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Brother looking for a sister

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Oct 31, 2010
I'm looking for your sister to play opposite my brother for a long-term,literate RP. They will be romantic towards each other,as they love each other dearly,but they will also be very sexual,as in whatever your kink is,I'm OK. (Except for other guys.) My guy is very anal-centric,so she should be as well.You need to be able to go with the flow and write convincing dialogue. Our characters will be unpredictable, just as we are.

I don't demand perfection,as I can't offer it,but I do want at least a paragraph or two of well written,and spelled ,dialogue. Preferably more.

If you get bored or won't be posting for longer than a day,for God's sake,tell me. I don't care how long you'll not be posting,I just hate to be wondering if you're going to post again.. I won't leave you hanging,please don't do so to me.

If you think this is something you'd like,check out my f-list. I'm pretty easy about what I will and won't do, so ask away. As far as an initial plot, I'll come up with something,you can offer something,or we can create something .

Thanks for reading...

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