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Renegade scoundrel seeking women for adventure! But mostly sex. (Star Wars and ME)

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Dec 14, 2010
Hi Bluemoon.

As the title suggest, Cleric here is an outlaw with a very loose set of morals. Though some would argue that deep down he's really a good man, Cleric maintains that he's a bad guy; and the array of criminal enterprises he engages in would seem to support his claim. He's a liar, a cheat, a thief, a killer, an alcoholic, a spice-head... the list goes on. Most importantly, though, Cleric Onasi is a lover.

That's what has prompted this thread.

This character was created years ago, and is currently being groomed for the transition into Star Wars: The Old Republic. I've got some things in the works for him as well as a couple of longterm RPs, and those are fantastic, but there is a serious shortage of vagina for a man with such insatiable appetites. I'm turning to you, the debaucherous Bluemoon community, to help a poor scumbag like this get his dick wet.

I am primarily looking for short-term RPs over IM, though if we have a notable chemistry and a great idea then I'd be hip to doing something longterm on the forums here or something. Women of all shapes and sizes are considered, although being the vain asshole that he is, he's got a strong preference for bombshells. Alien or human; it matters not. If you're interested, we'll discuss it. All I ask is that you come to me with some kind of idea in mind. I have a few myself, and if you're completely lost for ideas then feel free to poach one; but if you come to me with something unique I'll probably be a lot more interested in you. Particularly if you come to me with a developed character in mind already, because that's always hot.

I might even accept canon characters if you seem sharp enough to pull them off convincingly.


The Princess Thing
Cleric has a bounty on his head for an ambiguous "Princess thing". Nobody knows exactly what went down, but the price for his capture is very generous. Being the badass bounty hunter that your character is, she has no trouble tracking and capturing our hero, and once in her possession there's a looong trip back to her reward. That's a lot of time for Cleric to try to convince her that she never found him.

Everybody Wins
Your character is a rival smuggler. There's a job that she and Cleric are vying for. Being that smugglers are natural deviants, a sexual bargain is struck! Whoever cums first, loses. Whether or not they actually remember there's a job at the end of their forniventure is another matter.

Generic Scene #3
Your character is a dancer in a cantina. Cleric takes a liking to her, as he often does, and proceeds to charm her into a more private place. Whether that's a room upstairs, or the alley behind the bar is up for debate. Alternatively, perhaps your character is the one that aims to seduce our roguish hero. He's got a definite soft spot for aggressive ladies.

Imperial Entanglements
There's nothing worse than getting caught. Well, except maybe getting caught by the Sith, which is coincidentally the situation that Cleric finds himself in in this scene! Perhaps your character is an Imperial Agent tasked with interrogating the brazen smuggler. Or maybe you're the big bad Sith Lord herself, who knows what to do when you want something done right. In either case; hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for an insolent attitude, and she's going to have to use everything at her disposal to break this unruly scoundrel.

Paying Debts
It there's one thing worse than getting caught by the Sith, it's getting ripped off. Unfortunately for a jackass employer, he's about to learn that there is, in fact, one thing EVEN FUCKING WORSE than that: ripping off a vengeful, hot-headed, lady-loving Corellian smuggler. In this little scenario, you would be playing said employer's wife/girlfriend/sister/daughter, and will be lovingly defiled by the spiteful scoundrel.

So, Cleric's captured again. This time it's the good guys, though, so it's cool. Your character is the guard stationed to make sure he doesn't get out of his little cell. Whether she's Republic, Corsec, or just local law enforcement, long spells without a nice, hot dicking are going to take their toll and suddenly the charming rogue is going to look all kinds of appealing.

The Package
Cleric's being paid an inordinate amount of money to transport a very special package from point A to point B. Whether that package is some wealthy dude's daughter, a wicked-hot celebrity, or any other number of situations in which he's alone on his ship with a bombshell; things are going to get sweaty.

That's all I've got for now. Most of these scenarios were tailored to Star Wars, as that's the setting he's intended to be played in. However, being that I've also got a huge hard-on for Mass Effect and the fact that Cleric's intentionally free of anything truly binding him to a galaxy far, far away; any of those scenes could be adjusted to fit into the ME universe. Rather than a Sith Lord, perhaps she's a powerful biotic, for example. Mainly, my interest in Mass Effect can be attributed to the Asari, to Tali's hips, and to Miranda Lawson's perfect ass. I'm a simple man.

I'm a lot more open to canon characters from ME, particularly:

Miranda Lawson. (My favourite, hands down. The things I would do to dat ass.)
Jack. (What can I say? She's a firecracker.)
Samara. (Her tits are enough to rival Miranada's ass.)
Aria T'Loak. (Criminals gotta stick together, amirite?)
Tail'Zorah. (I'll be careful, baby.)
Kasumi Goto. (I don't know about Jacob, but I sure like Japanese girls with a penchant for kleptomania.)
Liara T'Soni. (Chicks with power are so sexy, and who has more power than the Shadow Broker?)
Ashley Williams. (Those lips were made for sucking.)
Sha'ira. (The Asari Consort. How could she not make the list?)
Shiala and her Thorian clones. (What?)
Matriarch Benezia. (Every time I heard "Matriarch stage" all I could think was "Milf".)

I've always been particularly fond of this picture, as it is pretty accurate to something Cleric would do.

Anyway, if you're interested and you have an idea then PM me, post haste. My preferred medium of RP is over IMs (I use MSN, AIM and YIM) though I will consider PMs, or even the forum, if you're especially convincing and more interested in something longterm. In the case that you missed them the first time, my kinks are here, so let me know!

I should add that I'm in the EST timezone, and I'm usually available from midnight until about 5 or 6am. I have a bizarre schedule.

Shine on, you crazy diamonds!
Ugh, this makes me cry inside because the only sci-fi fandom I really, really know a lot about is Star Trek and I would've enjoyed playing with your character.
Free bump, I guess?
Haha, that sucks. Star Trek and I have never gotten along (though I did really dig that JJ Abrams movie) and I'm afraid that the universe has very little appeal to me. If you've got a particularly striking idea, though, we can try pounding it out in a generic sci-fi universe or something.

Anyway, just a quick bump with a tiny update. I'm now open to the idea of longterm RP over PMs or on the forum here. Preferably something story and adventure-heavy, with a healthy dose of obnoxiously hot sex on the side.
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