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Moxxie Metal

Mad Moxxie Syn

Dec 8, 2010
Seeing as I got my computer and youtube to cooperate I can now post links to my songs which I have uploaded to youtube. I will update it whenever I get the chance, and I of course welcome comments and such on here. It's all guitar, there are no vocals or drums. For our first song we have Dark Obsession II. Why "II" you ask, well...I don't know. I just thought it sounded cool.

Click it --> Dark Obsession II Because I didn't feel like having nothing behind it I put two (reference to the name of the song) pictures. Both are of Alucard and Father from Hellsing. Enjoy~

Next --> Ephemeral Meaning The pictures for this..well one came on my computer the other is just an inverted version of it.

A side note: I will make music by request. Such as a quick little riff, or slow acoustic melody for say a flash video etc. All you need to do is PM me or reply here. I would say refrain from clogging this up but my things never seem to get clogged up so it's fine.
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