stuck just learning. -_- Anyone the one I do know is that you don't go out with your best friends ex, it's just weird. Especially not when she thought he was cheating on her with you in the first place, but that's long before you and her were friends to being with and she wanted to punch you in the face before she even really knew you. >.> Or is that just me and my friends?

                                Anyway my friends ex asked me to go to the movies with him via e-mail and I just kinda...ignored it. I didn't know what to say, though no probably would have been the appropriate answer. This is the last time I said no to a reallllly good friend over something like that our relationship wasn't quite the same. Now it's just weird, but in a good way, still weird though. Even though he's said nothing about it, as I see him every day, I still feel kinda bad for not saying anything at all. Meh...
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Tomorrow~
                                I will officially be returning to roleplaying tomorrow. Midterms, snow, power outages, and the continuing of midterms, are officially over. If I owe you a reply you will have it tomorrow or Satuday. One or the other, but probably tomorrow.

                                Finally, my brain can be free again!

                                Thank you for not only screwing up your life, but mine to.
                                My cousin is an idiot. An IDIOT! Here are a list of reasons why:
                                1. She's 14 years old, a minor. She stays in the house by herself while her mom works crazy hours [2am-5pm if not more] so she can have what ever the hell she wants. Her mom comes home one day and finds a guys wallet there. She's not suppose to have boys in the house when her moms not home.
                                2. The guy that was in the house came back for the wallet, he's 20. 20.
                                3. So my aunt calls my mom, my mom comes over there, and pretty much gives her a spanking. When your 14 can it still be called a spanking? Dunno.
                                4. My cousin goes to school the next day my cousin goes to school and decides to put on a show. She's crying, balling, gets sent to the guidance. There she says my mom 'beat' her and she calls CPS. For those of you who have never played Sims or you just don't know what that is, it's Child Protective Services.
                                5. Next day, today, my aunt calls and tries to explain what happened. So because the guy was 20 and it broke a house rule that did give my aunt, or in this case my mom, the right to discipline her how ever she sees fit. But because it left a small mark it is then considered abuse.
                                - My cousin bruises like a banana. Seriously. Hit her a little hard in the arm one day and she was red for a week. u_u
                                6. Because of this CPS is going to assess my aunt for the next 45 days. My mom can't see my cousin for the next 60 days. If CPS tries to press charges my mom will get charged for child abuse and my aunt failure to protect. If the charges go through my aunt looses her clearance and her job, my mom works for a government contractor so she'll lose her processing clearance and possibly her job.

                                Ugh....I'm pissed. You get a spanking and you put on a show like that? You call CPS? Seriously? You brat! Your mom gets you anything and everything you want, she never disciplines you even if you're wrong, and you get a little spanking and you act like you were seriously hurt? Yes your bottom was sore, a little red but that's it. No welts, no studded belt, no skin torn, nothing. I've seen kids who's parents don't give a damn about them, that abuse them emotionally and physically, you aren't one of them. You were never one of them and you won't ever be.

                                Angry girl is angry.
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Well I got my letter.
                                Well I got my VCUarts letter, Virginia Commonwealth University's art program, and unfortunately I didn't get in. Which sucks. Sucks hard considering that was my number one choice. But as much as I want to cry my eyes out, even though I did that a little bit anyway, it's ok. I got accepted into other schools, my second choice wants me [Old Dominion University], and it's near the beach. I do like me some board walk food. <3 And I guess it's a better environment for a photography major anyway as the beach is an ever changing place. But that could just be me trying to make myself feel better about all of this.



                                Nope, no more crying! I'll be fine! Obviously that just wasn't the place for me and I'm ok with that. <3
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Seriously?

                                So Katsucon is on Friday and I can't wait! I love going to anime conventions, partially because I love the atmosphere and because they make me feel normal for once in my life. Ah, so sad that they're only for three days. Well...maybe not, I'm sure some people would spend rent there if it lasted that long. >.> Anyway, this year I'm excited because I'm hopefully going with my new camera [it's still not here yet] and I plan to go to photoshoots and snap my little heart out. <3 Even so there's something I'm minorly annoyed about.

                                My younger brother is going.

                                The kid, or well not kid as he is 14 but he acts 5 on a good day, gets on my nerves and can barely, or well rarely, compose himself around regular people, truth be told I'm a bit embarrassed to go out with him and won't if I don't have to. So him at an anime con? Oh dear lord. But that's not what really bothers me as I'm well aware that I can handle it. That and he won't be in my group. I hope. What bothers me is the fact that he's <i>allowed</i> to go.

