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New year, new post.

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Nov 16, 2009
south of heaven, north of texas.
So I figured with the start of 2011, I could cook up something new for my request post instead of dredging up the old post. I haven't been around in a while, but I figured I'll go over a few things with you.

- I'm not going to write you War & Peace with each reply, but I'd like to think you'll get a fairly healthy paragraph with each response. I don't ask for novels either. I ask that if I give you about 6-10 sentences in replies, that you give back the same. Getting only one or two sentences back after each reply can be kind of demoralizing.

- I'm understanding, but I guess the best way to say it is I'm antsy. I try not to be a bother. If I am, please just say so, and I'll be more than happy to simmer down.

- I can be cool getting to know someone ooc. If you don't want to chat ooc-like, let me know and that's good too. Anyways, those are the big ones, so let's go with what we're here for.

- Hetero only.
- I only play male humans. I'll occasionally play vampires, aliens, robots, and demons, but I'll be honest - if it has fur, I'm probably not interested. I don't want to play one, I don't want to play against one. I don't judge if you do, that's your thing and not mine.
- I'm generally flexible unless I really want something, and then at that point, I'm willing to find enough of a share to make it enjoyable for all parties involved.
- I don't mind messenger RP's. In fact, I think I tend to prefer Messenger and IM rp's, but I'm willing to RP via PMs.

That being said...

CRAVING: Mind control/hypnotism smut. Yes, there will definitely be a side heaping of plot, but not enough to totally take away from the point of the rp. I'm not out to strip your character completely of everything, but I love the idea of brainwashing to rewrite them. I once read an issue of a comic with a mind controlled character which the victim said "They said you would do this, they said I would like it - they were right. Now, they said, I must reward you". That's kind of my thinking. The girl knows what they did and has been brainwashed to enjoy the control their new master has over them. I'm not in it to completely take away from your character, but like I said, it's a start. I have a few manips made by good friends at the hypnopics collective I shared in my last thread. For the sake of things, I'll avoid posting them this time, but if you're interested, I'll share. That being said, I'll go into one last thing before I mention plot ideas.

I guess it's just me, but I'm not big on using animated/drawn characters to represent faces in the scene. If we can find real people (preferably celebs) to match up with our ideas, excellent. At least it's a good base for what we're starting.


- Character A (You) is a model posing for Character B's (Me) band's album cover. While the pictures are starting risque, a fancy little device built into some jewlery given for a few shots not only makes the photoshoot that much fun, but now Character A has been sculpted into becoming the band's first groupie and #1 fan... (I have a manip that inspired this plot)

- Character A (Me) is Character B's (You) number one fan. Character B is a young starlet who is shining brighter than ever. The big problem? Character B is a royal bitch. Now, after deciding she's too good to make nice with fans at a red carpet event, Character A has decided this next one will be different. Using a device to alter her brainwaves, Character B is about to thank A personally for being such a great fan. (I have a manip that inspired this plot. Bonus points if we can use the actual actress in the manip).

- Character A is a human that was captured in the initial invasion of earth by these humanoid invaders with a slight change (they're slightly reptilian, but this can be negotiated). After weeks of defying, she has been earmarked for special conversion and experiments by the mothership hovering over her home city. (I have a couple different manips that inspired this and could go either way on what happens to her once the initial direction is set.)

- I'm sure we can cook up something with other ideas. I have a few manips I can show, and I'm willing to chat to make it work. Questions on my biggest kinks and my rabbit hole? Check the signature.
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