Avatar: The Last Airbender rp (Stormgale)


Dec 8, 2010
As the day drew to a close, the Avatar gang set down to camp. Appa glided into a forest clearing, Aang bounding off before they had even landed. As they touched down Sokka gathered their gear and slid down Appa's tail. Katara dismounted gracefully and set to finding firewood for the camp as Sokka stalked the perimeter. Deeming it safe, he began to set up their tents. Toph, of course, just stomped the ground, summoning a rock cave enclosure for herself. "G'night."

Katara sighed. She was getting tired of all this. Running from the Fire Nation, always seeming to be one step behind their plots. At least they had the Avatar, she thought, turning toward Aang...and seeing him playing childishly with Momo, stuffing their faces with fruit.

She wandered further from the campsite, pretending to look for more fire wood, but really just needing some time alone to think. After a while they all just drove her nuts and she couldn't stand it.

Katara sat down on a boulder next to a swiftly flowing river, not realizing how far away she had really wandered. Watching the current, she fingered her mother's necklace, sighing and thinking of home. Would she see Grangran again? Would her father come home, alive?
Zuko kept to himself mostly, sitting at the edge of camp as he kept the first watch, the fire gently lighting him... casting long shadows as he looked around.

He had everything once, a nation he would rule... a family, a sister... now he was on the run and alone, i mean hell He could still hear Sokka's breathing as he stayed up to keep tabs on him, he was alone here.

He stood, dismissing most of the fire with a motion as he let the darkness shroud him, leaving himself to his thoughts.
Katara looked up at the moon, a slender crescent in the distance, casting just enough light to see by.

She continued to sit on the large boulder, sure that, by now, nearly everyone would be fast asleep. Did they even wonder where she was? Where she had gone? She was certain Aang had feelings for her and Sokka was her brother, so supposedly they would, but she didn't see anyone out looking for her. How long had she been gone? It had to be closing in on an hour.

Still, she decided it wasn't time to return to the campsite. Sitting on the boulder, she looked back into the river. Bending always made her feel better...at least when she did it correctly. She stood, moving her hands in smooth, liquid movements, shifting her stance. Her hand whipped out, causing a slender vein of water to lift from the river as if it had grown a watery tentacle. She twirled, moving her hands over her head before bowing down, letting the tentacle rain back down to rejoin the current.
He sighed, the girl had been gone a while and hadn't returned... he guess he would have to look for her.

Snuffing the fire with a quick motion, moving through the woods with practices ease... the half light barely phasing him as he moved towards the river. HE followed it down, eventually seeing her perched on a rock "You shouldn't be out this late alone" he said, voice firm like the prince he was.
Katara jumped, startled by the sudden voice. She turned, the moon putting her face in shadow.

"Oh please. Don't try and act like you care. You're still Fire Nation. Your people killed my mother. I know what you really are Zuko, you can't fool me. Now leave me alone."

She turned back to the swift flowing river, her anger turning the churning foam on top into ice and tufts of snow.
"As you wish" he said disinterestly "Just make sure you get back to camp soon" he said, voice as cold as the snow she was making
Katara ignored him. Zuko was nothing, he was less than human. At least human beings knew when they did something wrong. She didn't care, he was nothing but a nuisance and she hated that Aang and Sokka had welcomed him so quickly, even Toph taking his side.
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