                                Report cards came out last week. I have all A's and B's for my quarter grades, semester grades, and exam grades. The only thing is I have two C's but those are on exams. But over all still not to bad. My younger brother on the other hand? Two D's when it came to his grades this quarters, he got D's on three exams and F's on two of them, and then he has three D's when it comes to semester grades. I get threatened to stay home from Otakon is my room isn't clean and he gets to go to Katsucon with eight bad grades? Seriously? <i>Seriously?</i>. I work my butt off all school year to get good grades so I can be allowed to do stuff and he gets grades like that and he still get's to go? What in the world! I'm just blown at that. Blown I tell you!

                                If I got grades like that before a con I would be chained to a chair having books shoved down my throat the entire con weekend. But he gets no punishment? He still gets to go? He gets to enjoy himself like that? I hate to sound hateful but I'm just angry!

                                -rant over-

Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Sorry guys
                                Or well, apologies to anyone that I may have been snippy or nasty to over the weekend, that is assuming you read this. I was just not in a good place on Thursday emotionally. I was pissed off at my mom and then that some how grew into feelings that had me questioning my self worth and a bit on how useless I was, or well, how she was the only person that could really make me feel such a way, like nothing I ever do reallly matters even when I try. I'm pretty sure it's because I was pissed off over something little that had to do with neither of those two things and then with everything else that happened this month or is happening was already in a pretty huge pile that was my tipping point. I guess so anyway. But think I'm better now. Walking around at Katsucon has left me a little to tired to be angry at anything and the cold wind smacked the angsty feelings right out of me.

                                Well I'm in.
                                I got into R.I.T in New York which is my second choice college, so I should be extra excited. And yet some how, some way, I'm not. Wait, it could be because my step-dad is telling me I can't go unless I prove that I'm 'New York' to him and that's that, and my moms not saying anything to disagree with him. My thing is, the two of you pushed me to apply for this school. If not for you I wouldn't have heard of it or applied. So I apply, I wait, and I get in, and now you tell me that I can only go if I act a certain way and do certain things? No, that's unrealistic. Or at least, to me. Yes New York is completely different from Virginia but I'm not going to change anything I do because of it. Heck no. I'm going to go and be the awesomest person I know I can be; me. Unchanged, weird, and apparently small enough that all my little actions are adorable.

                                Yeah, sounds about right. I'm not going to change myself based on my environment. If my environment changes me that ok, but I don't want to change for it, in my opinion I shouldn't have to.
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Well this sucks.

                                I'm sick. -_- I just had this awesome weekend but I'm sick as a dog because of it! But I guess that's what I get for walking around in a rather short dress without a coat or scarf all for the sake of making sure my cosplay looked alright while the windchill had to be something like 30, it must have been moving anywhere from 20-45 miles per hour [as it shook large trucks and cars while we were driving and pushed me down quite a bit while I was walking ] and I was near the water. Ugh, I feel like crap. @.@ I wonder if anyone else in my group feels like this? I hope not. -_- But thanks to this sickness I'm probably going to have to postpone my NY conversation with my rents, or at least until I can talk clearly and without coughing my lungs out. That and the conversation I should probably have with my dad some time soon. But that one may be able to wait as that man pisses me off to no end.

                                Daddy dearest
                                Anyone ever read the poem Daddy by Sylvia Plath? If so all that animosity she held towards her father can pretty much sum up how I feel about my dad, except mines not dead as well as a few other minor things. If not well, read it, it's a great poem and she's a great poet. Anyway I have a list a mile long of issues I have with my dad but for the past couple of years I've been hesitant to tell him any of them.

                                For example, I would love to tell him he made a seriously fucked up decision by deciding to get married the day after the anniversary of my mom burying my younger brother, which was the day after her birthday so she was already kind of edgy. Not only that but neglecting to tell his soon-to-be-wife the significance of that date leaving her clueless as to why my mom was ready to kill the two of them over a date. And that because of that decision he deserves to be kicked in a very uncomfortable place. That he's a selfish bastard who I honestly feel sorry for my mom for marrying, and that at times I regret having as a dad. Not only that but he makes me uncomfortable to a rather large extreme for a number of reasons. When ever he comes to visit I feel like I have to act a certain way, do certain things, that I can't be myself or he won't like me. But I've come to figure out recently just why I was afraid to tell him any of these things or the countless other things I want to tell him.

