Harry potter, and a not so happy fairy tale

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Nov 30, 2010
At the end of the war, Harry Potter married Ginny Weasley, like everyone expected him to. As much as he loves his wife, something is missing. And when she's revealed to have been having a affair for the last 2 years, his world collapses.

Enter Mistral Thanatos, a slytherin for London, Mistral can't help but find herself surrounded by the legend of the boy who lived. A model after the war, she gave her life a sudden change when she took up the study of law, and in the 5 years since she graduated, she hadn't found a case she couldn't win, or a man she couldn't seduce.

When the Savior of the Wizarding World approaches her, to hire her as his divorce lawyer, she finds that her world turned upside down as she faces a truth about herself that she hadn't known.

This is a story that tells of a happily ever after that didn't end so well, of a love unlooked for, and a secret that can't stay buried forever.

Yes, there is a OC, and there will be sex somewhere down the line, but a mostly plot oriented story...message me if you're interested.
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