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I'll give you anything, everything if you want things.

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Jan 20, 2009
There are few who deny, at what I do I am...fairly decent. I can be quite literate as its called when its necessary. I can do plot, I can do smut, my list of RP's speak for themselves. However they all die, eventually. The longest I've had on BMR was well over a year before my partner left the site for various reasons.

In any case, I can do any plot, any pairing I am presented with. I will confess though, tedium will lead to a diminished response time as I look over and over for ways to lead in a better direction and likely ultimately surrender to the monotony.

I prefer playing males but I am quite flexible.

I don't have a rabbit hole, or an F list. I deal with almost every topic without flinching as I enjoy the challenge and am open to new things. I figure, why not have someone propose the idea and then work from there? Its worked rather well for me and I have several RP's I've rather enjoyed as a result. Reply here, or pm, either or will do.

I have little interest in RPing over messenger unless we've gotten to know each other rather well since I rarely ever check them.
RE: I'll give you anything, everything if you want things.

Same deal pretty much, any plot any pairing, god this ennui is killing me.
RE: I'll give you anything, everything if you want things.

Changed top post to something more...palatable I guess.
RE: I'll give you anything, everything if you want things.

Anansi said:
Changed top post to something more...palatable I guess.

I love 'BIKE'!!! :heart:
RE: I'll give you anything, everything if you want things.

I keep starting and keep falling flat. Oh well, I'll try again
Its that time again where my RP partners have gone off to do their things and I'm left with nothing to entertain or divert me. Any takers?
Would you be interested in a roleplay that doesn't include sexual scenes?
Its the same as last time, I've lost all my partners to time, school, or various other things. One of whom I lost to my own lust after seducing her though she said she had a bf. I have poor impulse control when it comes to attraction I guess. So as per usual, I'm up for pretty much anything and since I have more free time now I can guarantee my replies won't diminish like they have in the past.
Hhmm I've somehow lost all of my RP partners in a relatively short amount of time, and none of them are replying. I wonder if I'm just that offputting?
I've got voodoo, I've got hoodoo, I've got things I ain't even tried.
I guess its about that times again, I kept a few private rps going for a number of months and now that they are dead I resume my search. Any takers?
I have plenty of plots I would like to try, check them out!
Met the Ghost of Stephen Foster at the Hotel Paradise
This is what I told him as I gazed into his eyes

....I'm bored and wouldn't mind some more RPs.
I have since my last posting found several partners, some have lasted whereas others have left. As such I've found my thirst once again coming to the forefront. Any takers?
I've lost several partners in several months, ESO has its hooks in me deep. However now I have a more reliable schedule as well as a somewhat handle on my...addiction. Up and ready to play with any comer.
I have once again one dedicated rp, which I adore but I do wish to dabble in others. I'm down for more or less anything so long as it is interesting.
I guess I'll put this back up. I currently have one RP in a vaguely middle eastern setting and another involving a former assassin. The others have stagnated or died and frankly I'd love to take on new partners, doing, frankly whatever.
Would be interested if you could play a reverse harem to my kinda calm mostly tsundere girl character
I guess I'm still at this RPing thing. Just got 1 for now but why not try to add some more overall. Still open to pretty much anything so long as it can keep my interest which I don't think is very hard.
It would seem once again I've lost a good deal of my RP partners save for 1. Could be that I am the problem, could be that folk just got busy, in any case I'm free to do more RP's now.
Still down for whatever, kind of have a bent towards video games at the moment particularly the Witcher Series.
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