                                I'm afraid of him pushing me away even more even more then he already does. Of him cutting off all ties with me. Though I've come to realize that in all honesty it doesn't matter. He rarely ever calls, doesn't visit, and for the past...I want to say anywhere from eight to nine years, hasn't been in my life in anyway, shape, or form. He's never been to a band concert, a play, an honor roll breakfast, doesn't know the names of any of my teachers and hasn't in year, I'm pretty sure he doesn't know that I'm in an honor society or the editor of an award winning magazine, and aside from the fact that I like anime and a female doesn't know the first thing about me. So we're barely connected and if that final string gets cut then oh well. It's his own fault.

                                Now if I can just get the courage to tell him all of that. I can tell everyone else in my life off, just not him. I realllly need to fix that, and soon.
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • It came!

                                My camera came! Whoot! A Canon T1i is now in my possession! I'm so happy. I've been snapping pictures all day trying to figure out how the hell to use the thing as well as the lenses that came with it. It would probably be easier if I shot in auto but I hate doing that. I want to get to know my camera so manual is the way for me. <3 But I use auto on occasion if I just can't figure out how to set some things.

                                Ok, dorky camera talk over, back to...well, I should probably reply to some things now, so I'll do that.
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Muse

                                I love and hate my muse sometimes. I love it when she decides to work with me and allows me to just post something wonderful. At the same time I hate it when she screws me over and won't let me get a single thing out no matter how badly my fingers are itching to. Oh, and then it really pisses me off when she decides to get picky with people. I can reply to one roleplay but not to others. Makes me feel like crap because I feel like I'm picking favorites or something. Then I feel bad because my names popping up all over the forum and I know the other person can see it and probably wondering 'hey, what about me?' and if they're anything like me they're feeling all, ;_;, and just thinking of the the things they could have done wrong or something...That could be me just over thinking crap like I tend to do, but what ever. This is rant isn't it? -_-

                                -Le sigh-

                                Extremely random rant over.
I know how that can be sometimes, kiddo. Besides, it's not the first time that it's happened to anyone, and it's most certain not going to be the last time, neither. What matters is taking breaks when you need to in order to refocus your energy and after a little while, you should be feeling better. I know I might get called on it with someone saying it isn't easy, but trust me on it. It'll do you wonders.

In short, get a massage, put on a set of cucumbers over your eyes, get a facial of your favorite scent, do whatever you need to do to relax. When you're ready to go again, come right on back and rip it up.
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • I've got a what?
                                A cyst. An ovarian cyst. Sounds like something out of some sci-fi movie right? Or at least that's what I thought. But apparently I have something, or may have something, called an ovarian cyst, or a cyst in my...well, ovaries. What's a cyst? Google it, because me explaining it makes me go 'bleh'. Anyway this cyst thing hurts like hell!

                                I had to go to the hospital yesterday because I was having some extreme pain in my lower back, hips, and lower stomach the day before. Enough to make me want to cry anyway. Hurts to move, laugh, breathe, sit, lay, pretty much anything involving movement it hurts. Hell, I don't have to do anything and it still hurts! It's a little better today but now my back hurts again and I'm not doing anything except laying in my floor. -__- So for anyone who roleplays with me and reads this well, I may be slow these next few days. Hopefully this thing goes away and allows me some peace of mind soon. Until then I realllly don't want to go to school tomorrow because carrying my back pack is going to make me cry. Or well, I'll want to cry, unfortunately it's hard for me to do so because I rarely cry over physical pain no matter how bad it is, so I probably won't.

                                Come on body, heal!
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • I feel violated
                                Grant it, I was violated yesterday but that doesn't change the fact that I still feel violated. I had to back to the hospital yesterday due to some very weird, very bad symptoms, where they did the following, in order:

                                Blood Drawing
                                Pushing on my tummy which hurt
                                Pelvic exam
                                Taking a very large, very disguising pill

                                Please note the fourth one. I HATE pelvic exams. They are uncomfortable and leave me feeling sooooo violated. So violated. Now if we go to the first to it's simple enough for me to say that I hate needles. I hate them with a passion. So having my blood drawn AGAIN, they did it the day before, I don't know why they needed another sample, and an IV? Just throw spiders into the room and boom, the making of the worst doctors trip in history. They did give me medicine though, like five bottles, I felt like a damn druggie walking out of that hospital, and it helps with the pain and various other things. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to make it though school next week seeing how three of the five make me drowsy and after taking some yesterday I was sleepy from 11:30am to 8:30pm, sleeping for various hours in between.

                                Yeah, can't want to see how this works out.


                                Pokemon comes out tomorrow, I'm sooooooooo excited. I realize I sound like a eight year old but I don't care. I'm in love with the Pokemon games and I have been for years. So tomorrow at 10 am I'm limping my way over to Toys R Us, I should probably take my pain meds or ask for a ride instead, and getting Pokemon White. Every single post I've made on Facebook today has been about Pokemon in some way, shape, or form....

