Slytherin Dominance (Ruphhausin x Kiki)

KiKi Umara Death

Jan 26, 2009
It was around 8 pm when Kiki finally made it back to the Slytherin common room. She drug herself over to one of the many couches and collapsed. Oh what a day. Her classes had been hell but mainly for only one reason. As her blue eyes focused on the flickering flames in fire place she let out a sigh. Brushing her long black braid over her shoulder she thought about her main problem. This problem had a name and was in almost all of her classes. The problem was the one and only Draco Malfoy. Just the thought of him made her blood boil.

He was an arrogant self centered prick that had the mindset of "I can anything and any girl I want.". She had become the subject of this attitude. Ever since their 1st year he had been on her like no tomorrow. By now she thought he had gotten the picture that she wanted nothing to do with him. It was pretty clear to everyone else. Why wasn't it to him? This begged the question of if he liked the rejection or not. Did he get a kick out of it or something? Shaking her head she pushed the questions out of her mind and tried to relax.
Draco Malfoy liked the resistance, as he knew that it was like with a compound bow or a sling shot. The more the resistance, the further your aim can go. He was very pleased with the fact she was fighting him so hard, and he liked her more because she was doing just that. She had no idea he had arranged to be alone with her in the Slytherin rooms, but then, her knowing would spoil the surprise.

He was very quiet, watching her as she found one of the many couches and collapsed. He waited calmlly, letting her thing that she was alone to relax. That was part of the plan, as he was going to see just how much he can get her to get closer to where he knew he could get her. She was strong willed, no doubt, but he liked that. That was what made her that much more desirable to him.
Pushing all thoughts of Draco from her mind she let herself melt into the couch. It was such a delightful feeling, freeing her mind, and forgetting all her pain in the ass worries. Yeah that's what he was...A pain in the ass...Oh there it goes again. He couldn't leave her mind for one second could he? Sighing she situated herself into a laying position, draping herself across the couch in an almost elegant fashion. As she laid there she stared at the ceiling hoping this pain in the ass would stop plaguing her and leave her in peace.

But his dark gray eyes lingered in her mind. A taunting pair that stared at her from across the room everyday. So arrogant...So greedy...So...So sexy...Wait what the fuck was that last one? She groaned. He wasn't finally getting to her was he? No no she wouldn't let him. That was beneath her to let this womanizing prick get under her skin.
Draco looked her over, her body very worth the effort of the fight with her. She was totally worth it, and he was going to continue. He was a womanizer, but she was a bit different. Her resistance was arousing, and he knew underneath it she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. He moved more into the room, slowly picking up a book from one of the tables. She was totally enraptured with whatever thoughts were on her mind, and part of him knew she had to be thinking of him at least partly. He then dropped the book, knowing he was just close enough to get her attention.

"Hello, lovely Kiki. I just know you had to have been thinking of me...."
She jumped at the sound of the book hitting the floor. Jolting to attention she sat up quickly and looked around. Her ocean blue eyes fell on that of Draco Malfoy. She let out a groan of displeasure at his presence. "I thought I had gotten rid of you for today." She muttered standing up facing him. 'Don't you know when to quit?" With that she turned on her heel to make her way to her dorm room. She'd had enough of his bull shit for one day and was hardly in the mood for more of it. Sleep would be a kind relief from this torture.
Draco suddenly grabbed Kiki's arm, making her turn around as he pinned her a bit at the door. He was in the mood for the next round with her, and he smiled very wickedly. He had detected the hint of her attraction to him on more than one occasion, and he was going to push her as much as he pleased. They were not just alone, as it was very close to the weekend and they would have a good bit of time to themselves for a while.

"I never quit when I know I am right, and you do like me and want me to have you. You and I both know that is true, or you would not gotten all squeamish when I sent you that disappearing ink note about what I wanted to do with my skilled and darting tongue...."
She felt her anger coming to a full boil as he grabbed her and pinned her against the door. He was going to get killed this evening. She was absolutely sure of it. The way he was talking and acting made her think he had a death wish. She moved to shove past him when she heard his words. She inwardly blushed but her outwards appearance stayed stern. "For your information I threw that note away and thought nothing of it." She said finally moving past him. Such a liar. She had it in her trunk upstairs. But he didn't know that. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to bed." She finished.
Draco followed her, as they had a lot of privacy. He was not going to play fair, as she didn't deserve fair as that was not what dominance was.

"Really.... hmmm... that is not what the spell I put on the note has revealed to me...."

He smiled, following her still and waiting for her to respond.
Hearing his words she stopped abruptly. Her mind froze completely for a few moments before she regained her composure. "Y-You put a spell on the note. How sad are you?" She giggled shaking her head as she continued to climb the stairs. The stutter wasn't supposed to happen but she had managed to recover and throw in an insult as well. "So what did this little spell reveal to you?" She asked him.
Draco watched her go, wanting Kiki to be continually off guard. He followed her to the stairs, letting her insult wash over him as he answered her.

"The spell doesn't tell anything to the caster if the subject doesn't have hidden feelings for him or her. You are very attracted to me, or you would never have even been able to read the message at all as the ink would have disappeared before you could even read your name on the outside of it."
She turned around finally getting tired of this. He had some nerve in following her this far. She was nearly to her dorm room now and...wait...It finally dawned on her. She hadn't seen anyone all night and she wasn't hearing any sounds coming from the girl's dorm. Were they alone...Like completely alone? Among her thinking she heard his words. Stepping down a stair so that she was face to face with him she smiled. It was a bold move but maybe it would shake him up a bit. Moving forward she stopped mere inches away from him. Leaning in, her lips almost brushing against his, she spoke again.

"So what if I think you're attractive. That doesn't mean I like you." She whispered before suddenly pulling away and beginning to walk upstairs again.
He was suddenly there, grabbing her and pinning her against the wall. He was as close to her then as she had been to him moments ago.

"Who said like had anything to do with it, Kiki...."

He was then kissing her, his body pinning hers against the wall. He was making a long, slow, and thorough job of it, and relishing every moment.
She let out a surprised cry as he pinned her to the wall. She was about to make some kind of smart remark when his lips met her. After enjoying the kiss for a few moments she suddenly shoved him away. "Is that how you get everything you want?" She asked before pushing him against the opposite wall. Grabbing a hold of his tie she smiled. "You just take it? I wish I could get things that way." She muttered before kissing him back. Upon pulling away she nipped at his bottom lip.
Draco responded, his hands moving on Kiki's body. He fondled her through her uniform, his hands finding and pushing up her skirt. He kneaded and squeezed her ass, loving the feeling of her cheeks in and under his hands. He nibbled on her lips too, letting her know that he was into what she was doing.
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