                                Man do I feel like a dork.

                                Dude, really?
                                Something petty was about to go here but then I changed my mind.
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Sleepy

                                I'm soooo sleepy right now. Bleh.

                                Just wanted to say that. In other news I am getting better in some aspects. Doesn't hurt to walk anymore but there are those time were my legs like 'Haha. No.' and decided to start hurting really badly if I walk, that or in my ribs or stomach some where. But I'll take that over the constant pain any day.

                                So hopefully I'll be back to normal soon. Being ill like this sucks.
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Scared

                                Generally, I don't think much about the future. Or well, not years and years into the future, more like a couple of months ahead, like to graduation and what not. But I don't think about what it'll be like when I have a family, this is me assuming that I will have a family to begin with because I some how find a guy that 'fits' with me, I don't think about the kind of guy I want to be with, I don't think about marriage at all really, and I most certainly don't think about having kids. Yet, upon reading this article it got me thinking and honestly I'm scared.

                                As mentioned I don't think about having kids, I'm not entirely sure that I even really want them but I'm not opposed to the thought of having them. I like kids, I like babies. I have friends who don't like either and think they're weird and bug eyed and I can see where those thoughts come from but I don't share them. I love cuddling a baby into my chest and hearing them laugh, I love playing with them, I get some strange enjoyment out of sitting little kids down and going over their ABC's with them no matter how much they don't want to. But at the end of the day those kids aren't my kids. I have a bond with them, but it's not a mother daughter bond or a mother son bond. While I'm more then happy with waiting quite a few years to have this bond [as I'm 18 and I have no desire to get pregnant as I'm still trying to figure out how to take care of me, like hell I can do well with another person] I'm actually afraid of the bond I could hold with my child, or lack there of. On one hand I'm pretty sure that I can come of have an excellent bond with my child, that I can love him or her. But then there's that part that scares me that people don't think about all that often, that I won't bond with my child or care for them the way I should.

                                At the end of the day I can be one of three things; A kind caring person, a bitch, or emotionally distant. It's those last two that I worry about being to my child in the instance that I can't form some kind of bond or connection. My parents divorced when I was little and as not to try and burden my mother, as my father decided to move to Texas and 'finish out school' fucking lair, but anyway, if I was feeling a certain way I would keep it bottled up. Eventually it got to the point where I would just shut myself away from people so they couldn't make me feel anything or hurt me in anyway. I was about eight then. Even so I still have those days or weeks where I'm just a recluse to people. But then I turned either 12 or 13 and that's when the bitch came about. Suppressing my emotions for so long created this side of me that's just plan nasty to other people. It caused me to be less then civil to people as well as other things and as a result as crippled some of the relationships I have now. Like with my step brother, I don't really have a bond with him. Worse then that I treat him like crap. Or well, I use to. Everything I said to him was....well, not nice, my tone was even worse. It's been a couple of years now and I'm better, I try not to be angry at him or nasty to him because he's done nothing, but hearing his voice and seeing him smile still make me cringe and want to kick it off his face. Yes it is horrible, yes it's bad, and I feel like a bad person for feeling that way but I'm working on it, or trying to.

                                But if I can treat people that I've known for years that way how in the world am I going to treat a little new comer that just kinda...Well, I won't say that just showed up outta no where because they'll come from some where, but still. Either way I'm afraid of not being able to bond, of treating them coldly because I know that I'm capable of it. Some where in that womans post, though I believe she edited it as I can't find it but a lot of people quoted it:

                                “when I think it wouldn’t be so bad if I lost my daughter, as long as I never had to lose my son”

                                It scares me to think that there's some possibility I could feel this way. That I don't bond with another person who's apart of me, who's my flesh, my blood, my soul, enough to the point where if I lost them it would be ok. Scares the shit out of me. But it's possible. And it's the possibility the worries me.

                                -End rant here as AP gov homework won't do itself-

Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • Meh

                                People piss me off sometimes. Or well, to be specific, parents piss me off sometimes. To be even more specific my mom and my step dad. My dad does to, but this time my current frustration has nothing to do with him. Nope. Instead it's my mom, who's pretty much ignoring me and then going off and saying things because she thinks I'm angry at her. Not only that but because I was being 'disrespectful' to my step dad and had an attitude with the both of them.

                                Now, she assumes such because I was pretty pissed off on Sunday when she picked me up from my aunts house. I wanted to go to the mall to get a pair of shoes as they were the last pair left and we were supposed to be meeting with a friend of mine and her mom to talk about spring break. Mall closes at 6. She gets there at 5. We don't leave until 5:30. Now I'm ok with this and could actually care less. My mom is late picking us up from places all the time when we want to do things and this wasn't the first or last time. What I was angry about was the fact that I had called my step dad to ask him if she was still at the house shortly before she arrived and he gave me a bunch of sarcastic, curt, and down right rude replies, which pissed me off. Does my mom know this? Nope. So she assumes I'm just out lashing at him for no reason, and I'm not. He was being an ass, he's still being an ass, and I'm replying to anything he says to me in the same tone of voice he talks to me in. She wants me to apologize to him but I don't think I'm going to. Or if I do I probably won't mean it as I really didn't do much wrong.

                                75 days
                                Are there really only 75 days until I graduate? Really? Seriously? My mind is blown at such information! And that counts weekends and breaks by the way. But still it's...amazing. Time flies by so quickly and I don't think I want it to. Not saying I want to stay in high school but if things slowed down a bit that would be great.
Rantings of a Short Person​

                              • One month, just one month is all I want

                                For things to be normal in my life. Or hell, not even normal, just calm. Calm would be nice. Because this month, or well on Monday so last month, a series of things happened. Not even a series actually, just two.

                                1] My younger cousin, he's fifteen, was found with weed. Don't know the details of that but I do know his parents are FAR from happy.
                                2 ] My younger female cousin who I ranted about 12 posts ago did the same thing, again. Except this time it wasn't a 20 year old guy in the house but instead a boy from her old neighborhood who lives in a completely different zip code and a good thirty minutes away that she wasn't allowed to see. As far as I know he's one of the reasons her mom moved in the first place. But her mom came home and guess who was there?

                                So they fought, she ran out, my aunts upset, and now she's thinking about leaving school to stay at home with her. She only has a year left to go! A year! She's worked this hard for about four years now, she can't give up now! My step-dad recommended getting a baby sitter but honestly I see that doing more harm than good. Truth be told I told my mom she should move in with us for the new school year today. She's going to be a freshman in high school then and honestly high school is a completely different kind of mind fuck experience. Especially freshman year. I'm going to be away at school anyway at that point so....yeah.
True, but I would hate for this to end up being like one of those stories I hear in school all the time. Tried this, then experimented in that, and did some other stuff, now I'm mixing stuff, and just...yeah. I mean, it's not as bad as it could have been as he could have had meth or cactus juice. Or well, a certain type of cactus juice, I forget what it's called but had a very interesting conversation about it at lunch once time.

As far as height goes five feet and a half.

The half is only important because it makes me feel a littttle bit taller. u_u
Ha! Cactus juice. I just laughed so hard I had to wipe a tear from my eye. That's dumb. Cactus juice. Hehhehheh. Although, admittedly, I knew some kids in my area who extracted a psychoactive chemical from canary reed grass.

When I first read that I went, "Five feet and a half? That's not short for a girl." Then it clicked. Half an inch. I'm nearly a foot taller than you. How's it feel to be fun sized?

Canary reed grass? Well ok then.

It's pretty great actually. I'm the first to get awwed at, cuddly, I make it through large crowds easily, I fit into some pretty tight places, and I get into movies at kid prices depending on how I dress that day. I got a toy at the Wall-e movie. Though on the other hand I'm generally the arm rest, cuddly thing, first person to get groped, pushed through car windows, undressed in public places as there isn't all that much to take off.

So's some stuff.

How's it feel to be a care bear?
It's kind of uncomfortable that you're the first person to get groped and get into movies at kid's prices depending on how you dressed on a given day. Just sayin'. Creepy. Also; undressing in public spaces. You do this a lot? I had a no idea.

Being a care bear was interesting. Coming up with fifty-four prohibited actions and what-not was more entertaining. Calling people on contractions in chat was hilarious. All told, I had a good time. Some others did not.
It's not that I do it a lot, I just have some weird/hands on/comfortable touching and undressing people friends. I love them though, even if they do unhook my bra in the middle of class. I would say try, but generally they some how manage to do it anyway. As far as the movie thing goes I just have a baby face, which generally the only reason I can tell creeper people that ask some way to straightforward things when they don't even know my name that I'm a few years younger than I am.

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I know I enjoyed reading the rules, though my favorite had to be having sex withing fifteen yards of a body of water, and orange people. When I did decide to be a chat creeper for awhile it seemed a lot of people were happy with the no sex with orange people rule.
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